What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

You are ate up with this idea that the world spins around (D) and (R) and that there is absolutely nothing outside of those two parameters.
Show me where I did that.
I post about Trump's impact on the US and you translate that erroneously into D and R.
In fact, I have informed you countless time that I hate both parties but you're too busy listening to LibTard radio in your car and can't deal with anybody who thinks Ds suck.
He is working for one of the very few tech companies that are making a profit.
He no longer needs to work for a start-up.
Still doesn’t explain why he feels entitled to live in Manhattan, with his parents having to pay the rent.

My niece’s apartment is New Jersey is fine, and she commutes in.

Let’s not make this as if your nephew has no choice and MUST work in Manhattan and thus he parents MUST help him pay the rent. There are other options.
Still doesn’t explain why he feels entitled to live in Manhattan, with his parents having to pay the rent.

My niece’s apartment is New Jersey is fine, and she commutes in.

Let’s not make this as if your nephew has no choice and MUST work in Manhattan and thus he parents MUST help him pay the rent. There are other options.
If he lived in Nassau County like my co-worker's daughter who lives with her parents, he wouldn't be able to pay rent.
You have no idea how rents have skyrocketed out of hand.
Would you rent an apartment in a slum to avoid living with your parents?
Show me where I did that.
I post about Trump's impact on the US and you translate that erroneously into D and R.
In fact, I have informed you countless time that I hate both parties but you're too busy listening to LibTard radio in your car and can't deal with anybody who thinks Ds suck.

I'm fairly certain I never mentioned (D)'s even once.
Sorry to hear that
It’s okay. They’re both retinol. They live with my wife and me. They contribute to the household financially and by doing things around the house. It’s been a great situation over the last six and a half years. It also limits how much they can “help” some of the less responsible members of the family.
Still doesn’t explain why he feels entitled to live in Manhattan, with his parents having to pay the rent.

My niece’s apartment is New Jersey is fine, and she commutes in.

Let’s not make this as if your nephew has no choice and MUST work in Manhattan and thus he parents MUST help him pay the rent. There are other options.
It is a free country
Parents are free to spend their money any way they want.

If they want to help so that their child does not have a two hour commute, it is their business
Do you ever read the context of what you post?
You have some serious mental issues.

You read things not there because of your programming. Condemning silly replies or condemning Trump in no way equates to automatic support of something else.
It is a free country
Parents are free to spend their money any way they want.

If they want to help so that their child does not have a two hour commute, it is their business
I grew up in a slum and there's no way in hell I'm going to allow one of my kids to rent an apartment there to show how tough they are.
You read things not there because of your programming. Condemning silly replies or condemning Trump in no way equates to automatic support of something else.
I suggest you not listen to Liberal news or today's music when you drive.
I love today's lyrics...Eat Me! Screw Me! Murder Someone Today!
I suggest you not listen to Liberal news or today's music when you drive.
I love today's lyrics...Eat Me! Screw Me! Murder Someone Today!

Generally I listen to Outlaw Country on XM when available. I very much enjoy listening to Ms Elizabeth Cook.
What I have a hard time understanding is people who own business like Walmart who have enough money to live in extreme luxury for them self's and generations forward, pay as little as possible, then close down most store lanes that require a paid employee & force customers to do there own checking bagging & loading, with no discount for doing that work. bringing in robots to do other work creating job loss. I understand that the business of business is to make money for that business. Not to worry about how Americans survive. & that's only one situation that is hurting the middle & working class.
What I have a hard time understanding is people who own business like Walmart who have enough money to live in extreme luxury for them self's and generations forward, pay as little as possible, then close down most store lanes that require a paid employee & force customers to do there own checking bagging & loading, with no discount for doing that work. bringing in robots to do other work creating job loss. I understand that the business of business is to make money for that business. Not to worry about how Americans survive. & that's only one situation that is hurting the middle & working class.
Sam Walton specifically ordered his children to remain patriotic and the moment he died they stabbed his patriotism in the heart.
That was before those better jobs went overseas.
Your words take away the dignity of those who work those lower paying service jobs.
There are many reasons besides being young & starting out. I am grateful for Any one doing any job at any level that I have no interest in doing my self.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
Another fast growing movement is "quiet quiters"... basically this movement looks at a job as a form of persecution.
And employers as evil profiteers. Therefore you should do as little as possible at your job, otherwise you are a part of the evil that work is. You should do just barely enough at your job to prevent losing employment. Anything more makes you a bad person.
Seriously. This is a major movement among Gen Zs
Your words take away the dignity of those who work those lower paying service jobs.
There are many reasons besides being young & starting out. I am grateful for Any one doing any job at any level that I have no interest in doing my self.

What does that have to do with the fact that many of the better paying jobs have went overseas? That fact has nothing to do with me.
What does that have to do with the fact that many of the better paying jobs have went overseas? That fact has nothing to do with me.
The fact is that Congress, whose members need money to run, will not penalize MNCs for off-shoring.
People who live off their investments are paranoid that bringing back jobs will result in their portfolios collapsing.

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