What is Trump scared of American's finding out about in his tax returns?

Why is Trump the only candidate in 50 years to not show voters his tax returns?

  • Because it will show Trump's ties to Russia and Putin

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Because it will show that Trump pays no income tax

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Because it will show that Trump is lying about his actual worth

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Because it will show Trump's dismal charitable contribution record

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
Hillary has released 30 years of tax returns. Keep up.



Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine, released a new batch of their own income tax returns on Friday, ratcheting up the pressure on her opponent, Donald J. Trump, to begin making public his own forms.

The newest tax return of Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, showed an adjusted gross income of $10.6 million for 2015, a large drop from previous years but still enough to place them in the top 0.1 percent of American households.

They paid about $3.6 million in federal taxes for an effective tax rate of about 35 percent.

From 2007 to 2015, according to returns released Friday and previously, the Clintons made a total adjusted gross income of $150 million and paid $48 million in federal taxes. In the same period they gave $16 million to charity, including $1 million last year that went mostly to their family foundation.
Why would Trump open himself up to Harry Reid LYING again about him as Reid did to McRomney in 2012 on the Senate floor where Reid is immune from any defamination law suit Trump could Press? I'm getting tired of posting videos where Reid admitted he lied from Youtube.... Why do you scumbag of the left keep bringing this up...It’s a losing position for you filth!

LOL- Tricky Trump- less transparent than Tricky Dick.

Clinton has shown voters all of her tax returns.
Tricky Trump refuses to show voters his tax returns.

His own Republican supporters are calling for him to try being honest and show his tax returns.

Of course Trumpsters don't care.

You're right, we don't care about his taxes and it makes us smile thinking you scum are all upset about it....I explained it once, you morons can either realize the truth, or shove it up your ass sideways!....you'd probly like that!

Trumpsters don't care- but Trumpsters can't elect Trump.

You need independent and Republicans- and they do care that Tricky Trump is less transparent than Tricky Dick.
Independents aren't the wild card some people think they are. Their mix pretty much mirrors those who wear their partisanship on their sleeves.

That means most are expected to help elect Hillary.
No- Tricky Trump is not Tricky Dick- Tricky Dick was more transparent- Nixon released his tax returns.

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”
So comparing trump to Nixon is worthless.....like your posts worthless....got it....

Oh I don't mind showing over and over again

No- Tricky Trump is not Tricky Dick- Tricky Dick was more transparent- Nixon released his tax returns.

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”[
Wait...so trump is Nixon? Please, settle on something in the absence of a democrat talking point...:lol:

Wow- you are a Trump voter! Reading comprehension is a real challenge for you

Oh I don't mind showing over and over again

No- Tricky Trump is not Tricky Dick- Tricky Dick was more transparent- Nixon released his tax returns.

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”[
. Forbes. lol. Nixon released his taxes early probably because they would look worse after the audit changed them.

Tricky Dick released his tax returns.
Tricky Trump won't release his tax returns.

Tricky Trump is the first major party candidate in decades not to release his tax returns- what is it he doesn't want voters to see?
What is Trump scared of American's finding out about in his tax returns?
As with most things, the answer is likely to be comprised of a combination of factors.

At that level, raking-in truckloads of money, many business people end-up as whores, doing business with whomever can enrich them further, even at the expense of one's own workers, or one's own country, or one's own culture.

Almost as bad as being a lying Vote Whore, as we see elsewhere in this campaign season.

Well we already know that Trump is a lying Vote Whore.
Breaking: Libtards demand Trump release his Christmas cards for the last 10 years.

LOL- unlike Right Wing Nut jobs- I don't care about candidate christmas cards, or their kindergarten grades- hell i don't even care about Tricky Trump's college records- unlike right wing nut jobs who were hysterical to see Obama's.

Tricky Trump- the first major Presidential candidate in decades is not releasing his income tax records- what is he hiding?
Every President and Presidential candidate since Richard Nixon has released his or her Tax returns.

