What Is Wrong With America ?

The real problem with America is the structured political system that everyone believes is looking out for their best interest. When politicians make over a million dollars from base pay in ten years there's definitely an issue that must be addressed. They abuse the public trust, and yet we squabble over bills that they are going to hold up and not vote on. Or otherwise have challenged by SCOTUS.

It's time to return the system to a point where the people tell the government what to do. Instead of the government telling us what to do. Some states have made it illegal to store rain water! Fishing without a license is more punishable than entering the country illegally. Politicians with cocaine keep their job, their benefits, and their freedom. Meanwhile any average joe goes to prison for ten years. The problem with America is Americans allowing a handful of people dictate our lives. The problem with America is the Super Bowl winner is more important than our rights being taken away by the NDAA or the Patriot Act. The problem with America is the divide we've allowed ourselves to create such a large chasm between us when we really have the same goal of helping those in need while encouraging self reliance. The problem with America is our leadership, and how far we've allowed the standard to fall. Millions of dollars on vacations and alcohol and clothes for politicians while children starve in the streets? The real problem with America is Americans. The people should wrench our freedoms back and our grasp should never faulter.

My post is way better than any of the 'awardees'.

Your post has many problems of which are difficult to solve because you haven't rendered them down to their root enough. Though you have some good points. When weeding a garden of thistles, dandelions or yellow dock, you need to get very deep to the bottom of the tap root or it will grow back as quick as the next rain.
HA HA> Who said anything about 40 hrs ? Answer: YOU DID. :lol:

Play your games of semantics, but keep in mind that semantics are the last bastion of a loser. Now that I know you're a senile old fool like fake jake I'll ignore your ignorance like I do his.

There's no sematics involved. You just jumped to a conclusion that I was talking about full time workers, working a 40 hour week, when I never said any such thing.
Your mistake, not mine. You made an assumption which (based on the information I provided), you had no right to make.

Actually, I said I paid my workers the equivalent of $150/hour. They worked on commission, and got 15% on a $1000 sale ($150), which it took them generally an hour to do. Roughly I'd say there were an average of a couple of these each week (ie. 2 sales/week paying $150 each) which is a total of $15,600/year.

Let this be a lesson to you. Never try to talk about information that you don't have.

Only lesson learned there is you're a lying son of a bitch. Purely commissioned sales people aren't your workers, they are independent contractors and how many contacts with prospects did they have to make to get that one sale. Are you not counting that time.
I've done sales in one of the toughest organizations in the country, I knew on average how many people I had to contact, how many I had to pre-qualify and how many presentations were required to make 1 sale. So unless your organization had a ratio of 1 contact = 1 presentation = 1 sale and all that occurred in 1 hour, you lied and it took more than an hour to make that $150.00.

So quit playing your word games and come out with the truth, your bluff has been called.
The inclusion of the word "confiscatory" is at best redundant and at worst blatantly incorrect factually. Either way the rest of your statement is factually incorrect by definition.

I see little point in pointing you to a dictionary only to have you ignore it. Either way your argument should stand or fall based on the logic behind it and not your ignorance of the English language.

The fact is that the use of confiscation is punishment. The fact is that in this case they are most definitely using tax policy to confiscate property from others.
The fact is that in this discussion they are using tax policy to punish the rich.

No matter how you spin it, they are promoting the idea of punishing the rich using tax policy. That makes it a confiscatory tax policy and means it is being used as punishment.

Any time tax policy is used to confiscate property from one class it is being used as punishment. What else do you think dcraelin and protectionist are promoting?


Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online


Confiscatory - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

2con·fis·cate transitive verb \ˈkän-fə-ˌskāt\
: to take (something) away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules

Underline added

Thank you, it did.

The fact is that the use of confiscation is punishment. The fact is that in this case they are most definitely using tax policy to confiscate property from others.
The fact is that in this discussion they are using tax policy to punish the rich.

No matter how you spin it, they are promoting the idea of punishing the rich using tax policy. That makes it a confiscatory tax policy and means it is being used as punishment.

Any time tax policy is used to confiscate property from one class it is being used as punishment. What else do you think dcraelin and protectionist are promoting?


Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online


Confiscatory - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

2con·fis·cate transitive verb \ˈkän-fə-ˌskāt\
: to take (something) away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules

Underline added

Thank you, it did.


So like I said, you are either being redundant or factually wrong by using the word. We are rehashing what I already said at this point.
The real problem with America is the structured political system that everyone believes is looking out for their best interest. When politicians make over a million dollars from base pay in ten years there's definitely an issue that must be addressed. They abuse the public trust, and yet we squabble over bills that they are going to hold up and not vote on. Or otherwise have challenged by SCOTUS.

