“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Rosy, what are you trying to do, confuse liberals with facts, math and numbers? Don't you know that could TOTALLY mess up their ongoing pet-hate affair with their latest evil gun-of-the-week?
I'll tell you whats stupid , the idea that people get killed in other ways then with guns make assault weapons OK and of no concern to the public. Doesn't get any more stupid then that does it? These rednecks are built with minds thinking somehow this approach is reasonable.

Trust me kid, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. It's the truth. So the fearmongering hysterics aren't necessary.
Unbelievable Hypocrisy, when the reason that these gun bubbas bought these assault weapons is fear mongering. You just can't make this shit up.

Seriously, chill out kid. You're gonna die from anything but an AR. The same is true of everyone you know.
one of my friend came very close to be killed with your gun bubba gun of choice. He lived but he retired and was incapable to work from then on. So a dweeb answer won't make it here.

And the other 8 million AR-15 civilian rifles in private hands didn't harm your alleged buddy....in fact, several of them every year, used by civilians, save lives......
Seriously, chill out kid. You're gonna die from anything but an AR. The same is true of everyone you know.
one of my friend came very close to be killed with your gun bubba gun of choice. He lived but he retired and was incapable to work from then on. So a dweeb answer won't make it here.

Right, he didn't die. He's gonna die from anything but an AR. Seriously, it's true. You need to calm down and check out the stats. The chance you'll be harmed or killed by an AR, is incredibly unlikely. Statistically, AR's are involved in a minute amount of crimes, injuries, and deaths in the US. The issue is just being exploited by the shameful Gun Grabber jerks. It is what it is.
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing

Again, you're just spewing more hysterical fearmongering shite. Look to the stats. Because when you look to stats and facts, you're less likely to panic and make rash decisions pertaining to Freedom & Liberty. Also check out what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

You're reaching now. Like i said, look to stats and facts. You'll be far less likely to panic and make rash decisions.
What did Ben have to say about AR 15 s in the hands of crazy people?

More fearmongering hysterics. Benjamin Franklin was Spot On. This banning-craze won't end well for folks. It's only dragging us closer to becoming another Totalitarian Police State.
Ben Franklin never had to deal with mass killings by teenagers

His opinions are irrelevant

He dealt with plenty. He had the most powerful Empire in the world hunting him down to be hanged. Americans need to stop giving in to fear. Otherwise, they'll be left with neither freedom or safety.
There is no other reason for the massive increase of gun ownership. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Then don't obtain a firearm. No one's forcing you to. However it is my Constitutional right, so mind your own business.
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
How many bullets required to stop an attack?

Depends on the number of attackers and the location....that is why limiting law abiding people to 10 arbitrary bullets is stupid...
You are an IDIOT!!! 3 is all you ever need!!!

If someone is attacking me, believe it or not, I ain't about to take your word for it. K?
Gun Bubbas are real weak people, they are scared of the world and thinks that a gun will make them a man but when the time comes these scaredy cats are still weak but now with a gun in their hand that is shaking faster then they can aim it and once the trigger is pulled, get out of the way because the bullets will be flying everywhere until the clip is empty , killing their own families and neighbors in the process, so no you don't want to give these wimps more bullets to shoot.

Does your nanny know you are on the computer again? Didn't your parents ground you from computer time?
What Percentage Of MASS Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?
Why is it somehow worse to get killed with a rifle with the same time as a few other people than it is to get killed any other way one at a time?
It's not about being worse or better. It's the horror of the situation that will be shared with countless numbers of people to be relived and replayed in the media over and over.


Then we need to fix the problem! Getting rid of a subset of tools DO NOT change a murderous mind! Killers Kill. playing like that ain't a fact is just pissing in the wind. Even if you rid the world of guns completely, Murderers will still murder. and if they want to murder large numbers of people to get their fix, no law in the world will stop them.
So we shouldn't do anything about it , just let them kill all the kids they want and do nothing about it, because you have the right to own a gun.

No...we have told you how you reduce school shootings and other mass public shootings, you end democrat gun free zones..... the shooters who do them tell us they pick democrat gun free zones....because no one there will have a gun to stop them.
Tell me how many people would be killed by guns if there was no guns. Hell this comment makes more sense then yours.
You look at one detail and fail to see the big picture.
There are other factors involved in killings besides guns.
It appears that people want to blame guns, but forget that murderers don't need guns to kill.
It's like the gun is the murderer, not the person pulling the trigger.
No guns no triggers.
No guns but knives, bats, 2 by 4s , fists, feet, tree limbs, rebar, cars, trucks, etc ad infinitum

Once again

Irrefutable laws of the universe

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people
4 Gravity
Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target,

Whether or not they kill is 100% up to the person firing the gun

But answer my question.

Why is gettng killed by a gun worse than getting killed by a baseball bat or a person's fists and feet or a knife, or any of the other million ways a person can be killed?
Why would anyone answer a stupid question and the funny part is you think it has substance.
Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns
So, your argument is that the intent of the design should be the basis for deciding what tools we will ban?

You don't seem to give any thought to the consequences that are likely to result from the arbitrary standards you demand. That is a problem. It causes severe, shitty, unintended consequences.

