“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

At some point, we have to stop the hysteria and think. Freedom is messy, chaotic, sometimes dangerous and requires responsibility. It's also vastly preferable to the alternative.

We should be extremely reluctant to trade any freedom for an illusion of safety.

"Illusion of safety"? So, if I want to have a surface to air missile, I should have the freedom to play with a SAM in my backyard which is adjacent to the airport?

"Stop the hysteria" An odd comment. Those of us who want to see common sense guns controls, mostly have never experienced the lose of the parents in Newtown or Parkland or Columbine or Virginia Tech. Speaking for myself, I'm not hysterical when I've posted the common sense examples of gun control, i.e. licensing, registration, background checks, sales records, etc.

And yet when I've posted such controls in detail, the response from those opposed to any form of gun control is obsessive and hysterical.

You can't make a criminal do any of those things, you can't even prosecute them for failing to do them. Why do you only want to impose your conditions on the law abiding?

dude; you have nothing but a fallacy of false Cause, by confusing natural rights with express, civil rights.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Can ANYONE explain what this tool is talking about?

Where am I trying to establish a false causal connection?

Don't just drop that bomb and run away. Explain it.

Don't feed the troll.

Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Sometimes zero, sometimes more, of course you'll never hear about the zeros.

Bullshit you have no clue and anyone can find that out with ten minutes of looking into it. The AR-15 is based on the 7.62 mm AR-10 designed by Eugene Stoner, as a military weapons from day one , it was made to compete for the major Government contract. It was then advise that they wanted to move to the 5.56 version because the military saw that as the direction they wanted , so Armulite to get the contract converted the AR-10 to the smaller shell and ultimately it was designed as the AR-15. As requested by the military . When it was the AR-15 4000 were ordered by the air force , and they must of likes it so they ordered 45, 000 more all during that time it was the AR-15. So point bein, don't ever believe what this gun expert has to say about any gun, he has no clue, which I've shown in literally every one of my responses to him. There is no group that I have dealt with that know less about their subject of choice as these Gun Bubbas.
By the way Stoners family said after he had died and the AR-15 came under pressure , that this gun was never designed to be used by the public , it was designed for the military from day one. and he would roll over in his grave to find out these stupid gun Bubbas like to make hamburger out of anything they shoot with it.
AR15s are not assault weapons, they are sporting rifles...
Bathtubs kill more Americans than people using ar15’s...
Progressives don’t get to pick which firearms are legal and which ones are not... Because they are incredibly ignorant on the subject...

One must consider Rustic's conclusion on ignorance, since his entire body of work on this message board is built on his personal biases and alternate facts.

Consideration, however, does not become acceptance. Only others whose sense of reality is formed by their biases accept his judgments; others who observe reality with an open mind, empathy and able to see issues sagaciously before making a judgment.

In this matter only the gun is factored into the thinking of those who believe the 2nd A. is an absolute right, and under no conditions can it be infringed. This is an example of an alternate fact belied by reality, and supported by the ignorance of others.

Lets check your sense of reality and see where your biases lay. So if you would please answer the following:

By way of example, you get a call from your daughter that she just fought off a rapist who told her that he was going to kill her after (details not appropriate for this forum) and dump her body somewhere where no one would ever find her. She continued the description by telling you how she fought him off and that the reason she was able to escape was by the use of a weapon.

Which, of the many weapons that she might tell you she used to save her life, would you find unacceptable to have used?

Would you find it unacceptable knowing the weapon she choose to fight off the attack was registered?

Would you find it unacceptable knowing she had no license for it?

Would you find it unacceptable that she completed no government mandated training with it?

Would you find it unacceptable that the weapon she used had a rail on it?

Would you find it unacceptable that it was Military grade?

I think the truth is that you probably wouldn't care. And maybe, most important is that nobody really would care, except perhaps the murderous rapist.

Look forward to your response.

I was trained in the management of assaultive behavior. The basic rule was to survive. Thus, in the above scenario, all of the above are acceptable, when one's life is at risk.

And yet, the use of a gun to kill masses of people for "sport", or when the outcome of killing massive #'s of people - suicide by one's own hand, or cop - has no relationship to your scenario.

