CDZ What is White Privilege?

Do you subscribe to the idea of White Privilege

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White privilege allows the white person to be seen through the lens of their actions, not the lens of their race.

Huh... So we're at that ever so problematic point: What came first the "White Privilege" or the negative behavior which strips a race of its privilege?

It doesn't matter. White privilege may have been "earned" as a group, but not by individuals. You also seem to be of the opinion that racism against a certain group is "earned" and that all members of that group should be punished for it.

Well only if by 'earned' you're speaking of the gain or incurrence deservedly coming in return for one's behavior or achievements, where those achievements are a collective reputation born of their adherence to unsustainable principles, manifesting in poor choices, producing violent criminal behavior.

You're speaking of cause and effect, hoping that the responsibilities for the 'cause' can be separated from the unenviable consequences of the 'effect'.

It's a lie... which follows, given your leftist nature and Left-think is founded upon the three tenets: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

There is no 'white privilege', there is only the consequences of a prolonged and extensive history which brings restrictions upon those who bear resemblance to the perpetrators of such.

I'm not even sure what your argument is here. It doesn't matter what the cause of White Privilege is, the effect is that it exists.

Again, I gave several examples of it.

That's because the argument is that White Privilege, where it exists, exists for a reason... and that reason has nothing to do with blacks being unfairly discriminated against and everything to do with the fairness intrinsic to do with inevitable consequences which come through adherence to unsustainable, unprincipled 'ideas'.

Part and parcel of those unprincipled ideas, is the one which holds that others enjoying the privileges of their good behavior, are, by virtue of their circumstances, guilty of injuring others, who are suffering as a result of THEIR BEHAVIOR.

Now, where that behavior is collective and a member of that collective, who otherwise reject the unprincipled nature of the collective is unfairly treated, that is unfortunate... but that is NOT the fault or the responsibility of ANYONE except those who have set that reputation upon their own race.

Now you may disagree and that's fine... but your inability to recognize the truth, sets you as part of the problem, and those who are part of the problem are irrelevant to issues relating to the SOLUTION.

I hope that helps...

You are saying that the average behavior of a group of people determines how each and every individual of that group will be treated.

OK. You are a white male, and perhaps you are the best applicant for the job, but generally, as a group, Asians are more qualified for the job than white men. Therefore, I will pay you less, since your group has "earned" less.

As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

As a woman, I am the member of a group who is considered more trustworthy of raising children. Therefore, even if the man is an excellent parent, he will be less likely to get custody of children over a woman, even if the woman is an addict with a spotty financial situation, and a history of neglect. After all, most women are better with kids.

These are all examples of privilege (or punishment) of individuals that arose naturally from the collective behavior of certain groups. According to your logic, these are all defensible.
Aisans were never slaves or subject to Jim Crow laws. They never had their familys ripped apart and sold off. Plus they understand (the white mans) game as I have had many tell me and just beat you at it.

Ah, those inscrutable Asians understanding the White Man's game.

Always a classic.
I beleive that Blacks can easily overcome WP by educating themselves and presenting themselves as confident and capable individuals.

Indeed... and that is because 'white privilege' is not the result of the behavior of whites, but the result of the behavior of those who have earned the consequences of poor behavior; whose poor behavior has caused injury to others; with that injury being the lack of privilege on the part of their entire race.

There's NOTHING you can do to mitigate white behavior that is going to increase black privilege. All THAT approach is going to produce is less privilege on the part of those who are advancing such... .

Regarding the part in bold: that's the point. White privilege isn't about behavior; it is the result of how one perceives white people independent of behavior.

I could be a serial shoplifter, and I will, by odds, get away with it more often because as a white person I will not be likely to be followed by security in a store.

On a more positive note for the law-abiding, as a woman, I am more likely to get a job working with young children. That is female privilege. As a white woman, I am vastly more likely to get the job working with young children, in competition with black women and any men who are equally skilled and experienced.
White privilege allows the white person to be seen through the lens of their actions, not the lens of their race.

Huh... So we're at that ever so problematic point: What came first the "White Privilege" or the negative behavior which strips a race of its privilege?

It doesn't matter. White privilege may have been "earned" as a group, but not by individuals. You also seem to be of the opinion that racism against a certain group is "earned" and that all members of that group should be punished for it.

Well only if by 'earned' you're speaking of the gain or incurrence deservedly coming in return for one's behavior or achievements, where those achievements are a collective reputation born of their adherence to unsustainable principles, manifesting in poor choices, producing violent criminal behavior.

You're speaking of cause and effect, hoping that the responsibilities for the 'cause' can be separated from the unenviable consequences of the 'effect'.