Of course, by your statement above, you have conclusively acknowledge your desire to totally ban and confiscate all guns, haven't you?
No guns no death by guns
Cars cause more than 1000x the death caused by all guns, much less that caused by the undefinable or indistinguishable subset of guns you call "assault weapons."

No cars. No death by cars also applies, no?

You appear to be motivated by the desire to promote public safety, but fail to prioritize your efforts to that end, which causes me to suspect your motives. If your approach to promoting public safety is to ban the instruments involved in making the public unsafe, cars should have been banned LONG before guns.

It's akin to "penny wise, dollar dumb."

I can only conclude that your motive is only to rid citizens of their ability to resist an attempted collectivist take-over. Am I wrong?
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
Why would anyone answer a stupid question and the funny part is you think it has substance.
Do you see what you are doing?

You throw out your declarations, then fail to engage in a discussion to defend the merits of said declarations.

Are you even interested in a discussion or are you here to preach and shout everyone down?
one of my friend came very close to be killed with your gun bubba gun of choice. He lived but he retired and was incapable to work from then on. So a dweeb answer won't make it here.

Right, he didn't die. He's gonna die from anything but an AR. Seriously, it's true. You need to calm down and check out the stats. The chance you'll be harmed or killed by an AR, is incredibly unlikely. Statistically, AR's are involved in a minute amount of crimes, injuries, and deaths in the US. The issue is just being exploited by the shameful Gun Grabber jerks. It is what it is.
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing

Again, you're just spewing more hysterical fearmongering shite. Look to the stats. Because when you look to stats and facts, you're less likely to panic and make rash decisions pertaining to Freedom & Liberty. Also check out what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
There are no other ways to commit murder than guns?

Wow, the box cutter manufacturers will be pleased to know that.
No guns no death by guns

So give us your plan on taking them. Be sure to include how you plan to get them from the gangs and drug cartels. Time to put up or shut up.

Oh I've been told to put up, or shut up, are you going to kill me if I don't
Right, he didn't die. He's gonna die from anything but an AR. Seriously, it's true. You need to calm down and check out the stats. The chance you'll be harmed or killed by an AR, is incredibly unlikely. Statistically, AR's are involved in a minute amount of crimes, injuries, and deaths in the US. The issue is just being exploited by the shameful Gun Grabber jerks. It is what it is.
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing

Again, you're just spewing more hysterical fearmongering shite. Look to the stats. Because when you look to stats and facts, you're less likely to panic and make rash decisions pertaining to Freedom & Liberty. Also check out what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.

Look...no one is going to waste any energy on trying to kill you...they can barely gather the energy to laugh at you....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
I believe it is more than just a want. You are opposed to their exercise of what we believe is a fundamental right. What you want threatens our liberty.

What is the appropriate response to someone who threatens liberty?
Oh I've been told to put up, or shut up, are you going to kill me if I don't
Nobody is going to kill you for your complete failure to engage in an adult conversation.

Some people may want to kill you because you are annoying, but that's a different issue.
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing
Your claim that "assault weapons" are the choice of mass murderers necessarily depends on NUMBERS. How can you make that claim without numbers to support such a claim? Why DON'T you give a damn about numbers is the better question.
Why would anyone care about the number of kids killed in school with a assault weapon. Being the weapon of choice by mass murderers is hardly my idea , every person that has looked at it knows that. Google it , then you can go after the millions that have said that,
There are no other ways to commit murder than guns?

Wow, the box cutter manufacturers will be pleased to know that.
No guns no death by guns

So give us your plan on taking them. Be sure to include how you plan to get them from the gangs and drug cartels. Time to put up or shut up.

Oh I've been told to put up, or shut up, are you going to kill me if I don't

Stop deflecting and answer the question.

Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns
So, your argument is that the intent of the design should be the basis for deciding what tools we will ban?

You don't seem to give any thought to the consequences that are likely to result from the arbitrary standards you demand. That is a problem. It causes severe, shitty, unintended consequences.

Of course, by your statement above, you have conclusively acknowledge your desire to totally ban and confiscate all guns, haven't you?
The answer is yes , it would be hard to put together a large enough group to support just dumping the second altogether but it might have to be rewritten to take the insanity from gun bubbas like all of you. There are many regulations that need to be adopted and bans on the ridiculous stuff. The courts can define the constitution, they can regulate guns , they have regulated guns in the past and they will regulate guns in the future. That's just how the cookie crumbles.
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing
Your claim that "assault weapons" are the choice of mass murderers necessarily depends on NUMBERS. How can you make that claim without numbers to support such a claim? Why DON'T you give a damn about numbers is the better question.
Why would anyone care about the number of kids killed in school with a assault weapon. Being the weapon of choice by mass murderers is hardly my idea , every person that has looked at it knows that. Google it , then you can go after the millions that have said that,

Do you understand that the number of kids killed by a rifle in a school over 35 years is less than the number of kids killed by lawnmowers...every single year...

And again....the rifle is not the weapon of choice of mass shooters...that would be the pistol.....

You don't "know" anything......a google search does not support what you say.....that is why you are not taken seriously....

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