What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

Has Trump rejected the support? It is guilt by tacit acceptance of their support

Trump stares down protester wearing 'KKK endorses Trump' shirt
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.

I have no idea WTF you're watching or reading. Trump's reference of political correctness was that the police acted too slow in getting rid of those people. In the good ole days "as Trump put it" the police would have ripped those people right out of their seats.
Yet it was politically correct to remove them. Good ole days without political correctness the KKK would be allowed to attend. Lol

The problem is that you're seeing only what you wish to see instead of what's really there.

I really have no idea what you're looking for. The crowd was booing, Trump walked over to the guy and stared him down, the police escorted them out. What more did you want?

I know you were expecting Trump and Republican followers to cheer on the KKK guy because it's the way you've been trained to think: racist, sexist, homophone and all of that.

Sorry to burst your bubble even if you believe it's still inflated.
I know the guy is most likely a plant, the kkk work in secrecy like the cowards they are. Trumps choice of words were very odd, especially when it comes to that group. From police brutality, the good old days, and political correctness. Very odd, which shows he does not think before he speaks. But he is a genius as he keeps telling people, so he most likely meant those words as how they were used in the good old days.

And his comments to kill family's of terrorists. The military will not obey any such order. He is in over his head. And will create more terror and more problems in the world from just his unthinking rhetoric alone. And I do believe the kkk and other hate groups will vote and follow him. He has that vote locked down.
Sure he is successful, but on the backs of other people. He did not write any of " his" books but claims credit for them. Trump is a brand, they just use his name "logo" and other people do the work and he gets money. He is actually going to have to work and make life and death decisions. He is going to have to keep secrets, can he be trusted with intel? Or if some country critizises him is he going to open his mouth and use that Intel to threaten?
You must be a millennial. Trump is successful because of the people who work for him. LMAO!!! He gave thousands jobs, but it was their finesse and daring that made him a billionaire. You are out of our league, Timothy.
Well don't take it from me, let trump speak for himself. He is just a brand. He claims it is his genuis but never says what that means. You are being led by your nose. He did house the homeless at one point in the 80's but that was only to have the middle class tenants leave the buildings so he could make his buildings and cater to the upper class. So yes screwing people over is trumps brand and he sells it well. Trump university was a joke. But hey he is your guy so you will love him no matter what. Lmao. if elected he will trample the constitution, probably worse then bush and obama after him did with the patriot act BS. But he will not last long because of his ego and thin skin he will quit.

Do you take a breath in between your sleazy talking points?

Not my talking points, everything is from trumps own mouth.

Spare us. Do you actually expect people to believe the swill you're dispensing?

Huh? Have you actually listened to any of Trumps speeches or whatever he calls them. Just listen to the man himself. Oh because I use his own words about him, he might try to sue me. You must not like the constitution because every speech he has goes against the founding documents of this country. This is the ultimate popularity contest for him. Lol. And you are buying him hook line and sinker. And the sheep follow.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

So very true.

The right wing of the Republican Party is attached at the HIP to right wing radio talk shows and FOX News. A Trump supporter is engulfed in 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio that is filled with right wing hyperbole designed to inflame them. Then later it's all FOX News who also inflames their audiences, with 1/2 truths which are always designed to be on the "right wing side" of the equation.

They know nothing more than what they've been told by right wing talk show hosts. They refuse to turn the channel to other news stations. They refuse to read any sites, other than right wing sites, that are of course written by the right wing. They are ignorant of anything else, and frankly won't believe anything else other than what they're been told by right wing talk show hosts. A typical Trump supporter believes Trump to be a John Wayne figure, but because of their ignorance of the national electorate, they don't realize that Trump is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary. It's because no right wing talk show hosts will ever disclose to them, which candidate can win the White House, and which one won't and the reasons for that.

So FOX News, Mr. talent on loan from Gawwwdd (Rush Limbaugh) Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Marc Levine and all the rest have made their beds, now they don't want to sleep in them. They have shattered the Republican party into pieces. This is what happens when political news, goes into entertainment, designed for ratings and profits.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Because of them Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.



What a load of horseshit. I'll bet the leftwing propaganda organs are spewing this over and over. I hope they drill it into your head good because that will just keep you from understanding the danger the Democrats are in.
You must be a millennial. Trump is successful because of the people who work for him. LMAO!!! He gave thousands jobs, but it was their finesse and daring that made him a billionaire. You are out of our league, Timothy.
Well don't take it from me, let trump speak for himself. He is just a brand. He claims it is his genuis but never says what that means. You are being led by your nose. He did house the homeless at one point in the 80's but that was only to have the middle class tenants leave the buildings so he could make his buildings and cater to the upper class. So yes screwing people over is trumps brand and he sells it well. Trump university was a joke. But hey he is your guy so you will love him no matter what. Lmao. if elected he will trample the constitution, probably worse then bush and obama after him did with the patriot act BS. But he will not last long because of his ego and thin skin he will quit.

