What Obama is doing


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzT6X3_Bg9o]Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - YouTube[/ame]

Not sure you can get this link, but copy and paste it into your browser. Dr Garrow is a very intelligent man and people should hear what he is saying. He has Obama down pat.
Listen to Dr Garrow in this video. He has insight and knowledge far beyond the minds of some people. Everything he says is a fact. This is worth every citizen in this country listening too and waking up to realization of what Obama is doing.
A lot of people know what he is doing. No question. Apparently, more dont know or do not care.. You can not change it. Pos rep for trying :)
There are some very good military people leaving due to the things obama is doing. Its just a shame. What this dr garrow says is just pure factual and why people are incapable of seeing it, is just beyond me. How obvious can things be, and what will it take to wake people up? I guess there are lots of people that just are mentally past being capable of seeing things in reality.
Listen to Dr Garrow in this video. He has insight and knowledge far beyond the minds of some people. Everything he says is a fact. This is worth every citizen in this country listening too and waking up to realization of what Obama is doing.
one person facts are another person delusions
if he can't give up his source to prove his accusation then all he is doing is responding to information in ... if the information in is false then he's justifying false information ... if you can't fact check his information by more then one credible source, all you are doing, Emily, is boosting your hatred towards Obama to justify your post into being something over nothing ...

if you went to court and made this accusation in court, it wouldn't be allowed ... why??? because its hear say ... so what he is doing is allowing hear say to make his conclusion to form his opinion ...
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There are some very good military people leaving due to the things obama is doing. Its just a shame. What this dr garrow says is just pure factual and why people are incapable of seeing it, is just beyond me. How obvious can things be, and what will it take to wake people up? I guess there are lots of people that just are mentally past being capable of seeing things in reality.
you used him before in the past and that turn out to be inaccurate too ...
You want me to watch a 21 minute propaganda piece?

Post your relevant quotes
if he can't give up his source to prove his accusation then all he is doing is responding to information in ... if the information in is false then he's justifying false information ... if you can't fact check his information by more then one credible source, all you are doing, Emily, is boosting your hatred towards Obama to justify your post into being something over nothing ...

if you went to court and made this accusation in court, it wouldn't be allowed ... why??? because its hear say ... so what he is doing is allowing hear say to make his conclusion to form his opinion ...

well, my my here's Billyrock back at his incapability of thinking. Dr Garrow does not have to revile his source unless he has permission to do so. This was an interview, not an investigation. duh.
Unfortunately you are unable to comprehend Dr Garraw's words and knowledge. Obviously you are still in from denial to anything pointed out about Obama.....thats a shame.
There are some very good military people leaving due to the things obama is doing. Its just a shame. What this dr garrow says is just pure factual and why people are incapable of seeing it, is just beyond me. How obvious can things be, and what will it take to wake people up? I guess there are lots of people that just are mentally past being capable of seeing things in reality.

I know!!

It just amazes me that people won't believe some guy talking on the internet, who apparently can't reveal where he got his information. I mean...the man is a doctor! He started schools in China! Of course he knows what Obama talks to his military leaders about!

We could be only days away from seeing Americans herded into death camps and exterminated!!

How obvious can things be?
Since it's already happend, most recently during Nixon's administration when Nation Gaurd troops opened fire on unarmed student protesters at Kent State, you can bet your ass if troops are facing an armed crowd of gun hugging protesters, they will fire.
Our Constitutional scholar in chief interprets the constitution to mean "He, the people". Gun law prosecutions are down 25 % from the Bush Administration, but we need more and tougher laws, when the old laws aren't being prosecuted as effectively. Its all about totally and completely disarming all Americans, because Barry knows what he intends to do, and doesn't want to risk suffering the same fate as Benito Mussolini did, while he's doing it. And then there is still the question of all those heavy weapons ATF waved across the Mexican Border. Simply put "What the f#ck were they thinking?

» Branco Cartoon ? He the People - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Since it's already happend, most recently during Nixon's administration when Nation Gaurd troops opened fire on unarmed student protesters at Kent State, you can bet your ass if troops are facing an armed crowd of gun hugging protesters, they will fire.

Yeah and Waco, Ruby Ridge and predators dropped on American citizens, scary times.
if he can't give up his source to prove his accusation then all he is doing is responding to information in ... if the information in is false then he's justifying false information ... if you can't fact check his information by more then one credible source, all you are doing, Emily, is boosting your hatred towards Obama to justify your post into being something over nothing ...

if you went to court and made this accusation in court, it wouldn't be allowed ... why??? because its hear say ... so what he is doing is allowing hear say to make his conclusion to form his opinion ...

well, my my here's Billyrock back at his incapability of thinking. Dr Garrow does not have to revile his source unless he has permission to do so. This was an interview, not an investigation. duh.
Unfortunately you are unable to comprehend Dr Garraw's words and knowledge. Obviously you are still in from denial to anything pointed out about Obama.....thats a shame.
first of all if he's going to make accusations, then like all sources, you need more then one source ... you loser hero failed on that one ... maybe that why he didn't get his Nobel prize ...
second your dr. Garrow is a know right wing political hack ... so taking his word on anything is comical at best ....

finally emily, you have never been right about anything ...

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