CDZ What is White Privilege?

Do you subscribe to the idea of White Privilege

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As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

I don't think many people think that way. They see that there are definitely problems in the African American community and would like to see it addressed, and for African Americans to take responsibility for their own behaviors and issues, instead of making white people the scape goat by claiming such things as "white privilege."

I am a white person, but if I don't go to school and resort to a life of crime and I feel sorry for myself, thinking that I am the victim of some made-up boogie white man, then I am more than likely going to be spending a lot of my time in jail and in trouble, maybe even dead too.
There are definite problems in the white community we would like to see fixed before white people attempt to tell African Americans what to do. I would also like to see white people take responsibility for their behavior an issues instead of pretending its due to mental illness.
Yes, I'm confused.

Yes... That's very common among your gender. Thus the critical need for the presumption of innocence.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

Yep... that's confusion alright. Good call.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

Well, I felt embarrassed for you. I felt like I wanted to help, but there was so little there, that I just felt like anything I did would only add to your injury, so I just sorta stood there hoping that as ya struggled, something good might come out of it, like maybe a Nip-slip... or a panty shot.

Frankly, I don't feel good about it at all... except, perhaps, that I managed to introduce ya to logic... you know, what it looks like and all... and maybe... just maybe, in your quiet moments, you'll get a glimpse of it and how you might apply it to your life and that will somehow help you avoid these public humiliations.

See, I know where the hostility comes from. You cannot refute that you are the member of a group that commits rape at a vastly higher rate than the other gender.

And now you feel the need to sexually demean me, with the "Nip-slip" and "panty shot" comment.

According to your logic, as an individual, you are responsible for how your whole group is seen. You are the gender of rapists. Yet you seem to feel hostility at being held personally responsible.

Welcome to being black for just a second.
See, I know where the hostility comes from. You cannot refute that you are the member of a group that commits rape at a vastly higher rate than the other gender.
If this is a seriously considered quote, then it is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this site. I don't say that easily.

Rape is higher from male to female,rally?! Except if you've spent a lot of time in prison, I would expect that would be obvious. How dumb are people anyway?
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You have not taken enough steps to reject rapists.

We disagree.

If you have, males wouldn't rape so much more than females. You have to take responsibility for the rapists in your gender.

Again, we disagree.

I didn't say that women are flawless

No, but that was the underlying premise... and as such it sorta pushes the inference.

... out of nowhere, decided to call some women "vicious *****."

I didn't 'call' anyone anything. I merely noted the existence of the condition.

Are you suggesting that some women deserve rape?

No, because to rape them brings us down to the loathsome level of the women at issue... which FTR are those women who deserve to be killed. Some might be confused and wonder since some women deserve to be killed, whats a rape in comparison to that. As a MAN... I say that a rape is the failure of the man to BEAR HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOT EXERCISE HIS RIGHTS TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE MEANS OF ANOTHER TO EXERCISE THEIR OWN!

Thus, where a man fails to bear his responsibility and cripples a woman's means to exercise her own life, and the right to chose what man, when and where she will allow into her body, THAT MAN FORFEITS HIS OWN RIGHT TO HIS OWN LIFE.

Now, with that said, as a woman, you're prone to hysteria, and I would like to avoid being subjected to that. So I will just point you to the US Judicial System, which proves that there are unmitigated ***** within the female gender, who are deserving of death, on a regular and routine basis.

If ya don't like that... then I suggest you get to work de-cunting your gender as soon as possible and... let me tell ya... we, the men... we will be so very grateful!
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As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

I don't think many people think that way. They see that there are definitely problems in the African American community and would like to see it addressed, and for African Americans to take responsibility for their own behaviors and issues, instead of making white people the scape goat by claiming such things as "white privilege."

I am a white person, but if I don't go to school and resort to a life of crime and I feel sorry for myself, thinking that I am the victim of some made-up boogie white man, then I am more than likely going to be spending a lot of my time in jail and in trouble, maybe even dead too.
There are definite problems in the white community we would like to see fixed before white people attempt to tell African Americans what to do. I would also like to see white people take responsibility for their behavior an issues instead of pretending its due to mental illness.

