What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

If they're in the classroom teaching then how would they know about him immediately?
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
The Rulers Thrive on Our Fear and Helplessness. Richkids Turned These Subhumans Loose on Us.

Let the thugs live in fear. We should be allowed to kill them without even warning them that we are armed.
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.
Why do you keep avoiding my questions?
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Because they ARE defenseless up against the high powered guns the school shooters brought with them. I'll ask you the same thing I asked Ray....would you put yourself up against someone with an AR-15 with only a hand gun? He see it and has a rapid firing weapon, which you do not, so guess who is dead? Not the gunman, that's for sure. Is that what you expect teachers and students to also do?

If they are so "defenseless", why are some school's plan for a mass shooting event is to keep a bunch of cans of food handy to throw at the shooter?

I'll gladly pit my marksmanship with a pistol against some shithead with a rifle, any day. Or would you rather I keep a couple cans of beans in my coat pocket?
Kittymom. Respectfully. You know nothing about firearms. The media and the movies are usually wrong

A handgun, even a revolver, is just as"rapid fire" as an ar15. At close range just as effective also.
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
Kittymom. Respectfully. You know nothing about firearms. The media and the movies are usually wrong

A handgun, even a revolver, is just as"rapid fire" as an ar15. At close range just as effective also.
Okay, then the next time there's a mass shooting where the shooter has an AR-15 and a person with a hand gun takes him out, please post it on here to prove me wrong, okay? I'm not being sarcastic, I just want to see the proof.
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.
Why do you keep avoiding my questions?
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Because they ARE defenseless up against the high powered guns the school shooters brought with them. I'll ask you the same thing I asked Ray....would you put yourself up against someone with an AR-15 with only a hand gun? He see it and has a rapid firing weapon, which you do not, so guess who is dead? Not the gunman, that's for sure. Is that what you expect teachers and students to also do?

An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon. Most handguns are semi-automatic weapons. In other words, you can shoot a handgun just as fast as a rifle if they are both semi-automatic weapons.

For the most part, shooters stop shooting or kill themselves once the police with guns get there. Their biggest fear is getting injured and having to sit in jail, face trial, and no way to get out of it.
My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

No, no, no. That's not the way reverse psychology is supposed to work. They think it works like this:

You are carrying a gun to compensate for your little package.

No, please don't say that. I don't want people to think I have a little package. That's it, I'll get rid of my guns, just don't let people think I have one for that reason!!!!

That's how they expect it to work.
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
The Rulers Thrive on Our Fear and Helplessness. Richkids Turned These Subhumans Loose on Us.

Let the thugs live in fear. We should be allowed to kill them without even warning them that we are armed.

There isn't a need to warn someone that you're about to unload on them. I'm not a law-enforcement officer, I have no duty to detain or arrest, nor do I have a duty to yell "put the gun down" to someone who is threatening me, my family, or even a bystander.

According to my state's deadly force law, the only reason I need to shoot someone is if my life or someone else's life is in mortal danger. I could legally just unload my pistol in some criminal shithead's back if I wanted to, without saying a word.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The retards who think they have to carry a gun are the same retards who believe Fox News when it tells them there are no-go zones in America.

A little doom music, some manufactured bullshit, and the tards are shitting in their pants.

They don't know how to walk upright like a man.

No, dude. The only people who are crapping in their panties are you leftards who are so paranoid, they they want more restrictive gun laws. You wouldn't keep pushing for them if you weren't so terrified of firearms and the people who own them.
Epitaph on the Vietnam War Memorial: PROUD TO DIE TAKING A COLLEGE KID'S PLACE

When union members become gunowners, the Right will become gungrabbers. All of your heroes chickened out of fighting the Communists.. End the economically biased volunteer army and the Campus Conservatives today will weasel out of the draft. Left and Right are from the same guillotine-fodder class, which includes the no-talent bootlicking class-climbers, like both Cheney and Biden.

Calling the self-determination of the American majority "mob rule" is capital treason.
People still die for your supposed right to carry a gun. Possession of a firearm isn't an absolute right.