It's a lie... which follows, given your leftist nature and Left-think is founded upon the three tenets: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

There is no 'white privilege', there is only the consequences of a prolonged and extensive history which brings restrictions upon those who bear resemblance to the perpetrators of such.

I'm not even sure what your argument is here. It doesn't matter what the cause of White Privilege is, the effect is that it exists.

Again, I gave several examples of it.

That's because the argument is that White Privilege, where it exists, exists for a reason... and that reason has nothing to do with blacks being unfairly discriminated against and everything to do with the fairness intrinsic to do with inevitable consequences which come through adherence to unsustainable, unprincipled 'ideas'.

Part and parcel of those unprincipled ideas, is the one which holds that others enjoying the privileges of their good behavior, are, by virtue of their circumstances, guilty of injuring others, who are suffering as a result of THEIR BEHAVIOR.

Now, where that behavior is collective and a member of that collective, who otherwise reject the unprincipled nature of the collective is unfairly treated, that is unfortunate... but that is NOT the fault or the responsibility of ANYONE except those who have set that reputation upon their own race.

Now you may disagree and that's fine... but your inability to recognize the truth, sets you as part of the problem, and those who are part of the problem are irrelevant to issues relating to the SOLUTION.

I hope that helps...

You are saying that the average behavior of a group of people determines how each and every individual of that group will be treated.

On average? Yes... .

OK. You are a white male, and perhaps you are the best applicant for the job, but generally, as a group, Asians are more qualified for the job than white men. Therefore, I will pay you less, since your group has "earned" less.

OK... And if my circumstances at that moment require that I need the money despite it being less than a more qualified person, I will likely accept your offer, take the best I can get and do the best I can do in performing the task at hand... then, once you've seen what I can do, after I've improved my lot, thus am in a better position from which to negotiate, I will re-negotiate.
I thought the idea of "white privilege" was kinda like the Catholic church. They want you to think your a sinner with all this unearned indulgence of sin and they want you to realize and confess every now and then that you are sinner so as to grant them a feel good purpose in life that its not their fault so as to justify further unaccomplishments.

This is the silliness that gets extrapolated from the very fact of white privilege. It's not something to feel bad about, just recognize it exists. And when you are in a position of power to judge someone else, positively or negatively, have the self-awareness to recognize if your judgments include assumptions about race, or gender, or any other quality, other than the behavior of the person directly in front of you.
to make such actions as what goes on in the black community acceptable. To lower the standard into the ground as we can't speak out about it without being seen as the evil ones.

The left wants to destroy this country...They hate it.

Overly defensive and wildly hyperbolic.
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.
You've shit on your own thread, bro. Not gonna deal with the smell.

I figured the conversation was over when you failed to respond to my observations on your articles, my observations of single parenthood, or my observations on the propensity of black crime leading to more drug arrests.

Nope. You couldn't keep it up any longer. I get it. You have been so oppressed......tough life being a white male in America.

Go ahead. Relax already.

It is man. Everyone expects you to argue the facts but provide none of their own. What a burden. It is so unfair that I need to be the honest one. Just once I would like to sag my pants and thug out but that evil "white privilege" puts me in my place every time.

Be free. Rock out with your cock out.

It beats pretending to be what you aren't.

Hell yeah. Why strive for excellence and moving out of my comfort zone when I can sit in mediocre comfort with my EBT. When anyone criticizes my lazy actions I can simply blame it on white privilege. Its my get out of jail free card.


I think at one time there was probably white privilege, but I think that was before my time. I think now, it's more like "rich" privilege. ;) Black or white doesn't matter if you have a lot of cash.

Blacks usually don't have a lot of cash . Oh wait scratch that they do on hand just not in an account.

Especially on the first of the month. They even sing songs about it.

1st of tha Month - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There you go.

"They" sing songs about the first of the month. Why the first of the month thing must be a universal among black people!

Can I assume that you know a lot about cross-burnings? Tell me, is it gasoline, or some kind of sterno gel that gets that long-lasting burn?
White privilege allows the white person to be seen through the lens of their actions, not the lens of their race.

White privilege is what makes me less likely than black people to be followed through a store.

White privilege is what is invoked when I get stopped at a checkpoint, and even though I'm missing my front license plate, I'm let go with, "Take care of that," rather than "Pull over and we'd like to search your car."

White privilege is what causes a teacher to be more forgiving of a white kid who is "having a tough day", and recommend suspension for the same actions from a black kid.

Is it White privilege is what you experience when people don't lock their car doors when you walk by.

