What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've owned 3 houses in my life. Soon I'll be coming into a lot of money, and I'll buy a whole estate with 50+ acres. Your "choices" are stupid. And your refusal to condemn the ripoff landlords buying properties and raising rents 200%, tells me you're one of them. Disinterested, objective people are unlikely to say what you say.
The property owner's raising their rent like that, well actually is a huge gamble on their part, but it will either break them if their good tenant's move out or it will save their property values and investment's by keeping the living quality, and the area it all exist in safe, so upping the scale of living quality in the area is never a bad thing, but it definitely is a gamble on their part. Depends on how the area in which the investment exist in is trending that should determine the stability of the investment property, and how that property is to be managed in order to protect the investment property value and it's safety.
Yeah they've been a real success story over the year's. NOT !!!!!!!!!

The purpose of the post office isn't to make a profit. The purpose of the post office to provide every house in American with home delivery, as set out in the Constitution.

Americans don't even know their own history.
Presidents don't "allow" inflation. Your country has a free market economy. The market sets the prices.
We do not have a free market economy. Haven't for at least 60 years.
We have a heavily-heavily regulated system that strongly favors corporatism and wealth.
Go ahead and start selling something in front of your home, or in a public place... you will find out how free of a market we have.
People who failed to save enough for retirement have fewer choices.
You failed to buy housing and now your choices are to pay higher rent, get a roommate, move somewhere cheaper or steal from people who planned better.

People who failed to save enough for retirement???? Boy you really have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid of "personal responsibility", now haven't you. You parrot the bullshit brilliantly.

70% of Americans don't have enough money to retire on. Since the number of people who "fail to save enough for retirement", is vastly higher than the number of people who DO manage to get it right, there is something much bigger than just a failure of "personal responsibility" at play here.

You have an economic system whereby workers are paid the least amount possible for their contribution to the economy. The American worker hasn't had a real raise since 1980, and it takes a larger and larger percentage of their earnings to provide basic necessities for their families. The same economic system that pays a worker the least amount possible, will also charge them the highest amount possible for it's goods and services.

If 70% of your population can't successful save for retirement, this is a national problem, not a "personal responsibility" issue.
People who failed to save enough for retirement???? Boy you really have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid of "personal responsibility", now haven't you. You parrot the bullshit brilliantly.

70% of Americans don't have enough money to retire on. Since the number of people who "fail to save enough for retirement", is vastly higher than the number of people who DO manage to get it right, there is something much bigger than just a failure of "personal responsibility" at play here.

You have an economic system whereby workers are paid the least amount possible for their contribution to the economy. The American worker hasn't had a real raise since 1980, and it takes a larger and larger percentage of their earnings to provide basic necessities for their families. The same economic system that pays a worker the least amount possible, will also charge them the highest amount possible for it's goods and services.

If 70% of your population can't successful save for retirement, this is a national problem, not a "personal responsibility" issue.
You are wrong.
70% of the population CHOOSE to live beyond their ability to earn.
It is pretty simple.
A family whose household income is $125,000.
They are stupid, as they keep buying new cars every 4 or 5 years. And they make two car payments.
Averaging $800/mo. They cannot afford that. But are too stupid to know it, they only know how to act like everyone else.
Economically insane.
But wait - there's more - they also are stupid enough to buy a home at the very top of what a bank tells them they can borrow.
So they have a house payment of $1700/month.
So their two cars they can't afford, and the home they can't afford wipes out $2,500 a month of their earnings.
By the time they buy groceries, pay their 5 figures of credit card debts and everything else - they are saving $0. Nothing.

That is a very good and accurate description of how at least 70% of Americans live.
So Reagan was handed Carter’s failure. The first year was rough but he fixed it.

Bidumb is the Carter failure. He inherited an economy he couldn’t possibly fuck up. Yet he did.

Only an idiot would make this comparison.
It wasn't fixed for a long time after Reagan was elected and the multiple recessions proved Reagan was not the great healer.
You are wrong.
70% of the population CHOOSE to live beyond their ability to earn.
It is pretty simple.
A family whose household income is $125,000.
They are stupid, as they keep buying new cars every 4 or 5 years. And they make two car payments.
Averaging $800/mo. They cannot afford that. But are too stupid to know it, they only know how to act like everyone else.
Economically insane.
But wait - there's more - they also are stupid enough to buy a home at the very top of what a bank tells them they can borrow.
So they have a house payment of $1700/month.
So their two cars they can't afford, and the home they can't afford wipes out $2,500 a month of their earnings.
By the time they buy groceries, pay their 5 figures of credit card debts and everything else - they are saving $0. Nothing.

