What is your favorite Trump Quote

/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.

Yes, you provided proof there were thousands in Gaza, Trump said there were thousands and thousands in Jersey City.

Jersey City is not in the Gaza Strip.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com

Thanks for verifying there was not “thousands and thousands" of people were cheering as that building was coming down.
/—-/ Thanks for verifying you’re a jackass.

Perhaps when you finally get back and finish your GED you will learn that the Gaza Strip is not part of New Jersey.

/—-/ I have a BS in Business and know where the Gaza Strip is, so now you have gone from no Muslims dancing, to some were to thousands were but not all in Jersey City you can now STFU. You were wrong.

Dancing in New Jersey is the topic, not dancing in Gaza, since it was in New Jersey where trump lied about seeing "thousands and thousands" of them dancing. You're such a trump cock holster, you'll make up any lie rather than just admit he was lying.

/—-/ Oh, how about dancing on the north east corner of Hollywood and Vine? Didn’t happen there, so no one danced anywhere in the world on 9/11. I bet you were dancing in your mommy’s basement all night long.
/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.

Yes, you provided proof there were thousands in Gaza, Trump said there were thousands and thousands in Jersey City.

Jersey City is not in the Gaza Strip.
/—-/ TDS
/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.

Yes, you provided proof there were thousands in Gaza, Trump said there were thousands and thousands in Jersey City.

Jersey City is not in the Gaza Strip.
/—-/ TDS

Yes, you do have TDS....Trump Defense Syndrome. You will defend Trump no matter what. When he said he could shoot someone and people would still vote for him, you are who he was talking about.
At the same time he was bragging about now having the tallest building in Manhattan.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com
He said "thousands and thousands," which was a lie Besides, what does that have to do with him bragging about having the tallest building in Manhattan? Which was another lie. Nearly every time that guy speaks, he's lying.
/—-/ No he’s not lying you little turd ball. I watched the NY news that night and the broadcast news was going between Muslims in the US and Middle East and ran it on loops. Very easy over time to remember the exact details. Now STFU You American hating Prog.


There isn't a single Muslim dancing in New Jersey in the video you posted. :eusa_doh:

"Now STFU You American hating Prog."

You're an imbecile trying to conflate trump with America.

/—-/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to follow a thread. “Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again:” EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com[


Not only does your link say nothing about "thousands and thousands" ...

Not only was your article written some 14 years after the fact in the words of a trump cock holster trying to defend trump....

But it even states... "There are no records of this, and over time, what has happened is that it has become urban legend in many cities where people say they heard or saw something,"

Thanks for verifying there was not “thousands and thousands" of people were cheering as that building was coming down.
/—-/ Thanks for verifying you’re a jackass.

Perhaps when you finally get back and finish your GED you will learn that the Gaza Strip is not part of New Jersey.

/—-/ I have a BS in Business and know where the Gaza Strip is, so now you have gone from no Muslims dancing, to some were to thousands were but not all in Jersey City you can now STFU. You were wrong.

Trump said that there were thousands and thousand dancing in Jersey City, and yet you think that a video of the Gaza Strip proves that Trump was not lying?

No wonder you wasted your time getting a Business degree, you are none too bright.

/—-/ And you stick with your lie that none were celebrating and Trump made the whole thing up. Truth is you can’t prove how many did or didn’t. The news report found one neighborhood that did, but they couldn’t be everywhere. Prove they were the only ones. Go ahead.

Now you're lying. No one said there were no Muslims dancing in New Jersey.
/—-/ And you stick with your lie that none were celebrating and Trump made the whole thing up. Truth is you can’t prove how many did or didn’t. The news report found one neighborhood that did, but they couldn’t be everywhere. Prove they were the only ones. Go ahead.

I never said none did, I said that there were not thousands and thousands.

Do try and keep up, having to recap the thread for you gets tiring.
/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.
Liar. You did not prove there were "thousands and thousands" in New Jersey.
/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.

Yes, you provided proof there were thousands in Gaza, Trump said there were thousands and thousands in Jersey City.

Jersey City is not in the Gaza Strip.
/—-/ TDS
TDS = conservatives who will say anything, no matter how stupid, to defend their cult master.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
At the same time he was bragging about now having the tallest building in Manhattan.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com
He said "thousands and thousands," which was a lie Besides, what does that have to do with him bragging about having the tallest building in Manhattan? Which was another lie. Nearly every time that guy speaks, he's lying.
/—-/ No he’s not lying you little turd ball. I watched the NY news that night and the broadcast news was going between Muslims in the US and Middle East and ran it on loops. Very easy over time to remember the exact details. Now STFU You American hating Prog.

