What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Biden admin would never lie to the public!

Exxonmobile had gross revenues of $285 billion last year. Your chart shows they had negative profits. Chevron also had negative profits. So what happened to these huge profits you claim they made?
First, you're the one that started the childish insults.

Childish insults are your forte. Again, SWISH. I am not saying that people pick fun or insults for all time, it's per conversation. So your childish insults or my insulting a mental child like you in the past is irrelevant

Second, the law of supply and demand falls apart when there's a huge wealth gap.

What the holy fuck. That makes no sense. Talk about a non-sequitur. Supply and demand has nothing to do with your political views, it's about ANY market place with suppliers and consumers

Third, right now inflation is the primary issue. The cost of diesel of driving up the cost of everything:

Right, I said that. Only I wasn't as myopic as you are just focusing on diesel, I pointed out it's all energy costs that are doing that

Fourth, saying that Oil company profit margins aren't as high as other sectors doesn't justify them. Other sectors are not as critical to the entire economy. Most of them are not essential.

Based on what? You obviously have no economic or finance education or experience. Ignoring that everything you said was either wrong or true but uninsightful, what is the prowess you believe you possess on this subject based on? Your believe that leftist lawyers know more about economics than economists?
Because they were giving away oil? Selling it below cost? Corporations aren't guaranteed profits year after year. That's different than cutting production to artificially raise the price, reaping massive profits. They control the production and the delivery and they set the price.

You are more than welcome to explain this:

Or this:

View attachment 670346

The missing link here is that these end prices are dynamic. So when we say "a gallon of gasoline is $X.xx" that's not telling the whole story. If that price is (say) $4.50 right now, the rest of the sentence is that that $4.50 is also in the process of dropping precipitously. Where the actual price settles won't be known until it stops dropping. The image does not indicate a date but even checking just now it's already dropped from both that $104 and that $123 price.
Childish insults are your forte. Again, SWISH. I am not saying that people pick fun or insults for all time, it's per conversation. So your childish insults or my insulting a mental child like you in the past is irrelevant

What the holy fuck. That makes no sense. Talk about a non-sequitur. Supply and demand has nothing to do with your political views, it's about ANY market place with suppliers and consumers

Right, I said that. Only I wasn't as myopic as you are just focusing on diesel, I pointed out it's all energy costs that are doing that

Based on what? You obviously have no economic or finance education or experience. Ignoring that everything you said was either wrong or true but uninsightful, what is the prowess you believe you possess on this subject based on? Your believe that leftist lawyers know more about economics than economists?



Since you didn't understand it when I said: "the law of supply and demand falls apart when there's a huge wealth gap", it shows that you have no understanding of real economics.

You just regurgitate pure BULLSHIT promoted by right-wing academics like the mindless school boy that you are.

BTW - Diesel cost is the single biggest cause of inflation.
Biden said the inflation is transitory.



Russia invaded Ukraine 5 months ago.

This goes back 14 months.

Lying....They knew that printing up $3 trillion was going to be inflationary.


Since you didn't understand it when I said: "the law of supply and demand falls apart when there's a huge wealth gap", it shows that you have no understanding of real economics.

You just regurgitate pure BULLSHIT promoted by right-wing academics like the mindless school boy that you are.

BTW - Diesel cost is the single biggest cause of inflation.

Why is it the most economically illiterate feel the need to proclaim most loudly and arrogantly that they're fucking oracles on the topic? :lmao:

Diesel costs are high because of currency inflation, sub-imbecile.
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