Only, white people don't normally do that. We are more than willing to punish the bad seeds among us and, in fact, we WANT to get rid of them. We don't make excuses for them either. I don't defend a criminal because of his skin color, and that would never even OCCUR to me.

In the poor black communities where gang violence is rampant, the people are AFRAID to speak out, and because of all the fear-mongering about racism, they are AFRAID to go to the police for help. That is how deep the problem runs.
Yes, I'm confused.

Yes... That's very common among your gender. Thus the critical need for the presumption of innocence.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

Yep... that's confusion alright. Good call.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

Well, I felt embarrassed for you. I felt like I wanted to help, but there was so little there, that I just felt like anything I did would only add to your injury, so I just sorta stood there hoping that as ya struggled, something good might come out of it, like maybe a Nip-slip... or a panty shot.

Frankly, I don't feel good about it at all... except, perhaps, that I managed to introduce ya to logic... you know, what it looks like and all... and maybe... just maybe, in your quiet moments, you'll get a glimpse of it and how you might apply it to your life and that will somehow help you avoid these public humiliations.

See, I know where the hostility comes from. You cannot refute that you are the member of a group that commits rape at a vastly higher rate than the other gender.

Does one need to refute confusion?

I'm not sure that's true... .

And now you feel the need to sexually demean me, with the "Nip-slip" and "panty shot" comment.

See what I mean? As that comment literally 'sexually demeaned' ME.. a man, doing what we must. As I said, we're not proud of it. It's just how it is... .

According to your logic, as an individual, you are responsible for how your whole group is seen.

Yes... and we are.

You are the gender of rapists. Yet you seem to feel hostility at being held personally responsible.

Not at all, I'm married 35 years, with one biological daughter and one adopted... I am therefore fully versed in the confusion of which you're demonstrating. I hold the equivalent of a Ph.D in the study of the irrational nature of the female. And don't you think for a moment, that I don't appreciate your efforts to demonstrate such, here.

Welcome to being black for just a second.

"Bastard", the word you're searching for is "bastard". I am "being a bastard" or I am 'a bastard', is the correct phrasing.

You're still quite raw... but you've shown some potential, you're well on your way... .
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Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

I don't think many people think that way. They see that there are definitely problems in the African American community and would like to see it addressed, and for African Americans to take responsibility for their own behaviors and issues, instead of making white people the scape goat by claiming such things as "white privilege."

I am a white person, but if I don't go to school and resort to a life of crime and I feel sorry for myself, thinking that I am the victim of some made-up boogie white man, then I am more than likely going to be spending a lot of my time in jail and in trouble, maybe even dead too.
There are definite problems in the white community we would like to see fixed before white people attempt to tell African Americans what to do. I would also like to see white people take responsibility for their behavior an issues instead of pretending its due to mental illness.

Only, white people don't normally do that. We are more than willing to punish the bad seeds among us and, in fact, we WANT to get rid of them. We don't make excuses for them either. I don't defend a criminal because of his skin color, and that would never even OCCUR to me.

In the poor black communities where gang violence is rampant, the people are AFRAID to speak out, and because of all the fear-mongering about racism, they are AFRAID to go to the police for help. That is how deep the problem runs.

Yes whites do it all the time. If a Black person does something then its a genetic trait shared by all Blacks. if a white person does something then its because that person is mental.

Drug use, suicide, mass murders, serial killers, school shooters are all rampant among whites. The people try to write this off due to mental issues. Whites are AFRAID to get help. This is how deep the problem is.
Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species; meaning it was a success. But that is what I was going for, so that actually works for me.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender, to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .
Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.
Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species; meaning it was a success. But that is what I was going for, so that actually works for me.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.

Well, I suppose to some extent you're argument struggles sufficiently with logic to warrant consideration, so here it is:

>> IF << Men were to say ... Subsidize Rapists; on the premise that paying men who rape, a stipend toward the hope that such would incentivize them NOT to rape, by paying them to do so: that THIS METHOD would stop rape, then you'd have a fair and reasonable analogy... thus you could reasonably so equivocate the two... .

