What one issue do you struggle with the most?

Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

My most difficult issue is people on message boards who pose as independents but in fact are hard left progessives. It's a shame, really.
My most difficult issue is people on message boards who pose as independents but in fact are hard left progessives. It's a shame, really.
And yet, you don't have the balls to prove that tired lie by confirming my actual positions on the actual issues.

It's a shame, really.
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My most difficult issue is people on message boards who pose as independents but in fact are hard left progessives. It's a shame, really.
And yet, you don't have the balls to prove that tired lie by confirming my actual positions on the actual issues.

It's a shame, really.
I point out one leftwing position repeatedly but Mac1958 refuses to debate me on it

He claims to want an end to the illegal alien invasion but voted for the worst open border president in history

There is never any room for compromise in his world on the positions he takes
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I don't really struggle with my political principles because I think them through by basing them on basic values and extrapolating from there.

What I DO struggle with are the large numbers of people who are little but programmed automatons who are warriors for their tribe. Instead of having any principles or values at all, they simply advocate whatever their tribe advocates.
I am pro-death penalty in theory. That said, their have been many innocent people "found guilty" and later it was discovered that they were actually innocent. Granted, many of these people were not sentenced to death; however, I've got to wonder how many people have been sentenced to death unjustly. Our legal system is composed of humans and humans make mistakes (and some are intentionally crooked).
I am pro death penalty. I have actually known several on death row and some who should have been on death row. I was a witness to an execution. Very few of those executed have been not guilty. Even when not guilty of the crime getting the death penalty, the inmate usually has a long criminal history to get them to that point.

The one person I suspected of being innocent was Barbara Graham. She just had such a long criminal history no one really cared that she was manipulated into the gas chamber.

I would draw the line at whether the accused expressed enjoyment at the act of killing. In that case, even an appeal is unnecessary. Just take them to the back parking lot and put them down.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

I struggle with that one too Mac and it goes hand in hand with a reasonable policy for abortion as the left always accuses us of hypocrisy if we oppose abortion on demand but condone the death penalty. Depending on what poll you consult, most Americans (roughly 60%) favor having a death penalty for the worst crimes and roughly 71% want at least some restrictions on abortion as it also ends a human life.

I know some abortions are absolutely necessary and the moral choice and those should always be legal. But I also think no moral society condones using abortion as a means of birth control. I do struggle with where one ends and the other begins.

Likewise I think some crimes are so unbelievably cruel, unconscionable, sociopathic involving intentional horrible pain and suffering to the victim that the death penalty is a necessary consequence. Where we draw the line for when that should apply, I do struggle with that. I do think it ridiculous to keep prisoners on death row for decades especially now when science and forensics make it less likely to convict the innocent.

But ending a human life by any means is a serious matter and deserves debate and consideration.
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My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent

I've never believed that the death penalty should be a deterrent. It should be, and should always have been, a punishment. Nothing more, nothing less.

The issue I struggle with the most is abortion.

Personally, I find it to be an abhorrent practice. I wish it wasn't a thing. I wish there wasn't a reason for it. I wish women would want to get pregnant, get pregnant, and nine months later give birth to a wondrous bundle of joy.

If my daughter were to become pregnant (which she cannot) and sought my advice, I would advise her to not terminate her pregnancy.

That said, I am vehemently against the government, state or federal, deciding whether or not it should be available to a woman who, for whatever reason, wants to have one. That should be between the woman, her doctor and whoever her God is.

You will never legislate abortion out of existence. A woman who wants one will get one, whether it's legal or not. For that reason, as I see it, safe abortion services should always be available...
I struggle with that one too Mac and it goes hand in hand with a reasonable policy for abortion as the left always accuses us of hypocrisy if we oppose abortion on demand but condone the death penalty
There is no hypocrisy. A murder is guilty of a heinous crime deserving of the punishment of death. A fetus in the womb is one of the most innocent beings in existence who has not earned the punishment of death. It's kind of ironic that most people consider harming a newborn baby as one of the most heinous crimes possible due to it's innocence and helplessness, but killing that life just a short time before it can be born isn't a crime at all.

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