“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Why would anyone be concerned about responding to anyone here, I mean you red necks have threatened my life here multiple times , your going to kill me or anyone who tries to take your toys away. So what can you do that could concern anyone about sparing with a person like you, are you going to kill me or someone. Wh
It's okay, dude. We all know you got nothing and your arguments suck 10 miles of pickled donkey taint. You can walk away without a mere attempt at making your case. It is not a USMB requirement.
Not only am I not going to play your stupid games but I can't get myself to eve
Because you know you have maybe half my brain power and you're avoiding the clear intellectual/logical ass kicking you are about to receive. I don't fault you for running away. Save your dignity.

While you're fleeing, remember to never vote. Thanks.
Buddy you just don't get it , why would I care what you think about me , your the enemy and I don't ever like my enemies. You don't seem to be very bright, you have said nothing here that means anything and your are a person who is really hard to be impressed by. So tell me why do you think I care what you think of me.
Why would anyone be concerned about responding to anyone here, I mean you red necks have threatened my life here multiple times , your going to kill me or anyone who tries to take your toys away. So what can you do that could concern anyone about sparing with a person like you, are you going to kill me or someone. Wh
It's okay, dude. We all know you got nothing and your arguments suck 10 miles of pickled donkey taint. You can walk away without a mere attempt at making your case. It is not a USMB requirement.
Do you think you have impressed someone here. I mean read your last comments g,ive it a moment of thought and tell us why anyone would be impressed by your silliness.
WEll your wrong, I'm just not going to play you red necks goofball game. Armalite called their ar15 a assault weapon. it was made for the military in the first place. Your twist and turn about what the definition of Assault weapons takes you people about five minutes until you start calling everything by the non prescribed way yourself. When I call a gun a assault weapon people who have a brain know what I'm talking about . people who are on a sinking ship come up with tons of goofball definitions to keep their goofball Ideas going.
No. You keep missing the fucking point, deliberately, I suspect.

One cannot reasonably define what constitutes a "weapon of war" or "assault weapon" and effectively ban that class of weapon without such a ban being so overbroad that it results in a de facto complete ban on all firearms. The fact that many like you cannot understand that perfectly fucking legitimate concern breeds reasonable suspicion that a complete ban is your real objective (it is).

But, if you are legitimately trying to be reasonable, your apparent ignorance of the nature and operation of fireams in general is obvious, and disqualifies you from commenting intelligently on the topic.
Why can't we? I think we can agree that a tank can be more lethal than an AR-15 and an AR-15 is a more lethal weapon than a bolt action rifle. In fact, the military seems to have a lot experience in determining the most lethal weapons.

However, I do see your point. Considering the vast number of different types and models of firearm, any scheme used would be flawed. That's why I favor reducing the total number of guns in country. The problem is not the most power weapons but the huge number of relatively low powered guns thrown into closets, desk drawers, and garages around the country that are easily accessible by young children and emotional disturbed members of the family. The more guns laying around the house the more school shootings, suicides, and accidents.
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Do you think you have impressed someone here. I mean read your last comments g,ive it a moment of thought and tell us why anyone would be impressed by your silliness.
Oh, I don't really give a shit about impressing others. I do enjoy destroying your pathetic attempts to justify an arbitrary ban on a class of firearm you can't reasonably define or describe without summarily banning all firearm ownership in the process. You propose bullshit, feel-good firearm legislation without a single though for whether your proposed ban will have any substantial benefit compared to the Herculean infringement on those who have done nothing wrong. It is this general disreagard for liberty that makes a person like you unfit to live in a free society. You don't belong in the same country as free folk. You fit better in North Korea or some other communist shithole where your individual liberty is given no regard or protection. You don't deserve liberty because cannot tolerate the liberty of others.

You will not respond to this post or any other post with any real substance because you can't. Your position suck and is wrong. Accept it.
However, I do see your point. Considering the vast number of different types and models of firearm, any scheme used would be flawed. That's why I favor reducing the total number of guns in country. The problem is not the most po
How will you do that without employing a draconian sceme that seriously infringes on the individual right?
WEll your wrong, I'm just not going to play you red necks goofball game. Armalite called their ar15 a assault weapon. it was made for the military in the first place. Your twist and turn about what the definition of Assault weapons takes you people about five minutes until you start calling everything by the non prescribed way yourself. When I call a gun a assault weapon people who have a brain know what I'm talking about . people who are on a sinking ship come up with tons of goofball definitions to keep their goofball Ideas going.
No. You keep missing the fucking point, deliberately, I suspect.

One cannot reasonably define what constitutes a "weapon of war" or "assault weapon" and effectively ban that class of weapon without such a ban being so overbroad that it results in a de facto complete ban on all firearms. The fact that many like you cannot understand that perfectly fucking legitimate concern breeds reasonable suspicion that a complete ban is your real objective (it is).

But, if you are legitimately trying to be reasonable, your apparent ignorance of the nature and operation of fireams in general is obvious, and disqualifies you from commenting intelligently on the topic.
Why can't we? I think we can agree that a tank can be more lethal than an AR-15 and an AR-15 is a more lethal weapon than a bolt action rifle. In fact, the military seems to have a lot experience in determining the most lethal weapons.

However, I do see your point. Considering the vast number of different types and models of firearm, any scheme used would be flawed. That's why I favor reducing the total number of guns in country. The problem is not the most power weapons but the huge number of relatively low powered guns thrown into closets, desk drawers, and garages around the country that are easily accessible by young children and emotional disturbed members of the family. The more guns laying around the house the more school shootings, suicides, and accidents.
Hey, the problem is not the number of firearms. In fact the country needs more... we have no criminal control in this country.
Please educate yourselves
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
Because cars have a purpose besides killing people?
You do realize that firearms have no control over people, most people understand that by grade school…
There you go, slipped right into the ding dong line, Guns don't kill, people do. What a pile of shit.