Everyone except Donald Trump. Even though Trump had repeatedly said he would release his tax returns

So this is your chance to chime in on your favorite guess on why Trump is less transparent than any President going back to Nixon("Less Transparent than Nixon!"- now that is a motto.

George Will has suggested that Trump's tax returns might possibly show links to Russia. His last public tax returns showed he paid no actual taxes. Others have openly stated that Trump has lied about his wealth and his tax returns will be additional proof of his blatant lies to voters.

Even Republicans who have endorsed Trump has called for him to be transparent:

Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), a professed Trump backer (for now), wrote a Sunday New York Times op-ed titled, “I Support You, Donald Trump. Now Release Your Tax Returns.”
Sanford noted his continued ability to support Trump will “in part be driven by whether Mr. Trump keeps his word that he will release his tax records.”

Sanford notes just two years earlier ― in just one of several instances ― Trump clearly stated he would have no problem releasing his tax returns.

During an interview with an Irish TV station, Trump said, “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely and I would love to do that.”

Trump’s bombastic statements, Sanford argues, will be forgotten with time, while the legacy of his actions will linger.

“Not releasing his tax returns would hurt transparency in our democratic process, and particularly in how voters evaluate the men and women vying to be our leaders,” Sanford wrote.
I don't see your tax return posted. Are you scared?

I don't see my name on the ballot for President.

If I was running for President- yes I would release my tax returns- like Clinton- and Bush- and Obama- and Romney- and McCain- and Gore.....all the way back to Tricky Dick.

What is Tricky Trump scared of voters seeing in his tax returns?
You should add do not care about Trumps or anyone else's tax returns to the choices.
Every President and Presidential candidate since Richard Nixon has released his or her Tax returns.

Everyone except Donald Trump. Even though Trump had repeatedly said he would release his tax returns

So this is your chance to chime in on your favorite guess on why Trump is less transparent than any President going back to Nixon("Less Transparent than Nixon!"- now that is a motto.

George Will has suggested that Trump's tax returns might possibly show links to Russia. His last public tax returns showed he paid no actual taxes. Others have openly stated that Trump has lied about his wealth and his tax returns will be additional proof of his blatant lies to voters.

Even Republicans who have endorsed Trump has called for him to be transparent:

Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), a professed Trump backer (for now), wrote a Sunday New York Times op-ed titled, “I Support You, Donald Trump. Now Release Your Tax Returns.”
Sanford noted his continued ability to support Trump will “in part be driven by whether Mr. Trump keeps his word that he will release his tax records.”

Sanford notes just two years earlier ― in just one of several instances ― Trump clearly stated he would have no problem releasing his tax returns.

During an interview with an Irish TV station, Trump said, “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely and I would love to do that.”

Trump’s bombastic statements, Sanford argues, will be forgotten with time, while the legacy of his actions will linger.

“Not releasing his tax returns would hurt transparency in our democratic process, and particularly in how voters evaluate the men and women vying to be our leaders,” Sanford wrote.
I don't see your tax return posted. Are you scared?
I did not realize that he was running for President.
What does that have to do with anything? Tax returns are not a requirement of running for president.
Come to think of it where are your tax returns?

Absolutely not a requirement.

That doesn't mean voters can't judge a candidate based upon his being the only major candidate to hide his income tax returns- and wonder why he is determined to be less transparent than even Tricky Dick.
Breaking: Libtards demand Trump release his Christmas cards for the last 10 years.
Breaking, another 'Conservative' cocksuck tries to change the subject. Which is, why will not Donald Trump release his tax returns?

Trump's tax returns are none of your damn business lib, suck on it.

We will see whether the voters care or not.

But yes- that is what Trump is telling the voters- his tax returns are none of the business of the damned voters.

Clinton is telling voters- investigate my tax returns.
Breaking: Libtards demand Trump release his Christmas cards for the last 10 years.

LOL- unlike Right Wing Nut jobs- I don't care about candidate christmas cards, or their kindergarten grades- hell i don't even care about Tricky Trump's college records- unlike right wing nut jobs who were hysterical to see Obama's.