A violent attack, by a more powerful person requires techniques which may cause death or permanent injury to the attacker. A pen or pencil used to enter the brain via an eye, can blind, incapacitate or kill an attacker; a blunt instrument used with enough force to the throat or the temple can kill or incapacitate an attacker and one's teeth can be used to maim or cause enough pain to thwart the attacker so as to allow the victim to run, or to become the attacker, using a thumb to the eye is always effective.

And all require you to allow the attacker to get within arms length. Not the best choice, but better than nothing.

hammers seem to be twice as effective as Arms.
At some point, we have to stop the hysteria and think. Freedom is messy, chaotic, sometimes dangerous and requires responsibility. It's also vastly preferable to the alternative.

We should be extremely reluctant to trade any freedom for an illusion of safety.

"Illusion of safety"? So, if I want to have a surface to air missile, I should have the freedom to play with a SAM in my backyard which is adjacent to the airport?

"Stop the hysteria" An odd comment. Those of us who want to see common sense guns controls, mostly have never experienced the lose of the parents in Newtown or Parkland or Columbine or Virginia Tech. Speaking for myself, I'm not hysterical when I've posted the common sense examples of gun control, i.e. licensing, registration, background checks, sales records, etc.

And yet when I've posted such controls in detail, the response from those opposed to any form of gun control is obsessive and hysterical.

You can't make a criminal do any of those things, you can't even prosecute them for failing to do them. Why do you only want to impose your conditions on the law abiding?

Our law enforcement expenses could be lower.

better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia!
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Sometimes zero, sometimes more, of course you'll never hear about the zeros.

Vans seems to be worse than even hammers.
AR15s are not assault weapons, they are sporting rifles...
Bathtubs kill more Americans than people using ar15’s...
Progressives don’t get to pick which firearms are legal and which ones are not... Because they are incredibly ignorant on the subject...

One must consider Rustic's conclusion on ignorance, since his entire body of work on this message board is built on his personal biases and alternate facts.

Consideration, however, does not become acceptance. Only others whose sense of reality is formed by their biases accept his judgments; others who observe reality with an open mind, empathy and able to see issues sagaciously before making a judgment.

In this matter only the gun is factored into the thinking of those who believe the 2nd A. is an absolute right, and under no conditions can it be infringed. This is an example of an alternate fact belied by reality, and supported by the ignorance of others.

Lets check your sense of reality and see where your biases lay. So if you would please answer the following:

By way of example, you get a call from your daughter that she just fought off a rapist who told her that he was going to kill her after (details not appropriate for this forum) and dump her body somewhere where no one would ever find her. She continued the description by telling you how she fought him off and that the reason she was able to escape was by the use of a weapon.

Which, of the many weapons that she might tell you she used to save her life, would you find unacceptable to have used?

Would you find it unacceptable knowing the weapon she choose to fight off the attack was registered?

Would you find it unacceptable knowing she had no license for it?

Would you find it unacceptable that she completed no government mandated training with it?

Would you find it unacceptable that the weapon she used had a rail on it?

Would you find it unacceptable that it was Military grade?

I think the truth is that you probably wouldn't care. And maybe, most important is that nobody really would care, except perhaps the murderous rapist.

Look forward to your response.

I was trained in the management of assaultive behavior. The basic rule was to survive. Thus, in the above scenario, all of the above are acceptable, when one's life is at risk.

And yet, the use of a gun to kill masses of people for "sport", or when the outcome of killing massive #'s of people - suicide by one's own hand, or cop - has no relationship to your scenario.

A violent attack, by a more powerful person requires techniques which may cause death or permanent injury to the attacker. A pen or pencil used to enter the brain via an eye, can blind, incapacitate or kill an attacker; a blunt instrument used with enough force to the throat or the temple can kill or incapacitate an attacker and one's teeth can be used to maim or cause enough pain to thwart the attacker so as to allow the victim to run, or to become the attacker, using a thumb to the eye is always effective.

And all require you to allow the attacker to get within arms length. Not the best choice, but better than nothing.

hammers seem to be twice as effective as Arms.

If your daughter used an AR-15, instead of a hammer, to fight off a rapist, would you care?

Pussy won’t answer the question, they are pussies after all.
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Less than when a truck is used....

