What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

Horse shit. Having workers in any capacity helps us all, but that doesn't mean society owes them a damn thing. Just because you become an engineer, doctor, architect doesn't mean we should pay for it. You're going to make more money than people that didn't graduate from college so that's your reward.

My job was to transport products to various places across the state that eventually ends up in your stores to conveniently buy. Without us drivers your store shelves would be empty. So I consider my job just as important if not more important than people that hold jobs because they went to college for them. Driving is in the nations top ten most deadly jobs, even more so than being a police officer or fireman. The only thing I expect from working is a paycheck. Society doesn't owe me anything.
I hope those highways are safer than the Southern State Parkway.
I’ve often said that what is missing now is a sense of shame. My grandparents didn’t take a penny of Relief because they didn’t want to be charity cases. They took pride knowing they were supporting themselves.

I couldn't agree more. We always had up and down economies. When things were tough and people couldn't find work, they went on food stamps. They'd either go to the grocery story early in the morning or right before the store closed so that the least amount of people could see they were getting assistance.

Today they whip out that SNAP's card proudly. Worse than that they put their non-SNAP's items along with their SNAP's items and the computer figures out what is what. They proudly pay for their groceries with their SNAP's card and then whip out a wad of cash for their three huge bags of dog food, perfume and flowers, beer and wine. They'd leave there and go to the head cashier to buy their cigarettes and lottery tickets. Not one once of shame.
The COVID work at home time is closing rather quickly.
Almost everyone in my community who can actually work from home and get the job done is required to come to work 3 days a week.

Except for government workers. In spite of this thing winding down they are still working from home five days a week.
Do you want to stop illegals and get those already here to self deport? Fine employers who hire illegals.

It's not as easy as that. First of all, they can't fine somebody unless they can prove the employer knowingly hired illegals which is damn near impossible with all the fake identification around. Secondly is do you want to see the government close these places down because of fine after fine that keeps increasing with each offense?

There is a simple solution to getting rid of illegals. Make being here illegally a felony. First offense is a minimum of five years in prison. We would still have a border problem, but the problem would be people trying to get the hell out of this country.

It's not as easy as that. First of all, they can't fine somebody unless they can prove the employer knowingly hired illegals which is damn near impossible with all the fake identification around. Secondly is do you want to see the government close these places down because of fine after fine that keeps increasing with each offense?

There is a simple solution to getting rid of illegals. Make being here illegally a felony. First offense is a minimum of five years in prison. We would still have a border problem, but the problem would be people trying to get the hell out of this country.

What I suggested has been done very successfully in under a year's time. We don't need more prisons or to make it a felony.
What is it about the internet that causes people to be insulting and uncivil?

Because they're never going to meet them face to face or even know who they are.

I was part of a local radio station host political blog. One day somebody suggested we should meet somewhere to have a few drinks and perhaps dinner, so we did. None of the people who were renown for insulting others ever showed up, and we had a couple more of them afterwards.
What I suggested has been done very successfully in under a year's time. We don't need more prisons or to make it a felony.

You want to lock up or put Americans out of business instead of going after the illegals who don't belong here in the first place. What you suggested has been going on for decades, but as I said, you can't just fine somebody for hiring an illegal or illegals without proof.

If we had a law that went after the illegals, there wouldn't be many here for employers to hire.
Exactly. That is why I have a problem with the attitude that parents HAVE to help their kids pay for apartments because the apartments in NY, or DC, or close-in, just cost too much money for them to afford on their own.

The option, other than relying on your parents to subsidize your expenses, is to lower your expenses. That is done by moving to the outer suburbs, renting a shared apartment, and commuting in. As my parents used to tell me, when I complained as a 24-year-old that I had to live so far out from my job, they told me THEY did it when they were young too, and that it builds character.

Enough with the entitlement attitude. A 22-year-old is NOT entitled to live in her own apartment in a yuppie high-rise in Arlington or Bethesda. She needs to WORK up to that.

The real solution is to move the hell out of these commie states. My apartments here are two bedrooms. My average rent is about $600.00 a month plus utilities except for water. Yes, I'm a bit low because my tenants are more like friends and family to me, but similar places today are around $700.00 to $750.00. Here you can work full-time and still have your own place.

I like to watch that show on HGTV called My Lottery Dream Home. Anytime they have the show in Cali, Chicago, the northeast or any commie area, I'm amazed at the housing costs there. Yesterday I was watching an episode I believe it was New York, and not in the city. A woman won a million bucks on a scratch off and wanted to spend $350.00 on a house. You don't get crap for that kind of money over there. The host was showing them houses 80 years old or older. Small, not much of a yard, nothing. It's about what you could buy here for the $180,000 range or less.
Ray on this one point we agree, before retiring when we had rentals, out of kindness I agreed to renting two different times to Hud Clients. both were disasters. BUT here is the deal. I charged the same rent to them as any one else. What many owners (I think most) inflate the rent by 20 to 40% when renting to Hud clients. as the government picks up most of the tab.

Exactly. What my neighbor is charging for rent is so ridiculous no working person would ever dream of renting there. So these lowlife inner-city people are willing to pay the inflated price because of their HUD voucher and that way they're able to sneak into the suburbs.

When Trump was in charge he was able to reduce their budget, but it still was not enough. Every section 8 person that's lived there was nothing but a problem for us.
The article notes that there was a pandemic shortage. There was no training during the pandemic, not that Wal Mart can not fill these jobs.

If they couldn't fill them they wouldn't be scrounging around their warehouses looking for somebody, anybody to do the job. The US is currently short over 60,000 drivers they can't find employees for. It's only going to get worse as we baby boomers retire. No, not all jobs pay close to 100K a year, but they are still good paying jobs that Americans don't want to do.

Here is another article. Take note of the date it was posted. It was before the pandemic.

If they couldn't fill them they wouldn't be scrounging around their warehouses looking for somebody, anybody to do the job.

That's the way business worked for years. They would hire an employee and train them. That turned into wanting trained employees to hire.

Good for Wal Mart for going back to an admirable business model.

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