What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do

Only because the calculation has changed in the last couple years.

and still with that the murder rate has dropped.

Oh and according to you...England has "extreme gun control". Care to compare their gun death rate to ours? Hint...don't...you'll look more stupid than usual
More bullshit when facts slap down the narrative. Useless you just waste our time like all lying dimshits.

You use the stupidest arguments known to idiots to argue a non point constantly. You make a patently false statement and then when it is completely unsupported by facts you throw it at the wall again BZZZZZ! You are a dimshit that is enough to KNOW your posts, your labels, your ideas, and YOU are insignificant and your rants are laughable and your perceptions are only your indoctrination showing its failed agenda.
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Only because the calculation has changed in the last couple years.

and still with that the murder rate has dropped.

Oh and according to you...England has "extreme gun control". Care to compare their gun death rate to ours? Hint...don't...you'll look more stupid than usual

I take it that you are an intentional slow learner.

How many times can you ignore facts?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
That is a great post, the post jester will pump out another jem of dimshit intellectual conjuring and prove it to be wrong, (in indoctrinated dimshit minds) of course.

Facts have no place in a gun control debate, just ask a gun control advocate. It is all about control and subjugation by using emotion to conquer reason.
those 'english' wankers and others mentioned Westerners are easy meat for their imported third worlders . Its a world wide phenomena going on in the Western world to make Westerners easy meat for the third worlders .



The though of a government run by such a person willing to pay for violence against the people she claimed to want to 'rule' scares the hell out of me. Thank God she did not win!

Butt socks makes a gun very inaccurate for one, it also does not allow you to deplete an entire clip from one trigger pull the same as a automatic machine gun, so they are NOT an equivalent. Take it from a military veteran, you don’t know what you are talking about. That is the same crazy “logic” an individual would use to try and compare a Corvette to a Ferrari. Keep digging your hole deeper.

Bump stock....

If I posted the same posting, you gunnutters would be all over me like stink on a skunk. There are so many things wrong with shakles post.

I am willing to bet you have never fired an automatic machine gun. nor one with the capability to go from a Sami-Auto to an automatic, I pointed out only once, adding that the bump stock makes a gun very inaccurate, which you most likely can’t figure out why. You, on the other hand, probably got your information from some opinion piece you overheard from an anti-gun activist on a news segment. Yet from what I’ve seen of your posts on the subject, your statements suggesting that a bump stock makes a gun an automatic over and over and over again does not make any more true or accurate.
It’s the cost of freedom. People think freedom means free!
Agree, but not free to do anything. Tell the left that today, and they go crazy.

They are busy trying to end our freedoms, but don't dare try and stop their idiocy or bullcrap, because they go insane.
Again, they think freedom means free! JFK said it best. They don’t careeeee

Are you saying that I didn't help to pay for your freedoms? Your freekin freeloaders.
I think the comment was you don’t know what freedom means! You’re trying to take them

I know what Freedom is. I gave mine up to pay for yours. Most of you are just freeloaders.

My father died in the service ass wipe

An he died for absolutely nothing because Vietnam had nothing to do with the freedom of the USA and everything to do about games of political brinkmanship Just like evey was since WWII has been
Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do

Only because the calculation has changed in the last couple years.

and still with that the murder rate has dropped.

Oh and according to you...England has "extreme gun control". Care to compare their gun death rate to ours? Hint...don't...you'll look more stupid than usual
Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.
bWjo knew all then violence in Chicago is being dine using assault tuype wealpons?

Evidently you assfucks think an assault weapons ban means there are no guns,.

Wake the fuck up & put down the gun & pick up a book.

define assault weapon for us.

Not this stupid argument again

We had an assault type weapon in the past. It is not my fault you are too stupid to know about it.

If we don't type the assault 'Type" weapons, you assfucks go into a total meltdown.
words mean things so use the correct words

Everyone knows what is being discussed . Be a fucking asswipe all your life, you're good at it & I don't give a shit.
I asked you how you would prevent anyone who is not diagnosed as mentally ill or not being treated for mental illness from legally buying a gun

Then I asked you that since medical records are private and protected by a myriad of laws how would you ever know who was actually diagnosed as mentally ill?

IOW I asked you for a solution but you don't have any do you?

So you're saying that the real issue with gun violence centers around mental health...for which there is no solution (in your opinion).


We have solutions. Reduce the number of guns available.Make sure all gun purchases are done with a back ground check. Eliminates sales of assault weapons and possibly semi-auto mag fed,keep people on no fly list from buying gun...