That is a very good and accurate description of how at least 70% of Americans live.
My mortgage is $422.00 a month and that includes taxes and insurance and I own two cars with no payment that are twenty years old.

What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​

He must have misplaced the magic wand all prez's possess to instantly make things all better gain. Apparently, so has every other leader in the world where inflation is raging.
My mortgage is $422.00 a month and that includes taxes and insurance and I own two cars with no payment that are twenty years old.
You are not among the 70%
And you know as well as I do, the vast majority of Americans use "debt as income".
What they can't buy with their paycheck - they charge or borrow in debt.

P.S. - as previously stated, I drive a 2006 Explorer and Bonzi drives a 2012 Fusion.
I paid cash for the Explorer 7 years ago I think, and I only borrowed $10k for the fusion and paid that off in 3.5 years.
We have one debt - a mortgage. And what we owe is less than half what we could borrow if we were as stupid as everyone else.
And we owe less than half what the property is worth.
I've owned 3 houses in my life. Soon I'll be coming into a lot of money, and I'll buy a whole estate with 50+ acres. Your "choices" are stupid. And your refusal to condemn the ripoff landlords buying properties and raising rents 200%, tells me you're one of them. Disinterested, objective people are unlikely to say what you say.

I've owned 3 houses in my life.

Where did the money go? Hookers and blow?
Rent boys rip you off?

Soon I'll be coming into a lot of money, and I'll buy a whole estate with 50+ acres.

And then your hot girlfriend from......Canada, yeah, that's the ticket, will move in.

And your refusal to condemn the ripoff landlords buying properties and raising rents 200%, tells me you're one of them.

Nope. No desire to deal with low class whiners like you.

Disinterested, objective people are unlikely to say what you say.

Lots of real conservatives would say what I say to a whiney baby like you.
So you support the ilk of Hannity, that doesn't invest in the stock market, but is strictly in Real Estate. His claim.

Question: So which rich bastards are increasing RENT?
Answer: Rich fucks like Hannity.

Question: Is this a POTUS problem?
Answer: NOPE, it is the GREED of the RICH that have multiple homes and rent them out for "INFLATED PRICES"

Tell me Todd, how is this a (D) or current problem?
Capitalism, Right!!!!

So you support the ilk of Hannity, that doesn't invest in the stock market, but is strictly in Real Estate.

I do?

Tell me Todd, how is this a (D) or current problem?

I don't know what you're talking about. Are you quoting protectionist?
People who failed to save enough for retirement???? Boy you really have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid of "personal responsibility", now haven't you. You parrot the bullshit brilliantly.

70% of Americans don't have enough money to retire on. Since the number of people who "fail to save enough for retirement", is vastly higher than the number of people who DO manage to get it right, there is something much bigger than just a failure of "personal responsibility" at play here.

You have an economic system whereby workers are paid the least amount possible for their contribution to the economy. The American worker hasn't had a real raise since 1980, and it takes a larger and larger percentage of their earnings to provide basic necessities for their families. The same economic system that pays a worker the least amount possible, will also charge them the highest amount possible for it's goods and services.

If 70% of your population can't successful save for retirement, this is a national problem, not a "personal responsibility" issue.

70% of Americans don't have enough money to retire on.

But their Nikes and cell phones are nifty.

Since the number of people who "fail to save enough for retirement", is vastly higher than the number of people who DO manage to get it right, there is something much bigger than just a failure of "personal responsibility" at play here.

12.4% of their paycheck does make it harder to save.

You have an economic system whereby workers are paid the least amount possible for their contribution to the economy.

Unlike your economic system whereby workers are paid the most possible for their contribution to the economy? Tell me more! How do you do it?

The American worker hasn't had a real raise since 1980,

People who failed to save enough for retirement???? Boy you really have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid of "personal responsibility", now haven't you. You parrot the bullshit brilliantly.

70% of Americans don't have enough money to retire on. Since the number of people who "fail to save enough for retirement", is vastly higher than the number of people who DO manage to get it right, there is something much bigger than just a failure of "personal responsibility" at play here.

You have an economic system whereby workers are paid the least amount possible for their contribution to the economy. The American worker hasn't had a real raise since 1980, and it takes a larger and larger percentage of their earnings to provide basic necessities for their families. The same economic system that pays a worker the least amount possible, will also charge them the highest amount possible for it's goods and services.

If 70% of your population can't successful save for retirement, this is a national problem, not a "personal responsibility" issue.

They did under Trump, you liar.
You call this a "solid economy" ? About as solid as a sponge.

EARTH to OTTO: The correct description is RECESSION. (or Recession with runaway inflation)
We’re in recession now?

Damn, it’s the best recession ever!

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