“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

What Percentage Of MASS Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?
Why is it somehow worse to get killed with a rifle with the same time as a few other people than it is to get killed any other way one at a time?
It's not about being worse or better. It's the horror of the situation that will be shared with countless numbers of people to be relived and replayed in the media over and over.


Then we need to fix the problem! Getting rid of a subset of tools DO NOT change a murderous mind! Killers Kill. playing like that ain't a fact is just pissing in the wind. Even if you rid the world of guns completely, Murderers will still murder. and if they want to murder large numbers of people to get their fix, no law in the world will stop them.
How many bullets required to stop an attack?

Depends on the number of attackers and the location....that is why limiting law abiding people to 10 arbitrary bullets is stupid...
You are an IDIOT!!! 3 is all you ever need!!!

If someone is attacking me, believe it or not, I ain't about to take your word for it. K?
You Idiot keep coming out of the woodwork, and each more retarded than the last!

Go ahead, lie and put a gun free zone sign on your front door. But have a gun ready with only 3 bullets in it, cuz that's all thats required.
By far the biggest mass shooting was done with a assault weapon. Of mass murders over 10 people most were killed by assault weapons. Many school shooting are done by assault type weapons
There is no such thing as an assault weapon or assault type weapon. That is an undefinable, bullshit political term meaning scary looking.

An assault rifle manufacures after 1986 is already banned. There have been NO shootings with an assault rifle.
Thats crap that won't hold water, all assault weapons builders called them assault weapons , until the heat got to hot ,so they all got together and these dweebs decided a lie was better
You get nothing but lies distortions and half truths from gun bubbas, there is nothing they say that holds water, like it's not the gun it's the person who pulls the trigger , well if there were no guns then there wouldn't be a trigger.
There are no other ways to commit murder than guns?

Wow, the box cutter manufacturers will be pleased to know that.
Yep, it's all about government control. Let's say you want to open a convenience store, how many licenses do you think you'd would need to sell perfectly legal products?

Fearmongering hysteria. AR's are involved with very few violent crimes. I strongly urge all Americans to read up on what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety. Folks need to tune out the usual suspect fearmongers, and stay calm. Always err on the side of Freedom & Liberty.
What did Ben have to say about AR 15 s in the hands of crazy people?

More fearmongering hysterics. Benjamin Franklin was Spot On. This banning-craze won't end well for folks. It's only dragging us closer to becoming another Totalitarian Police State.
Ben Franklin never had to deal with mass killings by teenagers

His opinions are irrelevant

He dealt with plenty. He had the most powerful Empire in the world hunting him down to be hanged. Americans need to stop giving in to fear. Otherwise, they'll be left with neither freedom or safety.
There is no other reason for the massive increase of gun ownership. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Then don't obtain a firearm. No one's forcing you to. However it is my Constitutional right, so mind your own business.
You get nothing but lies distortions and half truths from gun bubbas, there is nothing they say that holds water, like it's not the gun it's the person who pulls the trigger , well if there were no guns then there wouldn't be a trigger.

Irrefutable laws of the universe:

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people
4 Gravity
You get nothing but lies distortions and half truths from gun bubbas, there is nothing they say that holds water, like it's not the gun it's the person who pulls the trigger , well if there were no guns then there wouldn't be a trigger.
Gun can't pull it's own trigger, can't aim itself.

you ever get tired of parroting the same old, (disproven), talking points
That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons? Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Rosy, what are you trying to do, confuse liberals with facts, math and numbers? Don't you know that could TOTALLY mess up their ongoing pet-hate affair with their latest evil gun-of-the-week?
I'll tell you whats stupid , the idea that people get killed in other ways then with guns make assault weapons OK and of no concern to the public. Doesn't get any more stupid then that does it? These rednecks are built with minds thinking somehow this approach is reasonable.

Trust me kid, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. It's the truth. So the fearmongering hysterics aren't necessary.
Unbelievable Hypocrisy, when the reason that these gun bubbas bought these assault weapons is fear mongering. You just can't make this shit up.

Seriously, chill out kid. You're gonna die from anything but an AR. The same is true of everyone you know.
The only effective definition of an "assault weapon" is any semi-automatic rifle.

Which is effectively a total ban on all firearms.

They are coming for your guns. 100%.

They are liars.

I want to have a shootout with gun grabbers and settle this issue for good. I am prepared for the Valkyrie to carry me to Valhalla.