When is the last time a gun killed someone, all by itself?
There is no argument more stupid then , it's not the gun its the person who pulls the trigger,well you need the trigger to pull and without guns there would be no triggers, Is that right or not.

no, the 'stupid' argument is that guns shoot people without someone pulling the trigger.
Semi autos will never be banned. But you can push for this to guarantee another Trump term

I don't think so, polls are out showing a flip on this issue. The majority of Americans today want stronger gun control. Most gun owners could care less about AR-15's & AK's. These are just toys. You can't use them to hunt with, you can't carry them around as a concealed weapon with permit. They're just for the weekend warriors that want to play war games.

Ironically most actual war veterans won't even buy them, as they probably had their fill of them during war.

This was going on in 800 cities across the nation.
CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting - CNNPolitics
The purpose of the second amendment is to stop the government from taking our guns. It will never be repealed, and if what you said was true Hillary would be president. So u r full of shit
Show me in this group were anyone wants to ban all guns , you can't use stupid as a argument to support your gun position.

It's simply the logical extension since, study after study has shown that a semi auto rifle ban, or, to that extent, a limited clip ban won't stop the shootings you fear so very very much.
Bullcrap right now the weapon of choice for all mass murderers is the Ar15. Of all the mass murders over 10 people, the weapon that kills most of these people are the assault weapons.

you don't know what you're talking about.

(as my previous link proved)
WEll your wrong, I'm just not going to play you red necks goofball game. Armalite called their ar15 a assault weapon. it was made for the military in the first place. Your twist and turn about what the definition of Assault weapons takes you people about five minutes until you start calling everything by the non prescribed way yourself. When I call a gun a assault weapon people who have a brain know what I'm talking about . people who are on a sinking ship come up with tons of goofball definitions to keep their goofball Ideas going.
No. You keep missing the fucking point, deliberately, I suspect.

One cannot reasonably define what constitutes a "weapon of war" or "assault weapon" and effectively ban that class of weapon without such a ban being so overbroad that it results in a de facto complete ban on all firearms. The fact that many like you cannot understand that perfectly fucking legitimate concern breeds reasonable suspicion that a complete ban is your real objective (it is).

But, if you are legitimately trying to be reasonable, your apparent ignorance of the nature and operation of fireams in general is obvious, and disqualifies you from commenting intelligently on the topic.
Not only am I not going to play your stupid games but I can't get myself to even waste my time in reading all your silly crap.

How do you type with your fingers in your ears?
It's simply the logical extension since, study after study has shown that a semi auto rifle ban, or, to that extent, a limited clip ban won't stop the shootings you fear so very very much.
Studies , what a laugh.

Studies are bullshit? Well I guess we will just go by emotion, right?
Ya your right , I should have said what I meant , Your studies are bullshit.

And those were done by experts, thus you admit that you are the one that’s full of shit and........

Ignored as a waste of time.
Here are the facts , red neck gun Bubbas can't be the source of any information about guns , because they operate totally on lies , distortions or half truths , their half. Also I've never seen such a group that knows so little about their subject,

You've been given the facts, and from a source that is NOT run by 'bubbas'.
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
A van killed 10 people in Canada yesterday.

Stop the carnage now!!!

Turn in your vans.
Tell me how many people would be killed by guns if there was no guns. Hell this comment makes more sense then yours.
You look at one detail and fail to see the big picture.
There are other factors involved in killings besides guns.
It appears that people want to blame guns, but forget that murderers don't need guns to kill.
It's like the gun is the murderer, not the person pulling the trigger.
WEll your wrong, I'm just not going to play you red necks goofball game. Armalite called their ar15 a assault weapon. it was made for the military in the first place. Your twist and turn about what the definition of Assault weapons takes you people about five minutes until you start calling everything by the non prescribed way yourself. When I call a gun a assault weapon people who have a brain know what I'm talking about . people who are on a sinking ship come up with tons of goofball definitions to keep their goofball Ideas going.
No. You keep missing the fucking point, deliberately, I suspect.

One cannot reasonably define what constitutes a "weapon of war" or "assault weapon" and effectively ban that class of weapon without such a ban being so overbroad that it results in a de facto complete ban on all firearms. The fact that many like you cannot understand that perfectly fucking legitimate concern breeds reasonable suspicion that a complete ban is your real objective (it is).

But, if you are legitimately trying to be reasonable, your apparent ignorance of the nature and operation of fireams in general is obvious, and disqualifies you from commenting intelligently on the topic.
Not only am I not going to play your stupid games but I can't get myself to even waste my time in reading all your silly crap.

How do you type with your fingers in your ears?

I would quit feeding the troll. He seems an overly emotional type. Might be on meds. Best to let him be. Seems the type to explode in some public violent way.
Studies , what a laugh.

Studies are bullshit? Well I guess we will just go by emotion, right?
Ya your right , I should have said what I meant , Your studies are bullshit.

And those were done by experts, thus you admit that you are the one that’s full of shit and........

Ignored as a waste of time.
Here are the facts , red neck gun Bubbas can't be the source of any information about guns , because they operate totally on lies , distortions or half truths , their half. Also I've never seen such a group that knows so little about their subject,

You've been given the facts, and from a source that is NOT run by 'bubbas'.

Apparently Mother Jones, The British Medical Journal, Oxford University, WHO and the CDC are redneck Bubba's.

Whatcha gonna do?
“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

What Percentage Of MASS Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?
Why is it somehow worse to get killed with a rifle with the same time as a few other people than it is to get killed any other way one at a time?
It's not about being worse or better. It's the horror of the situation that will be shared with countless numbers of people to be relived and replayed in the media over and over.


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