Since you avoided the issue at hand...
If gun violence doesn't rise to a level where the average person needs a firearm for self-defense, why do we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms?

Q. If gun violence doesn't rise to a level where the average person needs a firearm for self-defense, why do we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms?

A. Because no one can predict when the law abiding becomes a law breaker. Regulations, such as requiring a license to own, possess or have in one's custody and control is a minor restriction, as can be seen by the numbers of people licensed to drive, to perform surgery, represent others in court, etc.

Registration of all firearms, focus on the word arms, seems reasonable. Gravity knives, push button knives,
nunchucks are illegal in many states; thus, why can't each state decide on licensing to own or possess them and for them to be registered?

As for arms, do you support the right to your own fragmentation grenade?

i think you mean *IF* the law abiding citizen becomes a law breaker.

or do you think every gun owner is going to break the laws now?

P1 I meant what I wrote: "no one can predict when the law abiding becomes a law breaker"

P2 No, I do not think every gun owner is going to break the law (now or in the future). Yet everyday a gun is used by someone to harm another, and many times people who know the shooter are surprised it was not like him or her.

And, BTW, I don't believe licensing and registration is a panacea, it is nothing more than an effort to reduce all gun violence from mass murders to suicides, and every purpose outside the law.

Thus, the manner in which the gun is obtained by the bad actor becomes necessary. And can be seen as aiding and abetting a murder, or careless disregard for securing the gun, allowing it to be stolen, or selling a gun so it is in the wind.

And if purchased legally, mandatory waiting times and other vetting of the purchaser may be necessary.

Let the people in every state decide on gun control laws by their vote.

P1 That is true, however, once a person has committed one crime, it is pretty easy to assert that he or she will commit more. Funny enough, the criminal element don't obey laws, so the only people that gun laws affect are the law abiding. Interesting how that works.

P2 And the vast majority of those people have PRIOR criminal activity. The overwhelming majority of gun owners are more lawful than the police. Don't believe me, but look it up for yourself. Law enforcement commit far more crimes than people with concealed weapons permits. By a huge margin.
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.
Finally, about the teachers, let me ask some of you this........how many of you would face a spray of bullets to try and take down the shooter? The shooter has the element of surprise on his side whereas the teacher would have to go and retrieve the gun from it's secured place, then, unless they were behind the shooter, would place themselves in the immediate path of the shooter. and who do you think the shooter would shoot next when he saw the teacher with the gun? Would any of you face a shooter with an AK-15 and try to take him down while he was firing? You'd be dead before you hit the floor.

Nobody is asking teachers to be Rambo's. If a teacher is locked down in his classroom with his students and the shooter breaks in, at least he stands a chance and yes, it would be an element of surprise. The shooter might pass his room where he is able to be behind the shooter and take him down that way.

If you had children in school in such a situation, would you rather your children be with a teacher that is armed or a teacher that's just going to die with the rest of the kids?

The shooter is there to get as many in the hall as they can and plenty of kids panic and race into the halls. The shooter isn't going to take the time to break down a locked door to get to a few kids when he has plenty to choose from in the halls. The teachers who were killed chose to open the door for some of the students in the hall to come into the rooms.

The gunman in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown has been identified as Adam Lanza. He is also dead, officials said. A senior law enforcement official tells NBC 4 New York that an unidentified woman has also been found dead, shot in the face, at a Newtown home, bringing the death toll to 28. The woman may be Lanza's mother, sources say.

State police said the shooting was confined to two rooms at the school, and that the casualties included 20 children and six adults. Two guns were recovered inside the school, and another outside in a car, officials said. Two law enforcement officials said the weapons were legally purchased and registered to Lanza's mother.

20 Children Among 27 Dead in School Shooting
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.

It also shows that your assumption that shooters only aim at people in the school hallways is false. In other words, Lanza specifically targeted classrooms, and had one of those teachers had access to a firearm, they could have been prepared for when Lanza left the previous classroom.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The retards who think they have to carry a gun are the same retards who believe Fox News when it tells them there are no-go zones in America.