But in REALITY, we do not subsidize rapists, we kill them where we find them.

Now... I would argue that where 'the black community' killed black looters where they found them... or where they killed the black thief, mugger or murderer where they found them, there'd be fewer of 'em. It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down. And that is where we, the men, are with rapists. You demand that the absence of perfection proves your claim that the existence of rape demonstrates the approval for rape.

But as a man; which is to say a person of sound reason, rational, prone to considering the facts and evaluating reality on the elements of such which leads to a sustainable, viable existence... I recognize you 'feelings' as invalid, unsound and wholly unsustainable.

Feel better?
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Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.

Well, I suppose to some extent you're argument struggles sufficiently with logic to warrant consideration, so here it is:

>> IF << Men were to say Subsidize Rapists; on the premise that paying men who rape, a stipend toward the hope that such would incentivize them NOT to rape, by paying them to do so, would stop rape, then you'd have a fair and reasonable analogy... thus you could reasonably so equivocate the two... .

But in REALITY, we do not subsidize rapists, we kill them where we find them.

Now... I would argue that where 'the black community' killed black looters where they found them... or where they killed the black thief, mugger or murderer where they found them, there'd be fewer of 'em. It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down. And that is where we, the men, are with rapists. You demand that the absence of perfection proves your claim that the existence of rape demonstrates the approval for rape.

But as a man; which is to say a person of sound reason, rational, prone to considering the facts and evaluating reality on the elements of such which lead to a sustainable, viable existence... I recognize you 'feelings' as invalid, unsound and wholly unsustainable.

You don't kill rapists. What you (as a group) do is arrest them, put them on trial, and then try to blame the victim for the rape, in order to create some reasonable doubt. As a group, men do that for other men. You cannot control all other men. And don't tell me that so much is being done, and I'm striving for perfection. Men commit at least 95% of rapes. That's hardly just "the absence of perfection." Using your logic, I can hold you responsible for the rapists.

The black community, as a group, does what it can to stop the black violence, but can't control all of its members. "They" can't "kill them where they found them," (depriving them of due process) but you have decided that you can still hold black people responsible for the black criminals' actions.
Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.

Well, I suppose to some extent you're argument struggles sufficiently with logic to warrant consideration, so here it is:

>> IF << Men were to say Subsidize Rapists; on the premise that paying men who rape, a stipend toward the hope that such would incentivize them NOT to rape, by paying them to do so, would stop rape, then you'd have a fair and reasonable analogy... thus you could reasonably so equivocate the two... .

But in REALITY, we do not subsidize rapists, we kill them where we find them.

Now... I would argue that where 'the black community' killed black looters where they found them... or where they killed the black thief, mugger or murderer where they found them, there'd be fewer of 'em. It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down. And that is where we, the men, are with rapists. You demand that the absence of perfection proves your claim that the existence of rape demonstrates the approval for rape.

But as a man; which is to say a person of sound reason, rational, prone to considering the facts and evaluating reality on the elements of such which lead to a sustainable, viable existence... I recognize you 'feelings' as invalid, unsound and wholly unsustainable.

You don't kill rapists. What you (as a group) do is arrest them, put them on trial, and then try to blame the victim for the rape, in order to create some reasonable doubt. As a group, men do that for other men. You cannot control all other men. And don't tell me that so much is being done, and I'm striving for perfection. Men commit at least 95% of rapes. That's hardly just "the absence of perfection." Using your logic, I can hold you responsible for the rapists.

The black community, as a group, does what it can to stop the black violence, but can't control all of its members. "They" can't "kill them where they found them," (depriving them of due process) but you have decided that you can still hold black people responsible for the black criminals' actions.

Again you approach the issue from the perspective of the woman, which is irrationally.

Your lament of the presumption of innocence, demonstrates your need to be seen as infallible, declaring that your profession of offense determines the existence of an offense... which is to say that you 'feel' offended, therefore you WERE offended.

Now... who else is advancing the same rancid reasoning?


Any guesses?