Do you take a breath in between your sleazy talking points?

Not my talking points, everything is from trumps own mouth.

Spare us. Do you actually expect people to believe the swill you're dispensing?

Huh? Have you actually listened to any of Trumps speeches or whatever he calls them. Just listen to the man himself. Oh because I use his own words about him, he might try to sue me. You must not like the constitution because every speech he has goes against the founding documents of this country. This is the ultimate popularity contest for him. Lol. And you are buying him hook line and sinker. And the sheep follow.

You must be thinking of Obama who says he can overturn laws with his phone and his pen.
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.

I have no idea WTF you're watching or reading. Trump's reference of political correctness was that the police acted too slow in getting rid of those people. In the good ole days "as Trump put it" the police would have ripped those people right out of their seats.
Yet it was politically correct to remove them. Good ole days without political correctness the KKK would be allowed to attend. Lol

The problem is that you're seeing only what you wish to see instead of what's really there.

I really have no idea what you're looking for. The crowd was booing, Trump walked over to the guy and stared him down, the police escorted them out. What more did you want?

I know you were expecting Trump and Republican followers to cheer on the KKK guy because it's the way you've been trained to think: racist, sexist, homophone and all of that.

Sorry to burst your bubble even if you believe it's still inflated.
I know the guy is most likely a plant, the kkk work in secrecy like the cowards they are. Trumps choice of words were very odd, especially when it comes to that group. From police brutality, the good old days, and political correctness. Very odd, which shows he does not think before he speaks. But he is a genius as he keeps telling people, so he most likely meant those words as how they were used in the good old days.

And his comments to kill family's of terrorists. The military will not obey any such order. He is in over his head. And will create more terror and more problems in the world from just his unthinking rhetoric alone. And I do believe the kkk and other hate groups will vote and follow him. He has that vote locked down.

When he says "kill the families of terrorists" he means bomb their homes. There's nothing illegal about that. The military has been doing that since Abe Lincoln ordered Sherman to fire on Atlanta.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.

You had better hope Trump (or whoever wins) picks Kasich to be his VP, or once again, your vote will be wasted.

No, it won't be. You guys are under the false impression that in order for a vote to count, it has to be for a winner. Must be the real reason why all you rubes are jumping on the Trump bandeagon. I think voting for someone only because that's who you think is going to win is more of a wasted vote.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.

You had better hope Trump (or whoever wins) picks Kasich to be his VP, or once again, your vote will be wasted.

No, it won't be. You guys are under the false impression that in order for a vote to count, it has to be for a winner. Must be the real reason why all you rubes are jumping on the Trump bandeagon. I think voting for someone only because that's who you think is going to win is more of a wasted vote.

So how would your vote count if your candidate doesn't win?
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.

You had better hope Trump (or whoever wins) picks Kasich to be his VP, or once again, your vote will be wasted.

No, it won't be. You guys are under the false impression that in order for a vote to count, it has to be for a winner. Must be the real reason why all you rubes are jumping on the Trump bandeagon. I think voting for someone only because that's who you think is going to win is more of a wasted vote.

So how would your vote count if your candidate doesn't win?
Because it is recorded what percentage of the voters went for each candidate. Are you planning on voting for Trump just because he's winning?
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.

I have no idea WTF you're watching or reading. Trump's reference of political correctness was that the police acted too slow in getting rid of those people. In the good ole days "as Trump put it" the police would have ripped those people right out of their seats.
Yet it was politically correct to remove them. Good ole days without political correctness the KKK would be allowed to attend. Lol

The problem is that you're seeing only what you wish to see instead of what's really there.

I really have no idea what you're looking for. The crowd was booing, Trump walked over to the guy and stared him down, the police escorted them out. What more did you want?

I know you were expecting Trump and Republican followers to cheer on the KKK guy because it's the way you've been trained to think: racist, sexist, homophone and all of that.

Sorry to burst your bubble even if you believe it's still inflated.
I know the guy is most likely a plant, the kkk work in secrecy like the cowards they are. Trumps choice of words were very odd, especially when it comes to that group. From police brutality, the good old days, and political correctness. Very odd, which shows he does not think before he speaks. But he is a genius as he keeps telling people, so he most likely meant those words as how they were used in the good old days.