It's time to return the system to a point where the people tell the government what to do. Instead of the government telling us what to do. Some states have made it illegal to store rain water! Fishing without a license is more punishable than entering the country illegally. Politicians with cocaine keep their job, their benefits, and their freedom. Meanwhile any average joe goes to prison for ten years. The problem with America is Americans allowing a handful of people dictate our lives. The problem with America is the Super Bowl winner is more important than our rights being taken away by the NDAA or the Patriot Act. The problem with America is the divide we've allowed ourselves to create such a large chasm between us when we really have the same goal of helping those in need while encouraging self reliance. The problem with America is our leadership, and how far we've allowed the standard to fall. Millions of dollars on vacations and alcohol and clothes for politicians while children starve in the streets? The real problem with America is Americans. The people should wrench our freedoms back and our grasp should never faulter.

My post is way better than any of the 'awardees'.

AHha, but my post is gonna describe what you wrote in only a few words.

We live in a plutocracy; govt of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. the end.

We used to have powerful populists to counter some of the plutocracy. But they got old and died and we never replaced them.

Confiscatory - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

2con·fis·cate transitive verb \ˈkän-fə-ˌskāt\
: to take (something) away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules

Underline added

Thank you, it did.


So like I said, you are either being redundant or factually wrong by using the word. We are rehashing what I already said at this point.

So you agree it is being used as punishment. Why didn't you just say that?

BTW not all tax policy is used for the purpose of punishment.

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It's voting system.

The voting system is designed to create a maintain a two headed monster.

Very true. I'd like to see 10 candidates running for president of the USA, all independents, all no names that no one ever heard of before, and all having an equal financial input for promotion of themselves. Sound interesting ?

I think a better and more workable idea is to have public funded elections. Each candidate gets a certain amount of exposure courtesy of the tax payers. Any violation of this rule means mandatory prison time of say three years , no exception. If we could get that far maybe we could have periodic lie detector tests for politicians. "Did you vote yes on that bill after being promised a reward from xyz corporation, Senator"? Maybe have the lie detector sessions televised for public airing. Make these guys honest I hope.
I was subjected to that as a fry cook at one place. A politician can steal far more than a restaurant worker that's for sure.

If a judge has a conflict of interest in a case he's supposed to recuse himself. Seems to me if a politician has a conflict of interest he should not be allowed to vote on or participate in a committee associated with the conflict.
First and foremost: Our education system needs a major revamping.
Second: Look at the complete total morons who are so vocal about things. Look at this forum and the top topics. IDIOTS.

From what I've seen the revamp appears to be occuring, well at least it is in TX.

As to the moron threads... entertainment sells.
So you agree it is being used as punishment. Why didn't you just say that?

BTW not all tax policy is used for the purpose of punishment.


Congratulations for finding the word you don't know the meaning to. Now lets see if you can find out why you are using it incorrectly and thereby distracting away from any legitimate point you may have.

You may think it wise to use ridiculous language in an attempt to bolster your point but the only thing it accomplishes is to make others think you don't know what you are talking about.
So you agree it is being used as punishment. Why didn't you just say that?

BTW not all tax policy is used for the purpose of punishment.


Congratulations for finding the word you don't know the meaning to. Now lets see if you can find out why you are using it incorrectly and thereby distracting away from any legitimate point you may have.

You may think it wise to use ridiculous language in an attempt to bolster your point but the only thing it accomplishes is to make others think you don't know what you are talking about.

Well, it is obvious I know what I am talking about. Not so obvious that you know what you were talking about.

Protectionist and dcraelin were clearly promoting using tax policy to punish the rich. The fact that all tax policy is confiscatory may be redundant, but there must be a distinction as to what we are talking about here. The point would not have been clear at all if I had simply said they were using tax policy. I could have said "tax policy as punishment" put that is no different than what I said nor does it get the point across. They are promoting taking extraordinary percentages not even close to reasonableness... which is why I emphasized confiscatory.

So you agree it is being used as punishment. Why didn't you just say that?

BTW not all tax policy is used for the purpose of punishment.


Congratulations for finding the word you don't know the meaning to. Now lets see if you can find out why you are using it incorrectly and thereby distracting away from any legitimate point you may have.

You may think it wise to use ridiculous language in an attempt to bolster your point but the only thing it accomplishes is to make others think you don't know what you are talking about.

Well, it is obvious I know what I am talking about. Not so obvious that you know what you were talking about.

Protectionist and dcraelin were clearly promoting using tax policy to punish the rich. The fact that all tax policy is confiscatory may be redundant, but there must be a distinction as to what we are talking about here. The point would not have been clear at all if I had simply said they were using tax policy. I could have said "tax policy as punishment" put that is no different than what I said nor does it get the point across. They are promoting taking extraordinary percentages not even close to reasonableness... which is why I emphasized confiscatory.


