What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?

I don't claim it, Harvard does

“Overall, our results show that the United States, which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other high-income countries,” the authors wrote. “These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us.”

Please demonstrate Harvard is wrong.
And everyone wants in
I don't claim it, Harvard does

“Overall, our results show that the United States, which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other high-income countries,” the authors wrote. “These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us.”

Please demonstrate Harvard is wrong.

You mean like this?

According to a study in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, which cites the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Nations International Study on Firearms Regulation, the more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.

In other words, more firearms, less crime, concludes the virtually unpublicized research report by attorney Don B. Kates and Dr. Gary Mauser. But the key is firearms in the hands of private citizens.

“The study was overlooked when it first came out in 2007,” writes Michael Snyder, “but it was recently re-discovered and while the findings may not surprise some, the place where the study was undertaken is a bit surprising. The study came from the Harvard Journal of Law, that bastion of extreme, Ivy League liberalism. Titled Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?, the report “found some surprising things.”

The popular assertion that the United States has the industrialized world’s highest murder rate, says the Harvard study, is a throwback to the Cold War when Russian murder rates were nearly four times higher than American rates. In a strategic disinformation campaign, the U.S. was painted worldwide as a gunslinging nightmare of street violence – far worse than what was going on in Russia. The line was repeated so many times that many believed it to be true. Now, many still do.

Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, which have high rates of gun ownership, have low murder rates. On the other hand, in Luxembourg, where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, the murder rate is nine times higher than Germany. Their source of information? The United Nations' International Study on Firearms Regulation, published by the UN's Economic and Social Council and the United Nations Commission on Crime-Prevention and Criminal Justice.

I don't claim it, Harvard does

“Overall, our results show that the United States, which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other high-income countries,” the authors wrote. “These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us.”

Please demonstrate Harvard is wrong.

And there he is....David Hemenway.......the rabid, anti-gun fanatic.....he did your study.......
Laws have nothing to do with this.

This is ALL on the complete FAILURE of the American public school system AND the COMPLETE FAILURE OF PARENTS to teach their kids manners, etiquette, honesty, reliability, self-worth, understanding, and social skills they need to survive in this world......instead of whoring it up, popping out a kid, and sitting it in front of the goddamned TV and/or video game console for 18 fucking years!!!!
Also failure of the politicians who make it hard to carry guns to defend with.
Any 51/50 hold of more than 24 hours (regardless of Final diagnosis or outcome ) results in any 4473 form being kicked back for 5 years )
What has that to do with mass shootings in America

The fact that the U.K. had mass public shootings before their ban, and then after they banned guns, they still had mass public shootings....which goes to the question of whether or not Britain's gun bans and confiscation stopped mass public shootings.....
lo and almost none of them ever get elected to office, dumbass. Why? BECAUSE IT TAKES MONEY, you moron.

Congratulations on successfully implanting Wall Street morals on the entire population, and most immigrants. This is your dream come true, idiot. Enjoy!
They vote you ignorant jackass and in very large numbers and vote for people they think will further their own interests rather than those of the country as a whole.

They are vastly outnumbered by the poor who own our politicians in large part as is reflected in tax policy.

Ring any bells you ignorant twit?
lo and almost none of them ever get elected to office, dumbass. Why? BECAUSE IT TAKES MONEY, you moron.

Congratulations on successfully implanting Wall Street morals on the entire population, and most immigrants. This is your dream come true, idiot. Enjoy!
You really are an idiot.

They are vastly outnumbered by the poor who own our politicians in large part as is reflected in tax policy.
You wouldn't recognise what a fact it if I'd paint it bright red and put it on a billboard in your front yard. What you spouted are not facts. It's particularly ill founded partisan dribble that you swallowed wholesale.

As for it not being racist. If your "fact" like you call it can be used as a justification for an avowed, white nationalist to kill black people. Chances are you said something racist, or bigoted which is the correct term.
Do you favor efficient public transportation?

Welfare benefits for single mothers?

Nationalized Healthcare?

Efficient interstate highway systems?
And when your white rightwing ideological cousins choose to commit mass murder against specific people of a specific race that mostly vote for Democrats you Nostra want to make sure your cousins are the best equipped to carry out their racist deed and kill as many as possible. That makes you an accomplice of sorts and certainty s racist.
No, we want legally eligible gun owners to be able to carry so they can stop these incidents before they become mass shootings.
What loophole?
The loophole is because unless you are involuntarily committed by a court order and adjudicated as mentally defective/incompetent you can legally purchase a firearm if you meet all of the other requirements.
The Buffalo shooting suspect bought a gun just a few months after a police-mandated psychiatric evaluation that followed a shooting threat.

Despite A Mandated Psych Eval, Buffalo Shooter Bought A Gun
That isn't a loophole, he wasn't involuntarily committed by court order and found to be mentally incompetent of defective.

The problem isn't the law, the problem is the police/prosecutors failed to follow up or, he passed the evaluation.
what makes you think he would have just said, ah shucks I can't buy one from a gun shop? You don't think he would have found a gun? Really, are you truly that stupid? The kid was going to go forward any way he could have, it was who he is. He's a sick mthr fker, his soul is dead and you think a gun law would stop him. That's so funny I can't stop laughing. :auiqs.jpg:
He didn't have to seek one on the illegal/black market since the system failed to follow through and remove his right to keep and bear via adjudication.

We always hear such problems are due to overburdened courts, we've been hearing that for 40 plus years, so, why hasn't the problem been solved by creating additional courts?

There's endless money for every other priority so why not this one if people really are interested in a solution?
Does that mean we should give up on trying.

What happened to the conservative meme, that saving even one life is worth it.
That isn't the conservative meme, that's what democrats tell us every time a high profile shooting occurs and they want to restrict our 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights as a solution.
Close the loopholes. Do you realize it takes more paperwork, oversight, and government being informed, to sell somebody a car, than to sell somebody a gun.
There are no loopholes fully enforce exiting laws as they now stand on the books and most of this problem is solved.

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