White privilege is what you experience when your application is actually looked at by someone who matters, due to the lack of a "black-sounding name."

White privilege is being told, "Great work!" for a job well done, instead of people muttering behind your back that it was probably affirmative action.

White privilege is not worrying that a police officer might decide that you look suspicious.

White privilege is when I walk down the street, and I'm pretty damned sure some white driver isn't constructing a narrative that I'm walking slowly on purpose, because I think he owes me reparations. <<<<<<<<<This one is my personal favorite, as a person on USMB actually told me this.

White privilege means that I'm more likely to be helped out in an emergency by bystanders than a black person.

Edit: After reading the Washington Post piece, I was reminded that white privilege means that if a cop sees you running to your car or running into your house, or running just about ANYWHERE, the cop will simply assume you are in a hurry, and not that you're fleeing the scene of a crime.

What a complete crock! Sounds more like Black Reputation than White privilege.

It is both, thank you for getting it.

Going by "reputation," over the behavior of an individual actually in front of you, is part and parcel of white privilege, and of course, racism. See, racism and white privilege are two sides of the same coin.
OK... And if my circumstances at that moment require that I need the money despite it being less than a more qualified person, I will likely accept your offer, take the best I can get and do the best I can do in performing the task at hand... then, once you've seen what I can do, after I've improved my lot, thus am in a better position from which to negotiate, I will re-negotiate.

So, this kind of Asian privilege would be ok with you?

I doubt that. But you go ahead.
As a woman, I am the member of a group who is considered more trustworthy of raising children.

Well, nature designed you to conceive and nurture children. But when left to your own limitations, history shows that ya tend to raise debauched, mouthy, undisciplined welfare addled crack heads. And 'reality based studies' show that children raised through the nurturing and discipline of both genders tend to be more balanced, productive adults.

Therefore, even if the man is an excellent parent, he will be less likely to get custody of children over a woman, even if the woman is an addict with a spotty financial situation, and a history of neglect. After all, most women are better with kids.

LOL! I don't know where you got that... I've some friends who's old ladies went south and the Mommies got told to not come within 500' of either Daddy or the Babies until the court had a chance to determine that they'd de-whored and found some semblance of self respect.

One did and is now married to another friend, a lovely gal with a whole 'nother batch of kids, all of whom have graduated from college and everyone, is doin' fine... the other is long since dead.

These are all examples of privilege (or punishment) of individuals that arose naturally from the collective behavior of certain groups. According to your logic, these are all defensible.

OK... And if my circumstances at that moment require that I need the money despite it being less than a more qualified person, I will likely accept your offer, take the best I can get and do the best I can do in performing the task at hand... then, once you've seen what I can do, after I've improved my lot, thus am in a better position from which to negotiate, I will re-negotiate.

So, this kind of Asian privilege would be ok with you?

I doubt that. But you go ahead.

Higher skills deserve higher pay. Is there something about that natural law that confuses you?
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.
As a woman, I am the member of a group who is considered more trustworthy of raising children.

Well, nature designed you to conceive and nurture children. But when left to your own limitations, history shows that ya tend to raise debauched, mouthy, undisciplined welfare addled crack heads. And 'reality based studies' show that children raised through the nurturing and discipline of both genders tend to be more balanced, productive adults.

Therefore, even if the man is an excellent parent, he will be less likely to get custody of children over a woman, even if the woman is an addict with a spotty financial situation, and a history of neglect. After all, most women are better with kids.

LOL! I don't know where you got that... I've some friends who's old ladies went south and the Mommies got told to not come within 500' of either Daddy or the Babies until the court had a chance to determine that they'd de-whored and found some semblance of self respect.

One did and is now married to another friend, a lovely gal with a whole 'nother batch of kids, all of whom have graduated from college and everyone, is doin' fine... the other is long since dead.

These are all examples of privilege (or punishment) of individuals that arose naturally from the collective behavior of certain groups. According to your logic, these are all defensible.


Sorry, but women are clearly better nurturers of children, as a group. A few examples of the opposite don't change that. This is YOUR logic, Keys. Individual males shouldn't be upset at losing custody of children to women who are less qualified to raise them, because as a group, women are more qualified.

Individual black people shouldn't be upset at the higher arrest rates of blacks because as a group, they commit more crime.
OK... And if my circumstances at that moment require that I need the money despite it being less than a more qualified person, I will likely accept your offer, take the best I can get and do the best I can do in performing the task at hand... then, once you've seen what I can do, after I've improved my lot, thus am in a better position from which to negotiate, I will re-negotiate.

So, this kind of Asian privilege would be ok with you?

