CDZ What makes a woman?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Here are two women, both of different political leanings.

1) Woman A is a conservative, and is against abortion.

2) Woman B is a liberal, and supports abortion.

Now here's a trick question:

What makes them different, aside from their views?

According to liberal novelist and feminist Jennifer Weiner in this New York Times article, when Carly Fiorina denounced abortion and called for an end to federal funding of Planned Parenthood in the last Republican debate, Weiner said "It’s so weird — she looks like one of us, but she’s not."

So, what gives one woman the right to define another according to her political views? Since when did women solely belong to one party and not the other?

A woman is a woman, and her political views don't change that. Being for one political viewpoint or another does not preclude her from her womanhood. And Liberal Democrats should understand that.

I'm asking anyone who agrees with Weiner to justify why we should preclude a woman from her status within her half of the species for her views on abortion and the like.
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How can anyone agree with Weiner since she believes all women are of one mind: just interchangeable parts without individuality?
Weiner is simply saying another women should understand and maybe empathize with the concerns of women. No man will ever face this decision. I have know women who have had their children and later in life, pregnant, face an enormous decision. As for my feelings as a man I've expressed them often on this site.

There is a curious dilemma with the pro life crowd as they don't show the same compassion with the daily gun deaths. Why? Because gun deaths are sanctioned by their Constitution. Oh, that's right so is abortion a part of their laws. Paradox huh, care extends only to some. That's pretty common though, living conscious children die all the time. Potential children matter because they require nothing from the moralist.

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A new forum, maybe...? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Way it Was (Pre-Roe v Wade) | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Obama in 2003: ‘i am pro-choice’ in all situations, including late-term abortions | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Weiner is simply saying another women should understand and maybe empathize with the concerns of women.

No, she is saying that if a woman does not agree with her preconceived ideas of women, she is no longer a woman, but an imposter and a traitor to her gender.

No man will ever face this decision.

It doesn't take a man to see how exclusive the left is regarding women.

I have known women who have had their children and later in life, pregnant, face an enormous decision.

Of course, but they were still women. So, why isn't someone like Fiorina a woman anymore because she doesn't fit the liberal mold?

There is a curious dilemma with the pro life crowd as they don't show the same compassion with the daily gun deaths. Why?

Ahh, touche!

If you're going to play the tu quoque argument, let me ask you this:

You care so much about the children dying by gun violence... but when they are dead, you use their death for political purposes. Do you really care about them? Or are you simply just spouting another talking point?

But then, you support the wanton killing of unborn children in the womb, and use bunk science to justify why they have no right to live. Quite the conundrum, don't you agree?

My feelings on gun violence are irrelevant to this discussion. Moving on.

Because gun deaths are sanctioned by their Constitution.

That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. The Second Amendment says "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed" not "the right to kill people while bearing arms shall not be infringed."

Oh, that's right so is abortion a part of their laws.


Paradox huh, care extends only to some.

You couldn't have said it any better. Caring for life by you only means something when it suits your agenda. All life matters.

That's pretty common though, living conscious children die all the time. Potential children matter because they require nothing from the moralist.

What does that even mean?
Here are two women, both of different political leanings.

1) Woman A is a conservative, and is against abortion.

2) Woman B is a liberal, and supports abortion.

Now here's a trick question:

What makes them different, aside from their views?

According to liberal novelist and feminist Jennifer Weiner in this New York Times article, when Carly Fiorina denounced abortion and called for an end to federal funding of Planned Parenthood in the last Republican debate, Weiner said "It’s so weird — she looks like one of us, but she’s not."

So, what gives one woman the right to define another according to her political views? Since when did women solely belong to one party and not the other?

A woman is a woman, and her political views don't change that. Being for one political viewpoint or another does not preclude her from her womanhood. And Liberal Democrats should understand that.

I'm asking anyone who agrees with Weiner to justify why we should preclude a woman from her status within her half of the species for her views on abortion and the like.

A woman is an adult human of the female sex. Anyone who says otherwise is mistaken, mad, delusional, or lying.

Of course, we now live in a society that has gone so mad that there are many who think that Bruce Jenner is a woman, just because he says so, in spite of the fact that he is unalterably, biologically, male, and that it is impossible for him to ever be female. Against that madness, how much can it mean to define womanhood based on political ideology?
Weiner fails to argue her views so she does what most lazy self-righteous people do- call those who disagree names. Suggesting that a woman who doesn't believe that it is peachy keen to kill the child in her womb is not a woman is so stupid it defies stupidity.
"one of us"? sounds like veiled bullying...

either way, I have been on both sides. Political affiliation had nothing to do with my change of heart.
I am frankly amazed by GOP attempts to reverse stereotype lately. They've gotten quite bold.