Anything comin' to 'feelings' at all? What other element of the culture claims that BECAUSE THEY FEEL OFFENDED, A POLICE OFFICER WHO WAS DEFENDING HIS OWN SAFETY... SHOULD BE SENTENCED to DEATH, (after a sham trial which dismisses the evidence of his innocence, of course... )

I would suggest that THAT is the BLACK CULTURE.

Now... this has taken longer to get to than I thought it would, but ya did finally get here so congrats! And FTR: this is gonna hurt, so brace yourself.

Now... what, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?
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Wow, what started as an analogy has certainly unearthed some real sexism in Keys. No doubt he hates my female privilege.

Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.

Well, I suppose to some extent you're argument struggles sufficiently with logic to warrant consideration, so here it is:

>> IF << Men were to say Subsidize Rapists; on the premise that paying men who rape, a stipend toward the hope that such would incentivize them NOT to rape, by paying them to do so, would stop rape, then you'd have a fair and reasonable analogy... thus you could reasonably so equivocate the two... .

But in REALITY, we do not subsidize rapists, we kill them where we find them.

Now... I would argue that where 'the black community' killed black looters where they found them... or where they killed the black thief, mugger or murderer where they found them, there'd be fewer of 'em. It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down. And that is where we, the men, are with rapists. You demand that the absence of perfection proves your claim that the existence of rape demonstrates the approval for rape.

But as a man; which is to say a person of sound reason, rational, prone to considering the facts and evaluating reality on the elements of such which lead to a sustainable, viable existence... I recognize you 'feelings' as invalid, unsound and wholly unsustainable.

You don't kill rapists. What you (as a group) do is arrest them, put them on trial, and then try to blame the victim for the rape, in order to create some reasonable doubt. As a group, men do that for other men. You cannot control all other men. And don't tell me that so much is being done, and I'm striving for perfection. Men commit at least 95% of rapes. That's hardly just "the absence of perfection." Using your logic, I can hold you responsible for the rapists.

The black community, as a group, does what it can to stop the black violence, but can't control all of its members. "They" can't "kill them where they found them," (depriving them of due process) but you have decided that you can still hold black people responsible for the black criminals' actions.

Again you approach the issue from the perspective of the woman, which is irrationally.

Your lament of the presumption of innocence, demonstrates your need to be seen as infallible, declaring that your profession of offense determines the existence of an offense... which is to say that you 'feel' offended, therefore you WERE offended.

Now... who else is advancing the same rancid reasoning?


Any guesses?


Anything comin' to 'feelings' at all? What other element of the culture claims that BECAUSE THEY FEEL OFFENDED, A POLICE OFFICER WHO WAS DEFENDING HIS OWN SAFETY... SHOULD BE SENTENCED to DEATH, (after a sham trial which dismisses the evidence of his innocence, of course... )

I would suggest that THAT is the BLACK CULTURE.

Now... this has taken longer to get to than I thought it would, but ya did finally get here so congrats! And FTR: this is gonna hurt, so brace yourself.

Now... what due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?

Point out where my post relies on emotion.

Can you dispute that men commit at least 95% of rapes?
Hate it? I bought and paid for it!

And, what started as an experiment in the irrational nature of the species, ended with a wonderful demonstration of the irrational nature of the species.

Wherein the disparagement of one race to offset the failure of individuals within a would-be oppositional race to bear their personal responsibilities, is no different from the disparagement of one gender, as a means to offset the failure of individuals in the distinct gender to bear their responsibilities.

It's not enough to contest the raping of them, to hold those who rape them accountable by taking the life of the rapist... LOL! NO NO!

The very criticism of the gender, for the malcontent feminist is tantamount TO: RAPE... which as is the case for "RACISTS", the abuse of the word renders the word Rape, effectively meaningless.

She'll now need to deny that she said so, but we've all seen the rant a million times and there is no doubt where it leads. So I am just saving some server space, by fast forwarding to the inevitable conclusion... .

You think you're doing something to try to end rape, but then again, black leaders think they're doing something to combat black-on-black crime. We all see the results.

Clearly, men are falling down on the job, just like conservatives claim black leaders are.

See, it's a very logical analogy. Only the shoe is on the other foot. I'm comfortably ensconced in my female privilege, claiming that men aren't doing enough.

