What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

1. CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to Part II, concluding that the Anti-Injunction Act does not bar this suit.

2. CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concluded in Part III–A that the individual mandate is not a valid exercise of Congress’s power under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause. Pp. 16–30.(a)

3. CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concluded in Part III–B that the individual mandate must be construed as imposing a tax on those who do not have health insurance, if such a construction is reasonable.

4. CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to Part III–C, concluding that the individual mandate may be upheld as within Congress’s power under the Taxing Clause. Pp. 33–44

. . . . http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-393c3a2.pdf

Dumb ass the commerce clause was the argument used for the mandate to buy obamacare it was shot down, and found unconstitutional. you keep forgetting that part it does not matter
Not 'the' argument used, but one of two arguments used. :lol:


"The Government advances two theories for the proposition that Congress had constitutional authority to enact the individual mandate. First, the Government argues that Congress had the power to enact the mandate under the Commerce Clause. Under that theory, Congress may order individuals to buy health insurance because the failure to do so affects interstate commerce, and could undercut the Affordable Care Act’s other reforms.

Second,the Government argues that if the commerce power does not support the mandate, we should nonetheless uphold it as an exercise of Congress’s power to tax. According to the Government, even if Congress lacks the power to direct individuals to buy insurance, the only effect of the individual mandate is to raise taxes on those who do not do so, and thus the law may be upheld as a tax."

What business is it of the government whether I have medical insurance or not? None, that's what. I want the government OUT of my business. Where's my "choice?" We all know the only "choices" liberals think we should have and they revolve around sex and drugs. Period. How many liberals have actually owned a business and had to pay employees and all the other overhead owning a business entails? Be interesting to see what they paid their people. The elder Kennedys were notoriously cheap and definitely would have balked at having to pay their employees a high minimum wage. For the liberals on here who want the government running their lives, move to Cuba or North Korea. You won't be able to fart without government permission.
What business is it of the government whether I have medical insurance or not? None, that's what.

I want the government OUT of my business. Where's my "choice?"

We all know the only "choices" liberals think we should have and they revolve around sex and drugs. Period.

How many liberals have actually owned a business and had to pay employees and all the other overhead owning a business entails? Be interesting to see what they paid their people.

The elder Kennedys were notoriously cheap and definitely would have balked at having to pay their employees a high minimum wage. For the liberals on here who want the government running their lives, move to Cuba or North Korea. You won't be able to fart without government permission.

Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot
What business is it of the government whether I have medical insurance or not? None, that's what.

I want the government OUT of my business. Where's my "choice?"

We all know the only "choices" liberals think we should have and they revolve around sex and drugs. Period.

How many liberals have actually owned a business and had to pay employees and all the other overhead owning a business entails? Be interesting to see what they paid their people.

The elder Kennedys were notoriously cheap and definitely would have balked at having to pay their employees a high minimum wage. For the liberals on here who want the government running their lives, move to Cuba or North Korea. You won't be able to fart without government permission.

Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot

Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not. It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself. The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

And that "you have a choice, you can buy it or the pay the penalty" - it's a punishment if you don't, that's like when you tell your kids they have a choice, they can abide by your rules or pay the consequences. You can sell heroin or go to jail, it's your choice. If that isn't the stupidest thing! A choice would be no consequences if you did or didn't. But if they did THAT, nobody would buy it. So they have to force us, to threaten us. Like North Korea. Wake up!
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What business is it of the government whether I have medical insurance or not? None, that's what.

I want the government OUT of my business. Where's my "choice?"

We all know the only "choices" liberals think we should have and they revolve around sex and drugs. Period.

How many liberals have actually owned a business and had to pay employees and all the other overhead owning a business entails? Be interesting to see what they paid their people.

The elder Kennedys were notoriously cheap and definitely would have balked at having to pay their employees a high minimum wage. For the liberals on here who want the government running their lives, move to Cuba or North Korea. You won't be able to fart without government permission.

Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot

Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not. It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself. The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

Excellent post. :clap2:
What business is it of the government whether I have medical insurance or not? None, that's what.

I want the government OUT of my business. Where's my "choice?"

We all know the only "choices" liberals think we should have and they revolve around sex and drugs. Period.

How many liberals have actually owned a business and had to pay employees and all the other overhead owning a business entails? Be interesting to see what they paid their people.

