What one issue do you struggle with the most?

Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Life in prison is what I am in favor of. Mainly because the death penalty drags out so long by the time it's time for the execution the prisoner at times has died of old age as most of the family of the victims. Life in prison with no parole is best for all.

An issue I struggle with is child abuse when the system takes the abused child and put them back in the abusive home after the child has told on the abuser. The child gets abuse worse for telling and is afraid to report it again.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

The death penalty: I'm all for it provided the evidence against the accused is undisputed such as DNA, fingerprints, admission of guilt, or video. In other words I wouldn't have been for it in the OJ trial. What I'm against is that it's not a deterrent because it takes so long to carry out. Death penalty should be carried out in less than 6 months and made available on television; perhaps pay-per-view where the victims family gets much of the proceeds.

The death penalty should only be decided by the immediate family of the victim as well, not the jury, not the judge. A spokesperson for the family is picked and whatever penalty he or she declares should be the penalty given to the accused.

Switching topics to a more personal note is Section 8 and HUD housing. If taxpayers have to support you and your family, it should not be in middle-class neighborhoods where the cost of living is higher. All that brings us is the destruction of neighborhoods which the Democrat party continues to do today. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of old sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk. I wish government would understand that concept which apparently, Democrats don't.
I want 1980 prices.
If we had Reagan, or Trump back you would have 1980 Prices. Instead you have Quid Pro China Joe, and His Camel Toe Hoe installed in The White House.

What are you clowns going to do to rig 2024? You used the Russians and failed in 2016, contracted with The Chinese and Fauci in 2020 and succeeded. Do you think you can repeat your fraud again in 2024?

You gonna have to use the Nuclear Option this time?

Will we be ordered to hide under out desks and not vote?
All it took was a civil war
Meh, it was already on the way out, purely as a matter of practicality. Unwilling workers with no pay make shitty "employees" and are not worth the effort. Also, technology had already made most slave operations unprofitable.

So, it almost certainly would not have taken a war to end it. But, how else would the fed gov take over and usurp power over the states not granted in the Constitution?

If someone claims to be against "Big Government" this should be a no-brainer and they shouldn't want government anywhere near making these decisions of life and death.
WOW it's a big distinction between big government and a government that makes laws with a punishment of death when the crime justifies death. Maybe we should do away with all courts and let the victims family dispense the penalty.

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