Tricky Trump- the first major Presidential candidate in decades is not releasing his income tax records- what is he hiding?
Something a lot closer to the truth about his business acumen than what we know now.

I don't think having a head for business means anything in a candidate for public service, but I do think that lying about it is definitely a dealbreaker.
Every President and Presidential candidate since Richard Nixon has released his or her Tax returns.

Everyone except Donald Trump. Even though Trump had repeatedly said he would release his tax returns

So this is your chance to chime in on your favorite guess on why Trump is less transparent than any President going back to Nixon("Less Transparent than Nixon!"- now that is a motto.

George Will has suggested that Trump's tax returns might possibly show links to Russia. His last public tax returns showed he paid no actual taxes. Others have openly stated that Trump has lied about his wealth and his tax returns will be additional proof of his blatant lies to voters.

Even Republicans who have endorsed Trump has called for him to be transparent:

Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), a professed Trump backer (for now), wrote a Sunday New York Times op-ed titled, “I Support You, Donald Trump. Now Release Your Tax Returns.”
Sanford noted his continued ability to support Trump will “in part be driven by whether Mr. Trump keeps his word that he will release his tax records.”

Sanford notes just two years earlier ― in just one of several instances ― Trump clearly stated he would have no problem releasing his tax returns.

During an interview with an Irish TV station, Trump said, “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely and I would love to do that.”

Trump’s bombastic statements, Sanford argues, will be forgotten with time, while the legacy of his actions will linger.

“Not releasing his tax returns would hurt transparency in our democratic process, and particularly in how voters evaluate the men and women vying to be our leaders,” Sanford wrote.
Who cares? What does his tax returns have to do with any of the issues facing this country? Will his tax returns help solve the crises in our cities, will it defeat ISIS, will it help solve problems in the Middle East? Will it help defend America from enemies foreign and domestic? Will it solve the problems of terrorism?

Clearly Trumpsters don't care.

But Trump certainly is concerned with what voters would see- since he is the only candidate in decades to not release his tax records.
So, you're convinced trump is Nixon?

So you kick puppies?

So you suck a black President's asshole. Didn't ask. Can already tell.

Why do you keep sharing your racist sexual fantasies at USMB- please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

Why are you ashamed of what you do? You choose to do it.

Why are you ashamed of your racist sexual fantasies? But do please stop sharing them with us.
If you stop doing it, I'll stop saying you do.
F. None of the above.

Trump must present an honest and accurate tax return. If there is an audit going on, then there could be changes to it as a result of the audit. Therefore he has to wait until the audit is over before he releases them.

If you think this is game playing, they all do it. Especially the Clintons. Current taxes show they paid 35%. That is because they knew she was running for POTUS this year. I'll bet the farm their taxes from prior years aren't anywhere near 35%.

All of her taxes are available for you to check on that.

None of Trumps are.

Tricky Trump- the least transparent Presidential candidate in 50 years- less transparent than Tricky Dick.

What is he hiding?

Actually, your BOY is the least transparent.
you do understand that there is NO requirement for any candidate to release his/her returns.
were you this concerned when obama refused to release his birth certificate?
I'm sure that once Donald is in office for a bit, and he appoints the right people to the right places, a fake set of returns will be created showing nothing bad. (just like the birth certificate)

There is absolutely no requirement to release his or her returns. But that doesn't mean voters can't demand them- or wonder why Trump is less transparent than Richard Nixon- or Barack Obama. First modern presidential candidate to not release his tax returns.
Clinton has released hers
Obama released his
Romney released his
McCain released his
Bush released his
Gore released his tax returns
Clinton released his.

But not Trump.

And by the way- Barack Obama did release his birth certificate- first presidential candidate in history to do so.

What is Trump hiding?
dont care who released them. Its not required get over it.
and obama did not come up with a birth certificate until he had time to put into place the proper people to make one for him.
that certificate came a couple years after he illegally took office.

