What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.


FYI, I have been against Third World Immigration well before this particular incident.

We don't need more semi or unskilled workers.

As to being "Afraid" tell it to the dead.

Fear is the rational response to random death.
You're only reacting the way you do to one kind of death.

Death at the hands of Muslims.

Death is death.
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

Another hysterical lie.
Truth hurts Mr Fraidy Cat
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.


FYI, I have been against Third World Immigration well before this particular incident.

We don't need more semi or unskilled workers.

As to being "Afraid" tell it to the dead.

Fear is the rational response to random death.
You're only reacting the way you do to one kind of death.

Death at the hands of Muslims.

Death is death.

You are incorrect.
Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

Another hysterical lie.
Truth hurts Mr Fraidy Cat
Muslims are "everyone".... Moron.
Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.


The question is "was it unconstitutional under Carter?" I didn't ask for your BS
Halting Muslim immigration would be a perfectly sane, prudent, rational thing to do, given what just happened in San Bernardino and what has been happening in many other parts of the world for the last few years. We just saw Tashfeen Malik, the radical Muslim from Pakistan who helped murder 14 Americans in San Bernardino, pass *two* vetting processes, both of which included personal interviews and background checks. Somehow those "extensive, thorough" checks missed the fact that she attended a radical mosque in Pakistan.

It would be dangerous and unwise NOT to temporarily halt Muslim immigration.
Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.


The question is "was it unconstitutional under Carter?" I didn't ask for your BS
Bs is all she's got.
You are obeying their wishes. Yes, pants shitter. You don't have to explain it to me. I get it.

They wanted you to live in fear and shit your pants, and you are obeying them.

Yeah sure...and that Gitmo thing to boot...
Thanks for bringing that up!

Gitmo is another example. You pants shitters seem to think the "detainees" have magical powers! You think if they set foot on US soil and are placed in a supermax, they will somehow bring down America. So you want them safely stored on a tropical island.

You are so fucking terrified of them, you don't want them tried as ordinary criminals and placed in prison.

Yep, when they were talking about bringing them here to stand trial the RW were going all "They want to bring them HERE?!?? HERE?!!? WTF?!?!"

Like their mere presence on US soil would corrupt and destroy America
Halting Muslim immigration would be a perfectly sane, prudent, rational thing to do, given what just happened in San Bernardino and what has been happening in many other parts of the world for the last few years. We just saw Tashfeen Malik, the radical Muslim from Pakistan who helped murder 14 Americans in San Bernardino, pass *two* vetting processes, both of which included personal interviews and background checks. Somehow those "extensive, thorough" checks missed the fact that she attended a radical mosque in Pakistan.

It would be dangerous and unwise NOT to temporarily halt Muslim immigration.
temporary halt , although I agree with your post for the most part I'd like to see a complete end to ALL immigration other than a rich guy or scientist that wants to embrace Western ways and American way of life Mike G!!
Halting Muslim immigration would be a perfectly sane, prudent, rational thing to do, given what just happened in San Bernardino and what has been happening in many other parts of the world for the last few years. We just saw Tashfeen Malik, the radical Muslim from Pakistan who helped murder 14 Americans in San Bernardino, pass *two* vetting processes, both of which included personal interviews and background checks. Somehow those "extensive, thorough" checks missed the fact that she attended a radical mosque in Pakistan.

It would be dangerous and unwise NOT to temporarily halt Muslim immigration.
temporary halt , although I agree with your post for the most part I'd like to see a complete end to ALL immigration other than a rich guy or scientist that wants to embrace Western ways and American way of life Mike G!!

Why? Do you need a hairy sugar daddy?
Well since the far left sees FDR as a hero for locking up Japanese Americans and does not consider that unconstitutional, not sure why they have a problem with what Trump said..

I searched but can't find anything. So enlighten us - where have any leftwingers considered FDR a hero for the internment of Japanese Americans?
Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?

Nothing. Does someone need to explain the difference between religion and nationality to you?

Better study up on which Iranians he banned, smart ass

Carter deported Iranian citizens, as deplorable as that was at the time, he caved to fear just as you are now. Just the same it was based off of nationality and not religion.
Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?

Nothing. Does someone need to explain the difference between religion and nationality to you?

Better study up on which Iranians he banned, smart ass

Carter deported Iranian citizens, as deplorable as that was at the time, he caved to fear just as you are now. Just the same it was based off of nationality and not religion.

Just like nutters are caving to the fear of not allowing guns to those on the no fly lists. Paranoia is running rampant.

Really scary how we will throw our rights away because of irrational fear.

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