And his comments to kill family's of terrorists. The military will not obey any such order. He is in over his head. And will create more terror and more problems in the world from just his unthinking rhetoric alone. And I do believe the kkk and other hate groups will vote and follow him. He has that vote locked down.

He has no control over who votes for him. Rapists and murderers could vote for Hillary too, but that's not something she's in charge of.

If that guy was a plant, it was by the Democrat party. It seemed to me that Trump was a little shocked that this guy appeared which is why his thoughts were a bit confused.

In any case, Trump certainly didn't welcome his support no matter how much spin you try to put on it.
What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.

You had better hope Trump (or whoever wins) picks Kasich to be his VP, or once again, your vote will be wasted.

No, it won't be. You guys are under the false impression that in order for a vote to count, it has to be for a winner. Must be the real reason why all you rubes are jumping on the Trump bandeagon. I think voting for someone only because that's who you think is going to win is more of a wasted vote.

So how would your vote count if your candidate doesn't win?
Because it is recorded what percentage of the voters went for each candidate. Are you planning on voting for Trump just because he's winning?

That's a good question because I don't really know yet. We here in Ohio are robbed of choice because by the time it gets here, most of the candidates are gone.

However, I would not vote for Kasich if he continues down this track. I like Carson too, but voting for him would be a wasted vote since he stands no chance at winning either.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.
You aren't a very good democrat if you want kasich appointing the next supreme and if you are OK with kasich signing bills that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell pass.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?

What kind of people support an enabling criminal like Hillary Clinton?
The kind of person who thinks the GOP is even more against me than the dnc

So you'd vote for someone who has broken the law and allowed her husband to victimize women? A woman who represents the very antithesis of liberal values? Boy, you guys are desperate.
I don't want a conservative judge and I don't want McConnell or Ryan getting what they want.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.
You aren't a very good democrat if you want kasich appointing the next supreme and if you are OK with kasich signing bills that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell pass.
Yes, we know you extremists have purged the Blue Dogs. To be a "good democrat" according to the Pelosi Wing is to be a lock step ideologue.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

So very true.

The right wing of the Republican Party is attached at the HIP to right wing radio talk shows and FOX News. A Trump supporter is engulfed in 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio that is filled with right wing hyperbole designed to inflame them. Then later it's all FOX News who also inflames their audiences, with 1/2 truths which are always designed to be on the "right wing side" of the equation.

They know nothing more than what they've been told by right wing talk show hosts. They refuse to turn the channel to other news stations. They refuse to read any sites, other than right wing sites, that are of course written by the right wing. They are ignorant of anything else, and frankly won't believe anything else other than what they're been told by right wing talk show hosts. A typical Trump supporter believes Trump to be a John Wayne figure, but because of their ignorance of the national electorate, they don't realize that Trump is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary. It's because no right wing talk show hosts will ever disclose to them, which candidate can win the White House, and which one won't and the reasons for that.

So FOX News, Mr. talent on loan from Gawwwdd (Rush Limbaugh) Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Marc Levine and all the rest have made their beds, now they don't want to sleep in them. They have shattered the Republican party into pieces. This is what happens when political news, goes into entertainment, designed for ratings and profits.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Because of them Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.



Oh please, if there is any group of people that follows orders, it's the left.

Teacher say---student do. That's why liberals here and everywhere spew garbage that they can't explain. How does voter ID discriminate when one rule applies to all people? Then they go on about some scenario of people who have lived their entire life in a modern country with no ID. It makes no sense, but that's what they've been trained to say. Or how would more gun regulations stop a criminal when criminals don't obey laws? Once again, they roll out some idiotic explanation that doesn't answer the question. They don't even stop to think about what they are going to say before they say or write it.

Ask people on the right about issues, and at least we make sense when we're replying. You might not agree with it because it goes against your brainwashing, but it does make sense.
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.

I have no idea WTF you're watching or reading. Trump's reference of political correctness was that the police acted too slow in getting rid of those people. In the good ole days "as Trump put it" the police would have ripped those people right out of their seats.
Yet it was politically correct to remove them. Good ole days without political correctness the KKK would be allowed to attend. Lol

The problem is that you're seeing only what you wish to see instead of what's really there.

I really have no idea what you're looking for. The crowd was booing, Trump walked over to the guy and stared him down, the police escorted them out. What more did you want?

I know you were expecting Trump and Republican followers to cheer on the KKK guy because it's the way you've been trained to think: racist, sexist, homophone and all of that.