The problem is that it isn't punishment but it is still bad to have tax rates so high. When you make a bad argument it detracts from the legitimate ones you may have.
Congratulations for finding the word you don't know the meaning to. Now lets see if you can find out why you are using it incorrectly and thereby distracting away from any legitimate point you may have.

You may think it wise to use ridiculous language in an attempt to bolster your point but the only thing it accomplishes is to make others think you don't know what you are talking about.

Well, it is obvious I know what I am talking about. Not so obvious that you know what you were talking about.

Protectionist and dcraelin were clearly promoting using tax policy to punish the rich. The fact that all tax policy is confiscatory may be redundant, but there must be a distinction as to what we are talking about here. The point would not have been clear at all if I had simply said they were using tax policy. I could have said "tax policy as punishment" put that is no different than what I said nor does it get the point across. They are promoting taking extraordinary percentages not even close to reasonableness... which is why I emphasized confiscatory.


The problem is that it isn't punishment but it is still bad to have tax rates so high. When you make a bad argument it detracts from the legitimate ones you may have.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Protectionist and dcraelin were using this as punishment. Liberals, and I don't know the philosophy of either of these two well enough, attempt to use tax policy to punish the rich. I think tax rates should go up and more so for the rich than the poor because the rich can afford a bigger bite. But it is not because I blame the rich for being rich. We simply need the help.

I do agree, confiscatory tax policy is redundant and I apologize for missing your point there, but I attempted to explain my reasoning a post or two ago.

Make a flat tax where it's divided equally. The problem isn't not enough revenue. It's too much spending! Millions of dollars for VACATIONS! Tax payer funded! But the problem is taxes!? Dense!
Well, it is obvious I know what I am talking about. Not so obvious that you know what you were talking about.

Protectionist and dcraelin were clearly promoting using tax policy to punish the rich. The fact that all tax policy is confiscatory may be redundant, but there must be a distinction as to what we are talking about here. The point would not have been clear at all if I had simply said they were using tax policy. I could have said "tax policy as punishment" put that is no different than what I said nor does it get the point across. They are promoting taking extraordinary percentages not even close to reasonableness... which is why I emphasized confiscatory.


The problem is that it isn't punishment but it is still bad to have tax rates so high. When you make a bad argument it detracts from the legitimate ones you may have.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Protectionist and dcraelin were using this as punishment. Liberals, and I don't know the philosophy of either of these two well enough, attempt to use tax policy to punish the rich. I think tax rates should go up and more so for the rich than the poor because the rich can afford a bigger bite. But it is not because I blame the rich for being rich. We simply need the help.

I do agree, confiscatory tax policy is redundant and I apologize for missing your point there, but I attempted to explain my reasoning a post or two ago.


The only way to prove punishment is to show intent. Something that is hard to argue and ultimate pointless to prove because you are really just attacking the person and not the idea. The idea would be bad even if it wasn't punishment.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

You would have an argument if only rich people had the right to vote but since rich people are in the minority and middle class and under class are in the vast majority and since the United States is run "of the people, by the people and for the people" it seems that you are full of left wing hate America excrement.
The problem is that it isn't punishment but it is still bad to have tax rates so high. When you make a bad argument it detracts from the legitimate ones you may have.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Protectionist and dcraelin were using this as punishment. Liberals, and I don't know the philosophy of either of these two well enough, attempt to use tax policy to punish the rich. I think tax rates should go up and more so for the rich than the poor because the rich can afford a bigger bite. But it is not because I blame the rich for being rich. We simply need the help.

I do agree, confiscatory tax policy is redundant and I apologize for missing your point there, but I attempted to explain my reasoning a post or two ago.


The only way to prove punishment is to show intent. Something that is hard to argue and ultimate pointless to prove because you are really just attacking the person and not the idea. The idea would be bad even if it wasn't punishment.

I can give you that point. I cannot prove their intent, but it certainly appears punitive in nature.


Anything else on this? We've pretty much beaten this dead horse to a second death.

The problem is that it isn't punishment but it is still bad to have tax rates so high. When you make a bad argument it detracts from the legitimate ones you may have.
We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Protectionist and dcraelin were using this as punishment. Liberals, and I don't know the philosophy of either of these two well enough, attempt to use tax policy to punish the rich. I think tax rates should go up and more so for the rich than the poor because the rich can afford a bigger bite. But it is not because I blame the rich for being rich. We simply need the help.
I do agree, confiscatory tax policy is redundant and I apologize for missing your point there, but I attempted to explain my reasoning a post or two ago.
The only way to prove punishment is to show intent. Something that is hard to argue and ultimate pointless to prove because you are really just attacking the person and not the idea. The idea would be bad even if it wasn't punishment.