Of course Trumpsters don't care.

There is absolutely no requirement to release his or her returns. But that doesn't mean voters can't demand them- or wonder why Trump is less transparent than Richard Nixon- or Barack Obama. First modern presidential candidate to not release his tax returns.
Clinton has released hers
Obama released his
Romney released his
McCain released his
Bush released his
Gore released his tax returns
Clinton released his.

But not Trump.

And by the way- Barack Obama did release his birth certificate in 2008- first presidential candidate in history to do so.

What is Trump hiding?
So you kick puppies?

So you suck a black President's asshole. Didn't ask. Can already tell.

Why do you keep sharing your racist sexual fantasies at USMB- please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

Why are you ashamed of what you do? You choose to do it.

Why are you ashamed of your racist sexual fantasies? But do please stop sharing them with us.
If you stop doing it, I'll stop saying you do.

So why won't you stop kicking puppies?
F. None of the above.

Trump must present an honest and accurate tax return. If there is an audit going on, then there could be changes to it as a result of the audit. Therefore he has to wait until the audit is over before he releases them.

If you think this is game playing, they all do it. Especially the Clintons. Current taxes show they paid 35%. That is because they knew she was running for POTUS this year. I'll bet the farm their taxes from prior years aren't anywhere near 35%.

All of her taxes are available for you to check on that.

None of Trumps are.

Tricky Trump- the least transparent Presidential candidate in 50 years- less transparent than Tricky Dick.

What is he hiding?

Actually, your BOY is the least transparent.

I have no 'boy'. How can you identify a Trump voter? Well if he calls a 50 year old black man 'boy' he is likely to be a Trump voter.

Tricky Trump- the least transparent Presidential candidate in 50 years- less transparent than Tricky Dick.
So you suck a black President's asshole. Didn't ask. Can already tell.

Why do you keep sharing your racist sexual fantasies at USMB- please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

Why are you ashamed of what you do? You choose to do it.

Why are you ashamed of your racist sexual fantasies? But do please stop sharing them with us.
If you stop doing it, I'll stop saying you do.

So why won't you stop kicking puppies?

Nothing I've said indicates I do. With you, it's different with Obama. Pucker up.
F. None of the above.

Trump must present an honest and accurate tax return. If there is an audit going on, then there could be changes to it as a result of the audit. Therefore he has to wait until the audit is over before he releases them.

If you think this is game playing, they all do it. Especially the Clintons. Current taxes show they paid 35%. That is because they knew she was running for POTUS this year. I'll bet the farm their taxes from prior years aren't anywhere near 35%.

All of her taxes are available for you to check on that.

None of Trumps are.

Tricky Trump- the least transparent Presidential candidate in 50 years- less transparent than Tricky Dick.

What is he hiding?

Actually, your BOY is the least transparent.

I have no 'boy'. How can you identify a Trump voter? Well if he calls a 50 year old black man 'boy' he is likely to be a Trump voter.

Tricky Trump- the least transparent Presidential candidate in 50 years- less transparent than Tricky Dick.

How can you identify an Obama supporter? Look at their lips and see if they're chapped with a shit stain around them. Pucker up.
Why do you keep sharing your racist sexual fantasies at USMB- please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

Why are you ashamed of what you do? You choose to do it.

Why are you ashamed of your racist sexual fantasies? But do please stop sharing them with us.
If you stop doing it, I'll stop saying you do.

So why won't you stop kicking puppies?

Nothing I've said indicates I do. With you, it's different with Obama. Pucker up.

So why won't stop kicking puppies?

Why are you ashamed of what you do? You choose to do it.

Why are you ashamed of your racist sexual fantasies? But do please stop sharing them with us.
If you stop doing it, I'll stop saying you do.

So why won't you stop kicking puppies?

Nothing I've said indicates I do. With you, it's different with Obama. Pucker up.

So why won't stop kicking puppies?

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Why don't you quit kissing a black ass to make yourself feel better?

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