What? No thread on how Trump obliterated MSM tonight?

It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
You mean when Trump got his ass taken out to the woodshep for a spell, on live TV this afternoon...?

Project much?
Watch this one three times, and try to remember he's supposed to be the President of the United States.

Yanno what, even just watch it without the sound and watch the body language. She completely owns him and he knows it. You notice that the more he gets cornered being called on his own bullshit, the more lies he tells.

Only a libtard would agree with you. She did live action what you do when you are called out for telling lies professor. Her face turned red and she started yelling. She was owned. She even did all the work for the presidant. She should be pulled and be replaced by a professional.

She did not yell at him once. She sat there calmly. Trump is the one with the red face, who is angry, and cornered. Trump thinks getting angry displays his righteousness, but it's been my life experience that those who get angry like Trump, are usually lying and cornered. He can't explain himself so he attacks. I noticed that Brett Kavenaugh pulled that same "liar's tell" bullshit in his confirmation hearings, and guys like Devon Nunes and Mark Meadows pulled it in the Impeachment Hearings.

Those who are telling the truth have no need to "sell" the story with outrage and indigation. There is no reason to become unhinged or belligerent, or attempt to humiliate those who question you. The old line "Methinks he doth protest too much" is as true as it was when Shakespeare wrote it.

And he does this kind of belligerent bulllying most often with women.

Indeed, he has a long history. He did it with another female reporter in the same event, who asked if he had consulted governors about having "total authority". Treated her like a child. "Enough"

This gets back to what I don't get about the OP, Gracie -- see, years ago on this very forum, I remember it well, some whatever-thread was going on, and Gracie was in it, and I was in it and at some point Gracie said to me, "stop treating me like a child". And I thought about it and saw that she was right, that I was guilty, and I came back and apologized and begged forgiveness (which she gave gracefully). And now here's the same poster, the OP, condoning this sort of behaviour in an orange cult leader that she rightly wouldn't tolerate in others. How the gracious have fallen.

You are so weak professer, but I will give you that. He can't say that shit. That statement was along the same lines as "take guns first, due process second. He can open up the govrenment, Govreners open states. What Trump said was unamerican and unrepublican
If that is what they are doing then there is no issue, but we aren't fool's, and we know what is going on in that bullcrap.
The reporter asked what the IMPOTUS did in February with the time he'd bought after he'd stopped some travel from China near the end of January. He wasn't able to answer so he started deflecting and abusing her. You approve of his behaviour because you too are not able to answer.
Unbelievable how these young, arrogant, and so called new generation journalist have the nerve to try and crash a formal briefing with their petty TDS, and orange man bad bullcrap.
Yeah. Holding the president to account! What do they think they are, a free press or something?
If that is what they are doing then there is no issue, but we aren't fool's [sic], and we know what is going on in that bullcrap.

We do indeed. That's what makes the OP so bizarre.
I'm guessing now that she must have posted based on hearsay, without watching it. :dunno:
I haven't got to see it yet...but my father said it was the single greatest news conference in the history of television...and since he's experienced the entire history of television, I expect that's likely accurate.
I found it on the Blaze

Unbelievable how these young, arrogant, and so called new generation journalist [sic] have the nerve to try and crash a formal briefing with their petty TDS, and orange man bad bullcrap. They should be so embarassed, and Trump should start screening these people out before they ever get into the room. We are going through a crisis with unbelievable consequences, and people are dying, yet the leftist media attempts to score political points inside a briefing room where emergency and formal business concerning the country on whole is being conducted. You have got to be kidding me right ??? Enough with the idiocy already, and let's get back to somehow unifying in order to bring this nation back on line again. Reporters or so called journalist [sic] that are attempting to undermine the nation by being rude and petulant towards our governing body while a major crisis is on going, and especially so at a time like this, uhh well is just about as low as it gets really. They can't get no lower than what we are witnessing in that mess can they ??

The very height (read: nadir) of snowflakery. Ban the EEBIL reporters before they ask questions with blood coming out of their wherevers.

