What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

I know lots of graduates making 80K/year to start.
They get no benefits and those who rent out their apartments or houses know what the graduates earn and soak them for it.

The old days of getting a job with IBM, Bell Labs, RCA, Xerox, Kodak and being employed for life are gone.

Many grads are hired as independent contractors with no benefits or security
They jump from job to job hoping to get ahead
You may disagree but I have seen the disparity between salaries and cost of living in since Reagan and it's ridiculous.
College graduates with a marketable major easily start at around $50k. That’s plenty enough to rent out in Germantown or Gaithersburg, sharing an apartment with a roommate, and commute into the city for their jobs.

If they majored in Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies and now have to work at Starbucks for $15 an hour, that’s their own fault.
1) You can take the job at Walmart for $18 an hour, or

2) You can goof off all day and have someone else provide food and housing.

We need to take away that option and require able-bodied adults to work
The fix for that problem isn’t with the “don’t wanna work” crowd. It’s with the “I’ll support my deadbeat kids” crowd.

My in laws lost two houses, their life savings and their credit history supporting a bunch of kids who refuse to acquire the skills necessary to support themselves.
The old days of getting a job with IBM, Bell Labs, RCA, Xerox, Kodak and being employed for life are gone.

Many grads are hired as independent contractors with no benefits or security
They jump from job to job hoping to get ahead
In my community, the parents will not let their children go into tech unless they have a hard science degree but there are still too many out there who are just coders who are going to get hit hard if we have a recession.
College graduates with a marketable major easily start at around $50k. That’s plenty enough to rent out in Germantown or Gaithersburg, sharing an apartment with a roommate, and commute into the city for their jobs.

If they majored in Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies and now have to work at Starbucks for $15 an hour, that’s their own fault.
It's not that easy.
My co-workers have kids making 60K/year and they're still living at home.
My wife's nephew has a MS in Math his parents have to help him pay rent in Manhattan.
The fix for that problem isn’t with the “don’t wanna work” crowd. It’s with the “I’ll support my deadbeat kids” crowd.

My in laws lost two houses, their life savings and their credit history supporting a bunch of kids who refuse to acquire the skills necessary to support themselves.
That’s what I’m saying: it’s the parents fault for enabling it.

Sorry about your in-laws.
The old days of getting a job with IBM, Bell Labs, RCA, Xerox, Kodak and being employed for life are gone.

Many grads are hired as independent contractors with no benefits or security
They jump from job to job hoping to get ahead
Ever think they might have chosen the wrong career field?

I got a two year degree. I’ve worked 3 different place (3 years, 3 years, 21+ years) and expect I’ll be at my current employer for another 25-30 years.
Ever think they might have chosen the wrong career field?

I got a two year degree. I’ve worked 3 different place (3 years, 3 years, 21+ years) and expect I’ll be at my current employer for another 25-30 years.
In the long run, the best jobs are Municipal, State and/or Federal.
Pay starts off low but builds up as time goes by and the benefits are great.
College graduates with a marketable major easily start at around $50k. That’s plenty enough to rent out in Germantown or Gaithersburg, sharing an apartment with a roommate, and commute into the city for their jobs.

If they majored in Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies and now have to work at Starbucks for $15 an hour, that’s their own fault.

More lies and misinformation

Few graduates major in Gender or Ethnic Studies
Most major in Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM
That’s what I’m saying: it’s the parents fault for enabling it.

Sorry about your in-laws
They’re good people; they’ve just never had the stomach to put their foot down and force their kids to do for themselves. All of the kids (including my wife) have some sort of social or mental health issues, but most could have done far more with their lives, if given a more stable background and far more discipline.
It's not that easy.
My co-workers have kids making 60K/year and they're still living at home.
My wife's nephew has a MS in Math his parents have to help him pay rent in Manhattan.
So why does your wife’s nephew have to live in Manhattan?

My niece, with a Masters also, works in Manhattan as well. She shares an apartment with someone in New Jersey and commutes in.

I say your wife’s sibling is spoiling their son. He could just as well support himself by living out of the city.

I was taught a different set of expectations when I was growing up: after college, I was going to be responsible to support myself.
They’re good people; they’ve just never had the stomach to put their foot down and force their kids to do for themselves. All of the kids (including my wife) have some sort of social or mental health issues, but most could have done far more with their lives, if given a more stable background and far more discipline.
Sorry to hear that.
So why does your wife’s nephew have to live in Manhattan?

My niece, with a Masters also, works in Manhattan as well. She shares an apartment with someone in New Jersey and commutes in.

I say your wife’s sibling is spoiling their son. He could just as well support himself by living out of the city.

I was taught a different set of expectations when I was growing up: after college, I was going to be responsible to support myself.
He is working for one of the very few tech companies that are making a profit.
He no longer needs to work for a start-up.
In my community, the parents will not let their children go into tech unless they have a hard science degree but there are still too many out there who are just coders who are going to get hit hard if we have a recession.
Coders are outsourced to India
n the long run, the best jobs are Municipal, State and/or Federal.
Pay starts off low but builds up as time goes by and the benefits are great
I work for a PRIVATE electric utility company. No, I’m not an outside worker. I have a degree in CAD and I work maintaining our CAD/GIS mapping systems.
More lies and misinformation

Few graduates major in Gender or Ethnic Studies
Most major in Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM
I never said anything about gender or ethnic studies. There are diverse options in the four groups you mentioned. Some degrees are more COST-EFFICIENT than others. For example: My employer doesn’t hire 4 year degree electric engineers. They hire 2 year degree Engineering Technology grads (at almost $40 an hour) and teach them utility engineering.

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