What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

If we started on bank welfare and there rip off of the general public we would be here typing for ever.

We have typed pages after pages and for some reason people just don't seem to care.

Pass a fake $20 and you deserve everything coming your way.

Break financial laws that lead to a collapse of the economy, and well, bail them out.
College graduates with a marketable major easily start at around $50k. That’s plenty enough to rent out in Germantown or Gaithersburg, sharing an apartment with a roommate, and commute into the city for their jobs.

If they majored in Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies and now have to work at Starbucks for $15 an hour, that’s their own fault.

My niece majored in biology. She ended up waiting tables in Florida until her health conditions stopped that. In any case with housing and rents becoming unaffordable for many young people today, roommates are going to be the thing of the near future.
The fact that we have leftists excusing young adults who won’t work and denigrating the productive earners who have to support them is why this country is in a fast downward spiral: irresponsible people are defended, and responsible people are criticized when they rightly complain about having to support the entitled lazies.

You must be retired.
If he lived in Nassau County like my co-worker's daughter who lives with her parents, he wouldn't be able to pay rent.
You have no idea how rents have skyrocketed out of hand.
Would you rent an apartment in a slum to avoid living with your parents?
Where my niece lives in New Jersey, to commute to her NYC job, is not a slum. The choice isn‘t just a) live with your parents, or b) take help from your parents to live in Manhattan. The third option is to share a 2-bedroom apartment in Nassau County or New Jersey in a lower-middle class area for a few years until you earn enough to afford better.
My niece majored in biology. She ended up waiting tables in Florida until her health conditions stopped that. In any case with housing and rents becoming unaffordable for many young people today, roommates are going to be the thing of the near future.
What do you mean roommates are going to be a thing of the near future? They’re not doing that now?
Section 8. I have one of those houses next to me. The government gives the vouchers enough to live in the suburbs which is cheating the working people that had to make the money to live there. They may only have to chip in 150 or 200 bucks a month. There is just nothing fair about it, especially because these lowlifes sleep all day and then making noise all night while working people are trying to sleep. I had to call the cops so many times I finally kept their non-emergency phone number in my recent calls list.
Ray on this one point we agree, before retiring when we had rentals, out of kindness I agreed to renting two different times to Hud Clients. both were disasters. BUT here is the deal. I charged the same rent to them as any one else. What many owners (I think most) inflate the rent by 20 to 40% when renting to Hud clients. as the government picks up most of the tab.
You started the ad hominems.
We already know you hate Trump and ignore everything he did to make life better for all US citizens.

Like breaking US soybean farmers or pulling out of the TPP to the delight of Australia?
I blame a lot of this entitled “jobs are beneath me” attitude of young adults on their parents.

We kids started earning our own money by 11 or 12 by babysitting, mowing lawns, shoveling driveways, whatever. NO job was unacceptable (as long as it was safe), and by 16, I had a daily part-time job after school and of course full-time during summers.

Nowadays, the affluent parents in my neighborhood have convinced their teenagers that shoveling snow is “manual labor” that is beneath them, and the teenage boys in the subsidized housing a few blocks away don’t want to shovel either, since “the government provides.”

Parents need to start DEMANDING that their teenagers get jobs - and get them accustomed to the idea that working is what responsible adults do in a functioning society.

When I was a kid my parents never gave us anything unless we worked for it. There were no jobs for kids back then. In fact when Burger King started building a restaurant in our suburb, over 1,000 kids stood in line in the hot sun to apply for one of the 15 minimum wage jobs the company was offering.

Today kids just get money from their parents, and that's where the entitlement mentality comes to play. I'm willing to bet that if somebody did a study on this, that's the way most of our Democrats grew up.
What are Republicans doing for those neighborhoods?

Why don't they try electing Republicans and see for themselves. Trump offered commie cities federal help a number of times. The Democrat leaders in those cities told him to go pound a salt bag. So WTF is any Republican supposed to do for them?
When I was a kid my parents never gave us anything unless we worked for it. There were no jobs for kids back then. In fact when Burger King started building a restaurant in our suburb, over 1,000 kids stood in line in the hot sun to apply for one of the 15 minimum wage jobs the company was offering.