Are you gun grabbers willing to die for your gun grabbing agenda?
He is going to kill us but thinks that it's his constitutional right to have a gun so he can kill us. Like I said these people are dangerous and put a arsenal of guns in their clost ey will get what they want by threatening to kill us.
Do you think you have impressed someone here. I mean read your last comments g,ive it a moment of thought and tell us why anyone would be impressed by your silliness.
Oh, I don't really give a shit about impressing others. I do enjoy destroying your pathetic attempts to justify an arbitrary ban on a class of firearm you can't reasonably define or describe without summarily banning all firearm ownership in the process. You propose bullshit, feel-good firearm legislation without a single though for whether your proposed ban will have any substantial benefit compared to the Herculean infringement on those who have done nothing wrong. It is this general disreagard for liberty that makes a person like you unfit to live in a free society. You don't belong in the same country as free folk. You fit better in North Korea or some other communist shithole where your individual liberty is given no regard or protection. You don't deserve liberty because cannot tolerate the liberty of others.

You will not respond to this post or any other post with any real substance because you can't. Your position suck and is wrong. Accept it.
God your boring.
That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons? Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Rosy, what are you trying to do, confuse liberals with facts, math and numbers? Don't you know that could TOTALLY mess up their ongoing pet-hate affair with their latest evil gun-of-the-week?
I'll tell you whats stupid , the idea that people get killed in other ways then with guns make assault weapons OK and of no concern to the public. Doesn't get any more stupid then that does it? These rednecks are built with minds thinking somehow this approach is reasonable.

Trust me kid, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. It's the truth. So the fearmongering hysterics aren't necessary.
Unbelievable Hypocrisy, when the reason that these gun bubbas bought these assault weapons is fear mongering. You just can't make this shit up.

Seriously, chill out kid. You're gonna die from anything but an AR. The same is true of everyone you know.
one of my friend came very close to be killed with your gun bubba gun of choice. He lived but he retired and was incapable to work from then on. So a dweeb answer won't make it here.
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
A van killed 10 people in Canada yesterday.

Stop the carnage now!!!

Turn in your vans.
Tell me how many people would be killed by guns if there was no guns. Hell this comment makes more sense then yours.
You look at one detail and fail to see the big picture.
There are other factors involved in killings besides guns.
It appears that people want to blame guns, but forget that murderers don't need guns to kill.
It's like the gun is the murderer, not the person pulling the trigger.
No guns no triggers.
The only effective definition of an "assault weapon" is any semi-automatic rifle.

Which is effectively a total ban on all firearms.

They are coming for your guns. 100%.

They are liars.

I want to have a shootout with gun grabbers and settle this issue for good. I am prepared for the Valkyrie to carry me to Valhalla.

Are you gun grabbers willing to die for your gun grabbing agenda?
He is going to kill us but thinks that it's his constitutional right to have a gun so he can kill us. Like I said these people are dangerous and put a arsenal of guns in their clost ey will get what they want by threatening to kill us.
Do you think you have impressed someone here. I mean read your last comments g,ive it a moment of thought and tell us why anyone would be impressed by your silliness.
Oh, I don't really give a shit about impressing others. I do enjoy destroying your pathetic attempts to justify an arbitrary ban on a class of firearm you can't reasonably define or describe without summarily banning all firearm ownership in the process. You propose bullshit, feel-good firearm legislation without a single though for whether your proposed ban will have any substantial benefit compared to the Herculean infringement on those who have done nothing wrong. It is this general disreagard for liberty that makes a person like you unfit to live in a free society. You don't belong in the same country as free folk. You fit better in North Korea or some other communist shithole where your individual liberty is given no regard or protection. You don't deserve liberty because cannot tolerate the liberty of others.

You will not respond to this post or any other post with any real substance because you can't. Your position suck and is wrong. Accept it.
God your boring.


He KNOWS he has a Constitutional right to own a firearm
How many bullets required to stop an attack?

Depends on the number of attackers and the location....that is why limiting law abiding people to 10 arbitrary bullets is stupid...
You are an IDIOT!!! 3 is all you ever need!!!

If someone is attacking me, believe it or not, I ain't about to take your word for it. K?
Gun Bubbas are real weak people, they are scared of the world and thinks that a gun will make them a man but when the time comes these scaredy cats are still weak but now with a gun in their hand that is shaking faster then they can aim it and once the trigger is pulled, get out of the way because the bullets will be flying everywhere until the clip is empty , killing their own families and neighbors in the process, so no you don't want to give these wimps more bullets to shoot.

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