We already have background checks for buying guns in every state. You will never be able to do background checks when one gangbanger sells a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of crack, or when a grandfather gives his shotgun to his grandson.

Magazine capacity is not the problem, large capacity mags have been available for 100 years. The problem is that we live in a culture that promotes and condones violence as a solution to political and personal issues. The entire democrat party is encouraging violence against anyone who does not agree with the dem/lib mantra, the entertainment industry is full of violence. Unless we fix our culture, this will not ever stop. the UK banned guns, now they have rampant knife crime, muslims use bombs, Russians use poison. the weapon of choice is not the problem, the problem is the people.
Funny shit coming from a Trumpette who loves it when his orange master spews violence.

If the weapon is not relevant, why do you assfucks give a shit is all guns were banned?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.
bWjo knew all then violence in Chicago is being dine using assault tuype wealpons?

Evidently you assfucks think an assault weapons ban means there are no guns,.

Wake the fuck up & put down the gun & pick up a book.

define assault weapon for us.

Not this stupid argument again

We had an assault type weapon in the past. It is not my fault you are too stupid to know about it.

If we don't type the assault 'Type" weapons, you assfucks go into a total meltdown.
words mean things so use the correct words

Everyone knows what is being discussed . Be a fucking asswipe all your life, you're good at it & I don't give a shit.
you gave enough of a shit to reply though didn't you?
bWjo knew all then violence in Chicago is being dine using assault tuype wealpons?

Evidently you assfucks think an assault weapons ban means there are no guns,.

Wake the fuck up & put down the gun & pick up a book.

define assault weapon for us.

Not this stupid argument again

We had an assault type weapon in the past. It is not my fault you are too stupid to know about it.

If we don't type the assault 'Type" weapons, you assfucks go into a total meltdown.
words mean things so use the correct words

Everyone knows what is being discussed . Be a fucking asswipe all your life, you're good at it & I don't give a shit.
you gave enough of a shit to reply though didn't you?
Stupidity & ignorance piss me off.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

So if the laws you want in place were in place, no one would be dead?

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while it was sitting on private property. I obeyed every law in place. The criminal committed 3 crimes. You gun haters blame me for following the law and excuse the criminal for breaking it. Perhaps we should have laws that say people should stay off private property where they're not invited, don't go in vehicles that don't belong to them, and don't take what isn't yours. Wait, we do and the criminal still committed a crime.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

So if the laws you want in place were in place, no one would be dead?

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while it was sitting on private property. I obeyed every law in place. The criminal committed 3 crimes. You gun haters blame me for following the law and excuse the criminal for breaking it. Perhaps we should have laws that say people should stay off private property where they're not invited, don't go in vehicles that don't belong to them, and don't take what isn't yours. Wait, we do and the criminal still committed a crime.
No one said there would be no deaths. There would be fewer & especially fewer slaughters of children.

Your idea of the dearth penalty for trespass, breaking into a car, or shoplifting belong in a third world country. Heck, you've done at least two of these & would likely be dead.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

So if the laws you want in place were in place, no one would be dead?

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while it was sitting on private property. I obeyed every law in place. The criminal committed 3 crimes. You gun haters blame me for following the law and excuse the criminal for breaking it. Perhaps we should have laws that say people should stay off private property where they're not invited, don't go in vehicles that don't belong to them, and don't take what isn't yours. Wait, we do and the criminal still committed a crime.
No one said there would be no deaths. There would be fewer & especially fewer slaughters of children.

Your idea of the dearth penalty for trespass, breaking into a car, or shoplifting belong in a third world country. Heck, you've done at least two of these & would likely be dead.

You made two claims you simply can't prove, retard.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

So if the laws you want in place were in place, no one would be dead?

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while it was sitting on private property. I obeyed every law in place. The criminal committed 3 crimes. You gun haters blame me for following the law and excuse the criminal for breaking it. Perhaps we should have laws that say people should stay off private property where they're not invited, don't go in vehicles that don't belong to them, and don't take what isn't yours. Wait, we do and the criminal still committed a crime.
No one said there would be no deaths. There would be fewer & especially fewer slaughters of children.

Your idea of the dearth penalty for trespass, breaking into a car, or shoplifting belong in a third world country. Heck, you've done at least two of these & would likely be dead.

You made two claims you simply can't prove, retard.
So, you never ever walked on someone else's property without permission and you never took anything that was not yours.

Yep, that's believable.

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