Well, I suppose to some extent you're argument struggles sufficiently with logic to warrant consideration, so here it is:

>> IF << Men were to say Subsidize Rapists; on the premise that paying men who rape, a stipend toward the hope that such would incentivize them NOT to rape, by paying them to do so, would stop rape, then you'd have a fair and reasonable analogy... thus you could reasonably so equivocate the two... .

But in REALITY, we do not subsidize rapists, we kill them where we find them.

Now... I would argue that where 'the black community' killed black looters where they found them... or where they killed the black thief, mugger or murderer where they found them, there'd be fewer of 'em. It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down. And that is where we, the men, are with rapists. You demand that the absence of perfection proves your claim that the existence of rape demonstrates the approval for rape.

But as a man; which is to say a person of sound reason, rational, prone to considering the facts and evaluating reality on the elements of such which lead to a sustainable, viable existence... I recognize you 'feelings' as invalid, unsound and wholly unsustainable.

You don't kill rapists. What you (as a group) do is arrest them, put them on trial, and then try to blame the victim for the rape, in order to create some reasonable doubt. As a group, men do that for other men. You cannot control all other men. And don't tell me that so much is being done, and I'm striving for perfection. Men commit at least 95% of rapes. That's hardly just "the absence of perfection." Using your logic, I can hold you responsible for the rapists.

The black community, as a group, does what it can to stop the black violence, but can't control all of its members. "They" can't "kill them where they found them," (depriving them of due process) but you have decided that you can still hold black people responsible for the black criminals' actions.

Again you approach the issue from the perspective of the woman, which is irrationally.

Your lament of the presumption of innocence, demonstrates your need to be seen as infallible, declaring that your profession of offense determines the existence of an offense... which is to say that you 'feel' offended, therefore you WERE offended.

Now... who else is advancing the same rancid reasoning?


Any guesses?


Anything comin' to 'feelings' at all? What other element of the culture claims that BECAUSE THEY FEEL OFFENDED, A POLICE OFFICER WHO WAS DEFENDING HIS OWN SAFETY... SHOULD BE SENTENCED to DEATH, (after a sham trial which dismisses the evidence of his innocence, of course... )

I would suggest that THAT is the BLACK CULTURE.

Now... this has taken longer to get to than I thought it would, but ya did finally get here so congrats! And FTR: this is gonna hurt, so brace yourself.

Now... what due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?

Point out where my post relies on emotion.

Can you dispute that men commit at least 95% of rapes?

OH! that would the point wherein you laughably claim 'the black community does everything it can...'. When the facts clearly demonstrate that the black community does NOT do everything it can.

This is the emotion of DENIAL!

Now... answer my question:

What, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?
By the way, which one are you suggesting? That rapist men have a "presumption of innocence" or that they are "killed where they are found"?

And why is it that you're suggesting that black people "kill criminals where they are found"? Don't they have a "presumption of innocence"?
By the way, which one are you suggesting? That rapist men have a "presumption of innocence" or that they are "killed where they are found"?

And why is it that you're suggesting that black people "kill criminals where they are found"? Don't they have a "presumption of innocence"?

Always... What's your point?
What, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?
OH! that would the point wherein you laughably claim 'the black community does everything it can...'. When the facts clearly demonstrate that the black community does NOT do everything it can.

This is the emotion of DENIAL!

Now... answer my question:

What, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?

Tell me your evidence that the black community doesn't do everything it can to reduce black criminality.
OH! that would the point wherein you laughably claim 'the black community does everything it can...'. When the facts clearly demonstrate that the black community does NOT do everything it can.

This is the emotion of DENIAL!

Now... answer my question:

What, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?

Tell me your evidence that the black community doesn't do everything it can to reduce black criminality.

I'll open with the disproportionate level of violent crime in the black community. Chew through that and I'll give ya the next one...

What, due to the unenviable effects of "Left-think"... what GENDER is it that we find, PARTICULARLY IN URBAN AREAS SUCH AS ST, LOUIS, MO... RAISES THE MOST BLACK PEOPLE?

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