A little doom music, some manufactured bullshit, and the tards are shitting in their pants.

They don't know how to walk upright like a man.

No, dude. The only people who are crapping in their panties are you leftards who are so paranoid, they they want more restrictive gun laws. You wouldn't keep pushing for them if you weren't so terrified of firearms and the people who own them.
I'm a gun owner, dipshit.

If I favor a law which requires children to be seat belted in a car, does that mean I hate car owners?

You tards really need to take a course in Logic.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

Watch the videos, the assholes playing the knockout game are subtle, they get close before they launch their attack. I can draw and shoot them far faster than I can try and talk them out of attacking me. So i will. Not because I want to, but because i have to. They leave themselves no time to be talked to.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The retards who think they have to carry a gun are the same retards who believe Fox News when it tells them there are no-go zones in America.

A little doom music, some manufactured bullshit, and the tards are shitting in their pants.

They don't know how to walk upright like a man.

No, dude. The only people who are crapping in their panties are you leftards who are so paranoid, they they want more restrictive gun laws. You wouldn't keep pushing for them if you weren't so terrified of firearms and the people who own them.
I'm a gun owner, dipshit.

If I favor a law which requires children to be seat belted in a car, does that mean I hate car owners?

You tards really need to take a course in Logic.

I doubt that highly.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

Watch the videos, the assholes playing the knockout game are subtle, they get close before they launch their attack. I can draw and shoot them far faster than I can try and talk them out of attacking me. So i will. Not because I want to, but because i have to. They leave themselves no time to be talked to.
Ah. This is precisely what I am talking about.

Fox News plays some doom music, then shows you a video installment of Black Behaving Badly, and the next thing you know, you are shitting your pants.


"I can't wait to shoot me some negroes!"
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

You are going way out on a limb by assuming who I am and what I'm capable of. But that's easy to understand, seeing as how you live in some little fantasy world. Once again, in case you missed it:

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.

Got it?
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

You'll pee your pants a lot harder knowing you're going to die and are totally defenseless.
Finally, about the teachers, let me ask some of you this........how many of you would face a spray of bullets to try and take down the shooter? The shooter has the element of surprise on his side whereas the teacher would have to go and retrieve the gun from it's secured place, then, unless they were behind the shooter, would place themselves in the immediate path of the shooter. and who do you think the shooter would shoot next when he saw the teacher with the gun? Would any of you face a shooter with an AK-15 and try to take him down while he was firing? You'd be dead before you hit the floor.

Nobody is asking teachers to be Rambo's. If a teacher is locked down in his classroom with his students and the shooter breaks in, at least he stands a chance and yes, it would be an element of surprise. The shooter might pass his room where he is able to be behind the shooter and take him down that way.

If you had children in school in such a situation, would you rather your children be with a teacher that is armed or a teacher that's just going to die with the rest of the kids?

The shooter is there to get as many in the hall as they can and plenty of kids panic and race into the halls. The shooter isn't going to take the time to break down a locked door to get to a few kids when he has plenty to choose from in the halls. The teachers who were killed chose to open the door for some of the students in the hall to come into the rooms.

The gunman in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown has been identified as Adam Lanza. He is also dead, officials said. A senior law enforcement official tells NBC 4 New York that an unidentified woman has also been found dead, shot in the face, at a Newtown home, bringing the death toll to 28. The woman may be Lanza's mother, sources say.

State police said the shooting was confined to two rooms at the school, and that the casualties included 20 children and six adults. Two guns were recovered inside the school, and another outside in a car, officials said. Two law enforcement officials said the weapons were legally purchased and registered to Lanza's mother.

20 Children Among 27 Dead in School Shooting
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.

It also shows that your assumption that shooters only aim at people in the school hallways is false. In other words, Lanza specifically targeted classrooms, and had one of those teachers had access to a firearm, they could have been prepared for when Lanza left the previous classroom.

He still had a fast firing firearm and who do you think he would shoot first ehwn he saw the teacher with the gun in their hand! Christ on a cracker! Use some logic here would you?

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