What one issue do you struggle with the most?

Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Your hope died by post number 2.

Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Ignorance of people in a democratic system.

Democracy is the least worst of political systems, but mostly "democracy" doesn't exist as 95% of people literally have no clue what they're voting for. Usually they're just Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one.

How do you make democracy better under such circumstances?
Sure, so no reason for the min. wage to be higher. Those folks just need to get a better job. I agree with you.

I am against a minimum wage set at any level higher than the city/town level
Democrats favor policy that creates killing zones, like in poor black communities.

You punish law enforcement for trying to end it, or you punish those like Rittenhouse who try to defend themselves and society, and then release the offenders back into society as soon as possible.

It is speculative on why they do this. Is it intentinal? Are they more concerned about reducing carbon footprints or some such nonsense or are they just retarded?

Who knows. But really, who cares? They need to be driven out of office and out of society.

Its amazing to watch them hold sanger up as an idol.
Democrats favor policy that creates killing zones, like in poor black communities.

You punish law enforcement for trying to end it, or you punish those like Rittenhouse who try to defend themselves and society, and then release the offenders back into society as soon as possible.

It is speculative on why they do this. Is it intentinal? Are they more concerned about reducing carbon footprints or some such nonsense or are they just retarded?

Who knows. But really, who cares? They need to be driven out of office and out of society.
Pigs can't end crime or they'd be out of a job.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Polarization of our politics. One side is good and the other side is evil and you can't compromise with evil as I've often been told. This country couldn't have begun without the free states compromising with the slave states yet compromise has come to be a dirty word, a sign of weakness. Ideological purity will be the death of our democracy.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

My issue with the death penalty is its unequal application in our country.

I am fine with the concept of it, of a law saying 'do this thing and you lose your life".

But when humans cannot seem to do things in a fair manner
Polarization of our politics. One side is good and the other side is evil and you can't compromise with evil as I've often been told. This country couldn't have begun without the free states compromising with the slave states yet compromise has come to be a dirty word, a sign of weakness. Ideological purity will be the death of our democracy.

Post of the day
Polarization of our politics. One side is good and the other side is evil and you can't compromise with evil as I've often been told. This country couldn't have begun without the free states compromising with the slave states yet compromise has come to be a dirty word, a sign of weakness. Ideological purity will be the death of our democracy.

What would be the benefit of compromising with a state that approves of slavery?
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Freedom or lackthereof.

Enforce me I'm Canadian.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

I am pro-death penalty in theory. That said, their have been many innocent people "found guilty" and later it was discovered that they were actually innocent. Granted, many of these people were not sentenced to death; however, I've got to wonder how many people have been sentenced to death unjustly. Our legal system is composed of humans and humans make mistakes (and some are intentionally crooked).
typical response by those who have more than others....you sound like those in congress....

It is the right winger in me coming out. Put your nose to the grindstone, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and use some elbow grease. If I could do it you, can do it!

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