The elder Kennedys were notoriously cheap and definitely would have balked at having to pay their employees a high minimum wage. For the liberals on here who want the government running their lives, move to Cuba or North Korea. You won't be able to fart without government permission.

Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot

Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not.

It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself.

The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

And that "you have a choice, you can buy it or the pay the penalty" - it's a punishment if you don't, that's like when you tell your kids they have a choice, they can abide by your rules or pay the consequences. You can sell heroin or go to jail, it's your choice. If that isn't the stupidest thing! A choice would be no consequences if you did or didn't. But if they did THAT, nobody would buy it. So they have to force us, to threaten us. Like North Korea. Wake up!

The government doesn't work for us idiot, they represent us. We are the government. WE, not you and your 4 friends, we 'the people'

Like North Korea? The moral equivalency is imbecilic
Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot

Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not. It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself. The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

Excellent post. :clap2:

On one hand you people call them ideologues, and then you call them unprincipled seekers of power as if they had no ideology or principles that drive them

It is people like you all who are destroying the American polity. You are becoming the 'enemy within'
Wrong. The government, meaning the tax payers, end up picking up the bill when you don't have insurance. So society makes it the government's business. We the people

You have a choice of whether to buy insurance or pay the penalty.

Step out of the bubble. Most democrats who own businesses give donations to the party. stop acting like such an idiot

Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not.

It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself.

The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

And that "you have a choice, you can buy it or the pay the penalty" - it's a punishment if you don't, that's like when you tell your kids they have a choice, they can abide by your rules or pay the consequences. You can sell heroin or go to jail, it's your choice. If that isn't the stupidest thing! A choice would be no consequences if you did or didn't. But if they did THAT, nobody would buy it. So they have to force us, to threaten us. Like North Korea. Wake up!

The government doesn't work for us idiot, they represent us. We are the government. WE, not you and your 4 friends, we 'the people'

Like North Korea? The moral equivalency is imbecilic

That's how the Founding Fathers had envisioned it, but not how it's working out these days.
Obamacare just an excellent example on how they aren't representing us these days, dante
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Don't call ME any of your family names, honey. So they "give to the party" oooh I'm IMPRESSED! Again, I have worked in the healthcare field for 43 years! I KNOW how it works. I KNOW that the ERs HAVE to treat people whether or not they have the insurance. It is STILL not the government's business. AND you can't convince me that Obama, Hillary or Nancy give a rat's rear end whether any us have it or not. It is the power, that's all they care about. I never made it the government's business. Speak for yourself. The government works for US, or have you forgotten that? The government is a parasite living off of us. You don't seem too worried about the taxpayer picking up the tab for the people on welfare and other low lifes, do you? Democrats give donation to the "party" allright, that's about they are good for is a "party".

Excellent post. :clap2:

On one hand you people call them ideologues, and then you call them unprincipled seekers of power as if they had no ideology or principles that drive them

It is people like you all who are destroying the American polity. You are becoming the 'enemy within'

You need to get your head out of Obama's......ahem, echo chamber, dante.
Very few Americans are clamoring for an alternative at this point. They just want this one gone. The alternative is to simply scrap this disaster.
Very few Americans are clamoring for an alternative at this point. They just want this one gone. The alternative is to simply scrap this disaster.

The dems shot themselves in the foot trying to attain their ultimate goal of single payer by trying Obamacare. America got to see our government in action.....and it wasn't pretty.
They couldn't even get the easy part (website) done.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

How do you figure that kicking six million off their plans is helping? Have you lost your freaking mind?
Do Repubs have a bill ready to go yet dealing w/ Health care?

Newt Gingrich: Republicans Rip Obamacare, but Have ‘Zero Answer’ for Alternatives

“I would bet for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks while your members of Congress are home and you look at them in the eye and you say, ‘What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?’ and they will have zero answer,” Gingrich told state party chairs, activists, and operatives at the Republican National Committee summer meeting. “We are caught up right now in a culture – and you see it every single day – where as long as we are negative, as long as we are vicious, as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don’t have to worry, so we don’t.

“This is a very deep problem,” he added. “I’m being totally candid with you.”

He knows you can't win national elections without having positive ideas.
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quelle surprise!!! :shock: :doubt:
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to WillowTree For This Useful Post:
MeBelle60 (Today), Meister (Today)

Newt Gingrich: Republicans Rip Obamacare, but Have ‘Zero Answer’ for Alternatives


Not true...

Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate

The Gingrich Group's most prominent project is the Center for Health Transformation, a for-profit outfit Gingrich launched in 2003 that works with clients to "drive transformation" within the health care system. The center promotes numerous programs, including its "Insure All Americans" initiative, which is run by Vincent Frakes, who previously worked on behalf of pharmaceutical companies at the lobbying and PR firm Bonner & Associates.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Of late, Gingrich has had an ever-shifting position on mandates. This past spring, on Meet the Press, he noted that he has "consistently" supported "some requirement" where "you either have health insurance or you post a bond or in some way you indicate you're going to be held accountable." But quickly afterward, his campaign released a video in which the former House speaker proclaimed he was against mandates:

I am completely opposed to the Obamacare mandate on individuals. I fought it for two and half years at the Center for Health Transformation…I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional.

Gingrich neglected to mention that his Center for Health Transformation supports a mandate for anyone making over $50,000 a year.
quelle surprise!!! :shock: :doubt:
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to WillowTree For This Useful Post:
MeBelle60 (Today), Meister (Today)

Newt Gingrich: Republicans Rip Obamacare, but Have ‘Zero Answer’ for Alternatives


Not true...

Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate

The Gingrich Group's most prominent project is the Center for Health Transformation, a for-profit outfit Gingrich launched in 2003 that works with clients to "drive transformation" within the health care system. The center promotes numerous programs, including its "Insure All Americans" initiative, which is run by Vincent Frakes, who previously worked on behalf of pharmaceutical companies at the lobbying and PR firm Bonner & Associates.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Of late, Gingrich has had an ever-shifting position on mandates. This past spring, on Meet the Press, he noted that he has "consistently" supported "some requirement" where "you either have health insurance or you post a bond or in some way you indicate you're going to be held accountable." But quickly afterward, his campaign released a video in which the former House speaker proclaimed he was against mandates:

I am completely opposed to the Obamacare mandate on individuals. I fought it for two and half years at the Center for Health Transformation…I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional.

Gingrich neglected to mention that his Center for Health Transformation supports a mandate for anyone making over $50,000 a year.

You are an idiot, you don't know what a bond is?

Not true...

Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate

The Gingrich Group's most prominent project is the Center for Health Transformation, a for-profit outfit Gingrich launched in 2003 that works with clients to "drive transformation" within the health care system. The center promotes numerous programs, including its "Insure All Americans" initiative, which is run by Vincent Frakes, who previously worked on behalf of pharmaceutical companies at the lobbying and PR firm Bonner & Associates.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Of late, Gingrich has had an ever-shifting position on mandates. This past spring, on Meet the Press, he noted that he has "consistently" supported "some requirement" where "you either have health insurance or you post a bond or in some way you indicate you're going to be held accountable." But quickly afterward, his campaign released a video in which the former House speaker proclaimed he was against mandates:

I am completely opposed to the Obamacare mandate on individuals. I fought it for two and half years at the Center for Health Transformation…I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional.

Gingrich neglected to mention that his Center for Health Transformation supports a mandate for anyone making over $50,000 a year.

You are an idiot, you don't know what a bond is?

It's still the same guilty-until-proven-innocent bullshit. Newt is statist tool.

Not true...

Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate

The Gingrich Group's most prominent project is the Center for Health Transformation, a for-profit outfit Gingrich launched in 2003 that works with clients to "drive transformation" within the health care system. The center promotes numerous programs, including its "Insure All Americans" initiative, which is run by Vincent Frakes, who previously worked on behalf of pharmaceutical companies at the lobbying and PR firm Bonner & Associates.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Of late, Gingrich has had an ever-shifting position on mandates. This past spring, on Meet the Press, he noted that he has "consistently" supported "some requirement" where "you either have health insurance or you post a bond or in some way you indicate you're going to be held accountable." But quickly afterward, his campaign released a video in which the former House speaker proclaimed he was against mandates:

I am completely opposed to the Obamacare mandate on individuals. I fought it for two and half years at the Center for Health Transformation…I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional.

Gingrich neglected to mention that his Center for Health Transformation supports a mandate for anyone making over $50,000 a year.

You are an idiot, you don't know what a bond is?

Is it FREE to post a bond? Isn't the going rate around 10%? What is 10% of $50,000?

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