Today kids just get money from their parents, and that's where the entitlement mentality comes to play. I'm willing to bet that if somebody did a study on this, that's the way most of our Democrats grew up.
Exactly. That is why I have a problem with the attitude that parents HAVE to help their kids pay for apartments because the apartments in NY, or DC, or close-in, just cost too much money for them to afford on their own.

The option, other than relying on your parents to subsidize your expenses, is to lower your expenses. That is done by moving to the outer suburbs, renting a shared apartment, and commuting in. As my parents used to tell me, when I complained as a 24-year-old that I had to live so far out from my job, they told me THEY did it when they were young too, and that it builds character.

Enough with the entitlement attitude. A 22-year-old is NOT entitled to live in her own apartment in a yuppie high-rise in Arlington or Bethesda. She needs to WORK up to that.
I see Help Wanted signs up all over the place
I see business being open only eight hours a day and five days a week

Looks like a great opportunity to offer temporary work visas to allow business to stay open longer and make more money

Which was the Democrat plan all along. Condition Americans not to work and then they have the perfect excuse to let these foreigners in to do the work instead.
Which was the Democrat plan all along. Condition Americans not to work and then they have the perfect excuse to let these foreigners in to do the work instead.

Do you want to stop illegals and get those already here to self deport? Fine employers who hire illegals.
Which was the Democrat plan all along. Condition Americans not to work and then they have the perfect excuse to let these foreigners in to do the work instead.
And for those who are working…..the new thing is to work from home and avoid the office altogether. This is the new norm. I was somewhere and wanted to hit the DC beltway home before 2 pm to avoid the rush hours, which pre-COVID was a nightmare, and got delayed. I didn’t get on the road until after 4 pm, and…..the road was clear.

Nobody goes to the office, and they feel ENTITLED to work from home. Employers are issuing demands to start showing up for work, or get fired, and these workers are resisting.
Where my niece lives in New Jersey, to commute to her NYC job, is not a slum. The choice isn‘t just a) live with your parents, or b) take help from your parents to live in Manhattan. The third option is to share a 2-bedroom apartment in Nassau County or New Jersey in a lower-middle class area for a few years until you earn enough to afford better.
The culture may be different.
Orthodox Jews want their kids to get married in their early 20s, not after trying to save money for 5-10 years.
And for those who are working…..the new thing is to work from home and avoid the office altogether. This is the new norm. I was somewhere and wanted to hit the DC beltway home before 2 pm to avoid the rush hours, which pre-COVID was a nightmare, and got delayed. I didn’t get on the road until after 4 pm, and…..the road was clear.

Nobody goes to the office, and they feel ENTITLED to work from home. Employers are issuing demands to start showing up for work, or get fired, and these workers are resisting.
The COVID work at home time is closing rather quickly.
Almost everyone in my community who can actually work from home and get the job done is required to come to work 3 days a week.
And for those who are working…..the new thing is to work from home and avoid the office altogether. This is the new norm. I was somewhere and wanted to hit the DC beltway home before 2 pm to avoid the rush hours, which pre-COVID was a nightmare, and got delayed. I didn’t get on the road until after 4 pm, and…..the road was clear.

Nobody goes to the office, and they feel ENTITLED to work from home. Employers are issuing demands to start showing up for work, or get fired, and these workers are resisting.

I worked from home for 5 years.. also had an office at the company. No distractions.. it was a very productive time. Exceeded all my goals by a mile.
Having a more educated workforce helps us all

We should incentivize employers to contribute more to the education of their workers and paying off their loans

Horse shit. Having workers in any capacity helps us all, but that doesn't mean society owes them a damn thing. Just because you become an engineer, doctor, architect doesn't mean we should pay for it. You're going to make more money than people that didn't graduate from college so that's your reward.

My job was to transport products to various places across the state that eventually ends up in your stores to conveniently buy. Without us drivers your store shelves would be empty. So I consider my job just as important if not more important than people that hold jobs because they went to college for them. Driving is in the nations top ten most deadly jobs, even more so than being a police officer or fireman. The only thing I expect from working is a paycheck. Society doesn't owe me anything.

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