I doubt that. But you go ahead.

Higher skills deserve higher pay. Is there something about that natural law that confuses you?

Yes, I'm confused. You defend getting paid less because, on average, Asians, as a group, are more qualified than you, even though you are the most qualified individual for the job.

Honestly, I don't believe you.
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I'm just stating the incontrovertible fact. Rapists exists within our group. As a group, we reject them and have taken overt measures to protect you of the Rapee-gender from those exceptions, which nonetheless exist among us.

However, the fact remains that our membership being flawed, does not render your membership as one absent flaws... . Are you actually trying to argue in contest of those otherwise irrefutable facts?

Which, if such is the case, you need to know that THAT would be YOU, proving THE POINT, of that which you've come to contest.

SOooo... where we at here?
I wish one of you white people denying white privileged would be honest and tell me the truth. Its OK. Really its. I know white privilege exists and have long ago reconciled with it. I know I simply have to outwork any white person competing against me. Yes there are times I have ran into a racist wall but I just went through it and wound up in a better place. I did not quit which is what this racist system tends to entice Black people to do.
Yes, I'm confused.

Yes... That's very common among your gender. Thus the critical need for the presumption of innocence.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

Yep... that's confusion alright. Good call.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

Well, I felt embarrassed for you. I felt like I wanted to help, but there was so little there, that I just felt like anything I did would only add to your injury, so I just sorta stood there hoping that as ya struggled, something good might come out of it, like maybe a Nip-slip... or a panty shot.

Frankly, I don't feel good about it at all... except, perhaps, that I managed to introduce ya to logic... you know, what it looks like and all... and maybe... just maybe, in your quiet moments, you'll get a glimpse of it and how you might apply it to your life and that will somehow help you avoid these public humiliations.
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I wonder why black people sometimes react in a hostile manner to the reactions they get every day that they are less than white people because of the behavior of a few bad actors of their race, that they have no control over.

You just got a taste of it. Go back, see how it felt, think it over.

I don't think many people think that way. They see that there are definitely problems in the African American community and would like to see it addressed, and for African Americans to take responsibility for their own behaviors and issues, instead of making white people the scape goat by claiming such things as "white privilege."

I am a white person, but if I don't go to school and resort to a life of crime and I feel sorry for myself, thinking that I am the victim of some made-up boogie white man, then I am more than likely going to be spending a lot of my time in jail and in trouble, maybe even dead too.
As a male, your group is vastly more guilty of rape than the other gender. Therefore, I propose that we have a large database of DNA collected from all males. It doesn't matter if you've never committed, been accused, or been suspected of rape; your group has earned that treatment.

Well as a member of the raper-gender, I have joined with the WHOLE of our society to establish law which holds that where a member of our group forces himself into the body of a member of the rapee-gender, that the offending member be:

1-Charged with the offense
2- Tried on the evidence of that charge (all the while enjoying the benefit of the doubt, wherein they are presumed innocent, until the evidence establishes their guilt: beyond a reasonable doubt)

And where the evidence is so established: We will kill them for it.

And I would submit, that we have a long and distinguished record of doing just that.

So... That's us, protecting you, from us.

But beyond THAT: We buy you people everything your heart desires, set your concerns above our own needs and often turn over half our possessions and most of the product of our labor to you as a penalty for just having known you... and frankly... I don't see how much more we can do for ya.

The truth is that some of the fellas are just unmitigated, belligerent assholes... but that, we feel, sets us in balance given the fact that some of you gals, are vicious *****.

OK, as an analogy, with you being the discriminated gender because of your gender's bad behavior, and me being the privileged gender, due to the relative lack of female rapists, you just said that some females are "vicious *****." You seemed to need to fight back against the presumption that you might be a rapist. I'm guessing you can't really stop other men from raping, but you didn't seem to like the suggestion that, because men rape more often than women, they should be profiled as rapists.

I'm just stating the incontrovertible fact. Rapists exists within our group. As a group, we reject them and have taken overt measures to protect you of the Rapee-gender from those exceptions, which nonetheless exist among us.

However, the fact remains that our membership being flawed, does not render your membership as one absent flaws... . Are you actually trying to argue in contest of those otherwise irrefutable facts?

Which, if such is the case, you need to know that THAT would be YOU, proving THE POINT, of that which you've come to contest.

SOooo... where we at here?

You have not taken enough steps to reject rapists. If you have, males wouldn't rape so much more than females. You have to take responsibility for the rapists in your gender.

I didn't say that women are flawless, Keys, but you, out of nowhere, decided to call some women "vicious *****." Are you suggesting that some women deserve rape?

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