What Kamala Harris has to do to win

Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Good luck.
Nixon was never Cool
JFK was Cool

Trump is not Cool
all true but Nixon won two elections and one of them was 49-1 while trump dethroned a queen, were they "cool" then?...this will be close, very close, I think Harris can pull it off [I was sure Biden could]...I'm actually considering betting on Harris if I can find a place that gives more than just odds. [don't hold this against me trump fans...]
She should use Trump’s ego and vanity against him and goad him into staying off script and keep him ranting.

Poking fun at his age, his weight and his little girly hands should do it

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