It is so ridiculous to say high taxes on the rich are "punishment",we live in a market society, compensation is largely dependent on supply and demand. When we have this much debt the punishment is on future generations and todays common man if we DONT tax the rich at higher, historic rates, to pay down that debt.

Higher taxes on the wealthy will lift all boats.
confiscatory tax policy is by definition punishment.


the inclusion of the word "confiscatory" is at best redundant and at worst blatantly incorrect factually. Either way the rest of your statement is factually incorrect by definition.

I see little point in pointing you to a dictionary only to have you ignore it. Either way your argument should stand or fall based on the logic behind it and not your ignorance of the english language.

the fact is that the use of confiscation is punishment. The fact is that in this case they are most definitely using tax policy to confiscate property from others.
The fact is that in this discussion they are using tax policy to punish the rich.

No matter how you spin it, they are promoting the idea of punishing the rich using tax policy. That makes it a confiscatory tax policy and means it is being used as punishment.

Any time tax policy is used to confiscate property from one class it is being used as punishment. What else do you think dcraelin and protectionist are promoting?


Play your games of semantics, but keep in mind that semantics are the last bastion of a loser. Now that I know you're a senile old fool like fake jake I'll ignore your ignorance like I do his.

There's no sematics involved. You just jumped to a conclusion that I was talking about full time workers, working a 40 hour week, when I never said any such thing.
Your mistake, not mine. You made an assumption which (based on the information I provided), you had no right to make.

Actually, I said I paid my workers the equivalent of $150/hour. They worked on commission, and got 15% on a $1000 sale ($150), which it took them generally an hour to do. Roughly I'd say there were an average of a couple of these each week (ie. 2 sales/week paying $150 each) which is a total of $15,600/year.

Let this be a lesson to you. Never try to talk about information that you don't have.

Only lesson learned there is you're a lying son of a bitch. Purely commissioned sales people aren't your workers, they are independent contractors and how many contacts with prospects did they have to make to get that one sale. Are you not counting that time.
I've done sales in one of the toughest organizations in the country, I knew on average how many people I had to contact, how many I had to pre-qualify and how many presentations were required to make 1 sale. So unless your organization had a ratio of 1 contact = 1 presentation = 1 sale and all that occurred in 1 hour, you lied and it took more than an hour to make that $150.00.

So quit playing your word games and come out with the truth, your bluff has been called.

"Workers" can be anyone who works for you in ANY capacity. Of course, the commissioned sales people are independent contractors. The word you're looking for is "employees".

No, I'm not counting time they have to make to get that one sale, because they didn't have any time doing that. I did that in telephone sales. They only came into the office to close the sale. Another lesson you need to learn is that you can't decide how somebody did something in the past (in this case 1980s) That is called history and it's already done. You can't come along and start dictating it, according to how you think about it (when you know nothing about it).

You are beginning to set records for how assinine a poster can post.
The real problem with America is the structured political system that everyone believes is looking out for their best interest. When politicians make over a million dollars from base pay in ten years there's definitely an issue that must be addressed. They abuse the public trust, and yet we squabble over bills that they are going to hold up and not vote on. Or otherwise have challenged by SCOTUS.

It's time to return the system to a point where the people tell the government what to do. Instead of the government telling us what to do. Some states have made it illegal to store rain water! Fishing without a license is more punishable than entering the country illegally. Politicians with cocaine keep their job, their benefits, and their freedom. Meanwhile any average joe goes to prison for ten years. The problem with America is Americans allowing a handful of people dictate our lives. The problem with America is the Super Bowl winner is more important than our rights being taken away by the NDAA or the Patriot Act. The problem with America is the divide we've allowed ourselves to create such a large chasm between us when we really have the same goal of helping those in need while encouraging self reliance. The problem with America is our leadership, and how far we've allowed the standard to fall. Millions of dollars on vacations and alcohol and clothes for politicians while children starve in the streets? The real problem with America is Americans. The people should wrench our freedoms back and our grasp should never faulter.

My post is way better than any of the 'awardees'.

AHha, but my post is gonna describe what you wrote in only a few words.

We live in a plutocracy; govt of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. the end.

We used to have powerful populists to counter some of the plutocracy. But they got old and died and we never replaced them.

It sometimes does seem that way. Actually I see plenty of people to counter the plutocrats (like on MSNBC). Trouble is they totally ruin it with awful positions on other things (like immigration, Islamization, affirmative action, death penalty, etc)

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