Sorry to burst your bubble even if you believe it's still inflated.
I know the guy is most likely a plant, the kkk work in secrecy like the cowards they are. Trumps choice of words were very odd, especially when it comes to that group. From police brutality, the good old days, and political correctness. Very odd, which shows he does not think before he speaks. But he is a genius as he keeps telling people, so he most likely meant those words as how they were used in the good old days.

And his comments to kill family's of terrorists. The military will not obey any such order. He is in over his head. And will create more terror and more problems in the world from just his unthinking rhetoric alone. And I do believe the kkk and other hate groups will vote and follow him. He has that vote locked down.
Actually after Israel started punishing suicide bombers families, the number of suicide bombers dropped.

Nothing will stop all suicide bombers but we can lower the incidences.

Even suicide bombers love their parents.

We should kill the San Bernardino shooters baby
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

What kind of people are for Cruz rubio or kasich?
I am for Kasich. I am a Moderate Democrat. My stare has open primary and no party registration so I'm voting in the Republican primary for Kasich.
You aren't a very good democrat if you want kasich appointing the next supreme and if you are OK with kasich signing bills that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell pass.
Yes, we know you extremists have purged the Blue Dogs. To be a "good democrat" according to the Pelosi Wing is to be a lock step ideologue.
Just like Republicans are purging social conservatives who hate the middle class and poor
Ever noticed wgat direction Trump's nose is pointed when he's not speaking.

Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

What is even more bizarre is the circumstances.

I mean, if you were to have a field of Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, Pierre Dupont, Steve Forbes, John McCain, Al Haig, or even Phil Gramm and toss Donald Trump into the mix, I could understand the appeal. These other guys represent the old GOP in many ways are out of touch.

But in the 2016 election (if you believed the rhetoric from 2008 and 2012) they had a dyed-in-the-wool conservative in Ted Cruz who apparently is to the Constitution what Billy Graham is the Bible insofar as thinking we should be living by centuries old edicts. He is a moron from my standpoint as a liberal but from the Conservative standpoint he is exactly what every moron here said they wanted.

And once they got the chance to vote for one in a national election....they vote for someone else and the most liberal person running for the nomination of the GOP....

I usually dismiss conspiracy theories but this one really sounds as if there may be some traction to it; why else would the party of conservatives reject the man who is not on the most conservative but one who had a real chance at the nomination.

The way I see it it's not a liberal/ conservative thing. It's more about a political correctness thing.

Give the Republicans some credit. They are trying to change the party unlike the Democrats who simply march in lockstep and drifting further and further left.

Tea Party or Establishment, they all have promised us things and not delivered. That's because for the most part, they are professional politicians and their lives depend on staying in politics.

The message here is that we are sick of professional politicians. Say this and do that. Their only concern after getting elected is their reelection, and they are willing to sell their first born to get that reelection.

One of the attractions of Trump is that he doesn't care. If we elect him President, fine, he'll take the job. If we don't elect him President, fine, he's got plenty of other things to do. His life doesn't depend on politics or money. Therefore he means what he says. He doesn't back down from anybody including the politically correct leftist media.

So, we can expect all 24 GOP candidates to lose their Senate re-election campaigns then right? I mean, you said:

"Tea Party or Establishment, they all have promised us things and not delivered. That's because for the most part, they are professional politicians and their lives depend on staying in politics. "

We should be hearing about Senators like Ayotte, Portman and Rubio to get primaried then...right?

If they stand for re-election in the fall, it simply means that the GOP is no more (or less) angry at their members of congress than the Democrats.

Well when it comes to voting, most of us don't vote a candidate in because we love them so much, we are more concerned with keeping the worst candidate out.

Much like past elections, I won't be voting for Trump, Rubio, Cruz or even Kasich if he makes it. I'll be voting to keep Hillary out of the White House.

Maybe at a later date, you can let us know how it feels to have no spine or conviction. Not today. I'm proudly voting for HRC because she is the best qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. That is a fact. It's great to not have to "settle" for one of her larger supporters.

She's also a criminal that hasn't been caught yet, and you're criticizing my voting criteria?

You may not admit it, but the only reason you'll vote for Hillary is to keep whoever the Republican nominee is out of office. She's under FBI investigation, she's loaded with baggage, she has conversations with dead people, she's up in the years and even has some medical problems to be concerned with, she thinks people are shooting at her when she gets off of planes, and this is somebody you really want to have access to the red button?

Of course not, nobody would. You (and all the other liberals) will vote for her to keep the Republican out.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

If kasich rubio or Cruz were worth a spit trump wouldn't be winning. Remember this isn't a general election this is Republicans rejecting Cruz rubio and trump.

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