Here's the thing with movies you've seen before. You already know how it ends. At what point do you finally turn it off?

And by the way learn how we make plurals in English, Tovarich.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

But all the attacks and finger pointing by MSM is cool beans right?

I'm glad he exposed them. CNN rapidly shifted away and had former Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale address so-called "misinformation", so I missed most of the video. Instead of facing reality they keep pretending they are objective and outside the Bubble.

If I know that MSM is in the tank for Biden, then Americans sure as hell know. They fought against this in 2016, and we will see the same mistakes made again by them as they now push for every angle possible to try and force mail-in voting.

If Biden wins, you won't see a GOP president again for some time as the effort some have put into destroying America is relentless. Global socialists want to destroy America and Trump is the guy with the S on his chest who has to stop it.
Right, we global socialists want to destroy America. I'm not sure why we want to do that, but it must be true since [whoever] claimed that we do.

You're not sure why global socialists want to do that? How about power? Have you watched the unchallenged rise of China for the last 30 years? Guess who is the chosen nation to replace USA...

Americas constitution is a problem for those who want to call the shots without any restrictions. There is a reason some speak nary a bad word against a communist government that has openly all but declared war on the U.S and those in their region. Just as bad, I see some of your most important institutions operating more like Canada has than the U.S. We are watching a bad dreams right in front of our eyes and the worrisome part is these agencies don't view themselves as doing harm.

When it comes to interference in your election, you can be sure there will be far more effort applied by foreign nation, "friend" and foe, designed to hurt Trump much more than help him. Nations want to keep having influence of your government and easy access to your economy to just ship cheap stuff THEY manufacture in China while having free access while they restrict yours. All while of course, your nation deal with millions more illegally entering your nation and poisons being exported to you most vulnerable.

On the scale this had been occurring, it must be by design. Why do you think Trump was elected and is still very popular? If he is replaced in 2020, a few agencies which haven't been helping America succeed of late will prosper, America and the West, without question will pay a price.
Trump is still very popular? Don't make me laugh. His approval ratings have never been over 50 percent, even when the economy was going great guns. The economy isn't doing so well anymore.
If the President thinks his behaviour will help his re-election campaign, he should think again. I cannot even watch him yelling at reporters and telling the nation he as President his power is "total". A leader whose power is "total" is a "totalitarian".

As for the fools here who claim that the Democrats want to destroy America, they could not possibly do a better job of destroying America than Republicans have done.

Reagan's Administration ended with a stock market crash and 6% unemployment.

W's Administration ended with the world markets collapsing and 10% unemployment.

Trump's administration is ending with half a million low income and poor people sick, with no health coverage. Tens of thousands dying. Millions unemployed. The economy crashing.
Watch this one three times, and try to remember he's supposed to be the President of the United States.

Yanno what, even just watch it without the sound and watch the body language. She completely owns him and he knows it. You notice that the more he gets cornered being called on his own bullshit, the more lies he tells.

Only a libtard would agree with you. She did live action what you do when you are called out for telling lies professor. Her face turned red and she started yelling. She was owned. She even did all the work for the presidant. She should be pulled and be replaced by a professional.

She did not yell at him once. She sat there calmly. Trump is the one with the red face, who is angry, and cornered. Trump thinks getting angry displays his righteousness, but it's been my life experience that those who get angry like Trump, are usually lying and cornered. He can't explain himself so he attacks. I noticed that Brett Kavenaugh pulled that same "liar's tell" bullshit in his confirmation hearings, and guys like Devon Nunes and Mark Meadows pulled it in the Impeachment Hearings.

Those who are telling the truth have no need to "sell" the story with outrage and indigation. There is no reason to become unhinged or belligerent, or attempt to humiliate those who question you. The old line "Methinks he doth protest too much" is as true as it was when Shakespeare wrote it.

And he does this kind of belligerent bulllying most often with women.