There is no news footage of American Muslims dancing on rooftops after 9-11

For the most part, they were terrified over possible retribution against them
"Fake news"
"Crooked Hillary"

So many good ones to pick from. Once President Trump tags you with a name, it might as well be tattooed on your forehead LOL.
/—-/ And you stick with your lie that none were celebrating and Trump made the whole thing up. Truth is you can’t prove how many did or didn’t. The news report found one neighborhood that did, but they couldn’t be everywhere. Prove they were the only ones. Go ahead.

I never said none did, I said that there were not thousands and thousands.

Do try and keep up, having to recap the thread for you gets tiring.
/—-/ And I provided proof there were thousands. The fact that many were in the Gaza while news stories ran the clips back to back it’s easy to confuse the two 16 years after the fact. BTW I live 35 miles from Ground Zero and saw the same news reports. All you care about is nit picking Trump’s remarks and care nothing of the Muslimes who celebrated the death of your fellow Americans.
Liar. You did not prove there were "thousands and thousands" in New Jersey.

Let's be honest. There are some Muslim Americans who are sympathetic to the countries they came from. Even though they live here, they feel a certain loyalty to their home countries. They know the USA is the big bad police of the world and we side with Israel over Palestine. Muslim Americans know the history of America and the middle east. America is not innocent. So I'm sure some Muslim Americans liked it when they saw 12 Saudi's and some Pakistanis take down the Twin Towers and fly into the Pentagon.

But not thousands dancing in the streets.

But, I'm sure many muslims believe America got what it deserved on 9-11.
"Fake news"
"Crooked Hillary"

So many good ones to pick from. Once President Trump tags you with a name, it might as well be tattooed on your forehead LOL.

I know right? And why can't we do it back to him?

Donald Trump wrongly claims his father was born in Germany – again

He did it 3 times. Why isn't anyone calling him Adolf Trump?

“I have great respect for Angela and I have great respect for the country,” said Trump. “My father is German, was German, born in a very wonderful place in Germany so I have a very great feeling for Germany.”

Does he have Alzheimers?

What this proves is his followers hold Democrats to a much higher standard than they hold Donny.

Trump has falsely claimed his father was born in Germany before. In July 2018, as he criticized EU nations for doing business with Iran after Trump broke a nuclear agreement with the country, Trump also claimed his father was born abroad.

But, I'm sure many muslims believe America got what it deserved on 9-11.
There were plenty of muslims among the 3000 innocent people in the WTC who were murdered on 9-11.

They call them little eichmanns

"Little Eichmanns" are people whose actions, while on an individual scale may seem relatively harmless even to themselves, taken collectively create destructive and immoral systems in which they are actually complicit. The name comes from Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi bureaucrat who helped to orchestrate the Holocaust, but claimed that he did so without feeling anything about his actions, merely following the orders given to him.
Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview

mine: I could kill someone on 5th avenue and not lose 1 single conservative vote! ....

Trump: "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"
Posted on January 23, 2016
Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview
I saw that entire interview; he made her look like a fool.
You probably saw selected bits from DailyKOS.
You sure bought it.

Yes I did see it and I thought it was hilarious when he said, "'I'm a lot more humble than you would ever understand". Not something a humble man would say.

And Trump is the farthest thing from a humble man. It's laughable he said that.

Also his economy sucks

U.S. trade negotiators open a new round of talks in China this week. But there appears to be little pressure for a settlement, even as the year-old conflict begins to weigh on the global economy.

"I don't know if they're going to make a deal," President Trump told reporters last week. "Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. I don't care, because we're taking in tens of billions of dollars' worth of tariffs."

The U.S. now adds a 25% tax to some $250 billion in Chinese imports. Although Trump paints his tariffs as a windfall for the U.S. Treasury, economists say the bulk of the cost is paid by American businesses and consumers buying Chinese goods.

The battle has depressed trade between the countries. U.S. exports to China fell more than 30% in June compared to a year ago, while imports from China shrank by nearly 8%.

Leaders of the Federal Reserve have pointed to growing trade tensions as one factor behind a slowdown in worldwide economic growth.

The Fed is widely expected to cut interest rates this week, in an effort to prop up sagging growth in the U.S. Growth slowed from an annual rate of 3.1% in the first three months of the year to just 2.1% between April and June.

2.1%? Maybe this is why Trump said some racist shit the other day. We're talking about the stupid shit he said and not his sucky economy. After all those tax breaks? WHAHAPPENED?

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