A famous Lee Atwater tactic was to accuse your opponents of having your own liabilites, in a preemptive way.

The notion to this tactic, is that once everybody has gown tired of the false accusations, when your oponents level the same against you, it'll just sound retaliatory.

I never would have dreamed, the GOP could actually convince Fox News Republicans that it's the liberal Democrats that are the racists, and misogynists.

The Democratic Party has a much higher percentage of women and minorities, than the GOP does.

At any rate, if that didn't work, the GOP is redefining the word racism, and misogyny.

Quite amazing indeed
I am frankly amazed by GOP attempts to reverse stereotype lately. They've gotten quite bold.

A famous Lee Atwater tactic was to accuse your opponents of having your own liabilites, in a preemptive way.

The notion to this tactic, is that once everybody has gown tired of the false accusations, when your oponents level the same against you, it'll just sound retaliatory.

I never would have dreamed, the GOP could actually convince Fox News Republicans that it's the liberal Democrats that are the racists, and misogynists.

The Democratic Party has a much higher percentage of women and minorities, than the GOP does.

At any rate, if that didn't work, the GOP is redefining the word racism, and misogyny.

Quite amazing indeed

Quite amazing how liberals fashion conspiracies instead of rational arguments on issues like these. The blatant misogyny here is that you democrats think you control women.
I am frankly amazed by GOP attempts to reverse stereotype lately. They've gotten quite bold.

A famous Lee Atwater tactic was to accuse your opponents of having your own liabilites, in a preemptive way.

The notion to this tactic, is that once everybody has gown tired of the false accusations, when your oponents level the same against you, it'll just sound retaliatory.

I never would have dreamed, the GOP could actually convince Fox News Republicans that it's the liberal Democrats that are the racists, and misogynists.

The Democratic Party has a much higher percentage of women and minorities, than the GOP does.

At any rate, if that didn't work, the GOP is redefining the word racism, and misogyny.

Quite amazing indeed

Quite amazing how liberals fashion conspiracies instead of rational arguments on issues like these. The blatant misogyny here is that you democrats think you control women.
I don't know what women are like where you come from.

But it's not my decision to control them, because I don't know any of them who would let men control them if they tried.

As for you saying "I'm controlling women"...and I'm not a idea what is happening in your head, or where you live
I don't know what women are like where you come from.

See, that's the problem. You somehow think women are...different...when it comes to politics, when in actuality they are all women no matter what views they hold. Lol. We've gotten into the business of classifying people instead of just acknowledging them as people. This is why I find politics to be so utterly destructive...
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It's very insulting to men to say that abortion is a woman's issue. I am the father of three children, and they are just as much my children as they are my wife's.

My girlfriend (later my wife) got pregnant when we were 18. We never even considered abortion, but I can tell you truthfully that if a child of mine was aborted, it would have ruined the rest of my life.

This is just one of the many ways that Democrats try to divide us and make us hate each other.

Also, the Democrats think they "own" anyone who isn't a straight, Christian, white male. And they shove heaps of hatred on those of us who are.
Here are two women, both of different political leanings.

1) Woman A is a conservative, and is against abortion.

2) Woman B is a liberal, and supports abortion.

Now here's a trick question:

What makes them different, aside from their views?

According to liberal novelist and feminist Jennifer Weiner in this New York Times article, when Carly Fiorina denounced abortion and called for an end to federal funding of Planned Parenthood in the last Republican debate, Weiner said "It’s so weird — she looks like one of us, but she’s not."

So, what gives one woman the right to define another according to her political views? Since when did women solely belong to one party and not the other?

A woman is a woman, and her political views don't change that. Being for one political viewpoint or another does not preclude her from her womanhood. And Liberal Democrats should understand that.

I'm asking anyone who agrees with Weiner to justify why we should preclude a woman from her status within her half of the species for her views on abortion and the like.

This isn't about women's differing political views at all, it's about right and wrong. Morally, it is wrong and disgraceful to participate in abortion. Killing human fetuses is nothing short of murder, plain and simple. Society has become so desensitized and deceived they no longer recognize how wrong the act actually is from a moral standpoint, or that's how they justify their actions through denial. Every woman I've been acquainted with who had an abortion or more than one, has been adversely affected. Killing one's offspring damages the psyche.

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