Indeed, he has a long history. He did it with another female reporter in the same event, who asked if he had consulted governors about having "total authority". Treated her like a child. "Enough"

This gets back to what I don't get about the OP, Gracie -- see, years ago on this very forum, I remember it well, some whatever-thread was going on, and Gracie was in it, and I was in it and at some point Gracie said to me, "stop treating me like a child". And I thought about it and saw that she was right, that I was guilty, and I came back and apologized and begged forgiveness (which she gave gracefully). And now here's the same poster, the OP, condoning this sort of behaviour in an orange cult leader that she rightly wouldn't tolerate in others. How the gracious have fallen.

Go fuck yourself. I owe you nothing. And don't page me again. Or rather, if you do, I will continue to ignore you.
I loved the smack down..........We show the lies all the time here.......and the Liberal and TDS losers just ignore it.

He showed them lying to whomever was watching to attack their lies..............


It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

But all the attacks and finger pointing by MSM is cool beans right?

I'm glad he exposed them. CNN rapidly shifted away and had former Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale address so-called "misinformation", so I missed most of the video. Instead of facing reality they keep pretending they are objective and outside the Bubble.

If I know that MSM is in the tank for Biden, then Americans sure as hell know. They fought against this in 2016, and we will see the same mistakes made again by them as they now push for every angle possible to try and force mail-in voting.

If Biden wins, you won't see a GOP president again for some time as the effort some have put into destroying America is relentless. Global socialists want to destroy America and Trump is the guy with the S on his chest who has to stop it.
Thanks, shockedcanadian. That's why I'm doubling down on prayer for mankind to resist socialism. It's a poison that takes the love children and turns them into killers of any person, group, or village of people who are politically unmoved by their vicious agendas and demands for absolute power over other people's human rights to free speech, right to assemble, belief in God, race, creed, and living practices.
Watch this one three times, and try to remember he's supposed to be the President of the United States.

Yanno what, even just watch it without the sound and watch the body language. She completely owns him and he knows it. You notice that the more he gets cornered being called on his own bullshit, the more lies he tells.

Only a libtard would agree with you. She did live action what you do when you are called out for telling lies professor. Her face turned red and she started yelling. She was owned. She even did all the work for the presidant. She should be pulled and be replaced by a professional.

She did not yell at him once. She sat there calmly. Trump is the one with the red face, who is angry, and cornered. Trump thinks getting angry displays his righteousness, but it's been my life experience that those who get angry like Trump, are usually lying and cornered. He can't explain himself so he attacks. I noticed that Brett Kavenaugh pulled that same "liar's tell" bullshit in his confirmation hearings, and guys like Devon Nunes and Mark Meadows pulled it in the Impeachment Hearings.

Those who are telling the truth have no need to "sell" the story with outrage and indigation. There is no reason to become unhinged or belligerent, or attempt to humiliate those who question you. The old line "Methinks he doth protest too much" is as true as it was when Shakespeare wrote it.

And he does this kind of belligerent bulllying most often with women.

Indeed, he has a long history. He did it with another female reporter in the same event, who asked if he had consulted governors about having "total authority". Treated her like a child. "Enough"

This gets back to what I don't get about the OP, Gracie -- see, years ago on this very forum, I remember it well, some whatever-thread was going on, and Gracie was in it, and I was in it and at some point Gracie said to me, "stop treating me like a child". And I thought about it and saw that she was right, that I was guilty, and I came back and apologized and begged forgiveness (which she gave gracefully). And now here's the same poster, the OP, condoning this sort of behaviour in an orange cult leader that she rightly wouldn't tolerate in others. How the gracious have fallen.

Go fuck yourself. I owe you nothing. And don't page me again. Or rather, if you do, I will continue to ignore you.

And here the gracious have not only fallen, she's put a bucket over her head and declared "I'm not coming out".

It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

I hope it's a weekly thing. I also hope he keeps bringing survivors out to counter all the gloom and doom zombie apocalypse crap. Folks might not mind sitting so much if he did that.
I welcome his "good news" approach, AS LONG AS IT IS ACCURATE. Sometimes it is and there's nothing wrong with that.
Meanwhile....lame stream media still refuses to report on the homeless situations in SF and LA. Hundreds if not thousands of motel rooms sit empty and across the street, people are living in tents.

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