Vegas shooting, 2 rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a crowd of over 22,000 people in a tightly packed arena, firing over 1,000 rounds...... 58 murdered.

Rental van driven by muslim terrorist in Nice, France... 86 murdered.


Waffle house in tennessee, 1 ar-15 rifle... 4 dead 4 wounded.

Rental truck, muslim terrorist in Toronto.... 10 dead, 15 injured.

Lawn mowers also kill more people every single year than mass shooters with AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mowers...on average 75 killed a year

mass shooters with ar-15 rifles, less than 58, and that was the worst attack......and it was an outlier....

It’s really this simple:

Remove the man from the equation and there can be no body count

Remove the tool from the equation and there can still be a body count as man controls tool(s)

Tool is not a prerequisite to body count. Man is.

And there are many more tools than an AR style rifle that can inflict far greater body counts.

Game over.
I love this lame approach to what this group perceives as reason, always 1st grade level and always self serving. My favorite is it's not the gun it.s the person who pulls the trigger, no trigger, then no death by trigger.
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Mass murder account for about 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders

99% of all murders do not occur in mass shootings

Even if you could stop mass shootings by banning a rifle ( you can't but let's pretend) there would be no significant drop in the murder rate.

You don't give a shit about gun deaths or the murder rate because you are fixated on something that is statistically meaningless.
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Less than when a truck is used....

Vegas shooting, 2 rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a crowd of over 22,000 people in a tightly packed arena, firing over 1,000 rounds...... 58 murdered.

Rental van driven by muslim terrorist in Nice, France... 86 murdered.


Waffle house in tennessee, 1 ar-15 rifle... 4 dead 4 wounded.

Rental truck, muslim terrorist in Toronto.... 10 dead, 15 injured.

Lawn mowers also kill more people every single year than mass shooters with AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mowers...on average 75 killed a year

mass shooters with ar-15 rifles, less than 58, and that was the worst attack......and it was an outlier....

It’s really this simple:

Remove the man from the equation and there can be no body count

Remove the tool from the equation and there can still be a body count as man controls tool(s)

Tool is not a prerequisite to body count. Man is.

And there are many more tools than an AR style rifle that can inflict far greater body counts.

Game over.
I love this lame approach to what this group perceives as reason, always 1st grade level and always self serving. My favorite is it's not the gun it.s the person who pulls the trigger, no trigger, then no death by trigger.

Yup, and no Constitution, no rights. Problem solved. :cuckoo:
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Less than when a truck is used....

Vegas shooting, 2 rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a crowd of over 22,000 people in a tightly packed arena, firing over 1,000 rounds...... 58 murdered.

Rental van driven by muslim terrorist in Nice, France... 86 murdered.


Waffle house in tennessee, 1 ar-15 rifle... 4 dead 4 wounded.

Rental truck, muslim terrorist in Toronto.... 10 dead, 15 injured.

Lawn mowers also kill more people every single year than mass shooters with AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mowers...on average 75 killed a year

mass shooters with ar-15 rifles, less than 58, and that was the worst attack......and it was an outlier....

It’s really this simple:

Remove the man from the equation and there can be no body count

Remove the tool from the equation and there can still be a body count as man controls tool(s)

Tool is not a prerequisite to body count. Man is.

And there are many more tools than an AR style rifle that can inflict far greater body counts.

Game over.
I love this lame approach to what this group perceives as reason, always 1st grade level and always self serving. My favorite is it's not the gun it.s the person who pulls the trigger, no trigger, then no death by trigger.

Then obviously you can point to the gun that shoots itself?

No, I didn’t think so because your head is shoved up speculations ass.

I tend to deal with reality
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Mass murder account for about 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders

99% of all murders do not occur in mass shootings

Even if you could stop mass shootings by banning a rifle ( you can't but let's pretend) there would be no significant drop in the murder rate.

You don't give a shit about gun deaths or the murder rate because you are fixated on something that is statistically meaningless.

Honestly, no one will stop all mass killings, but we know how to stop most and that takes nothing more than banning the use of SSRI antidepressants.
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,

You say the weapon of choice for mass killings is assault weapons, but then you change the goal post to say “over 10”?

Have you provided a link to prove this?

And, have you provided any evidence that, not using an “assault rifle” would have changed the total body count?

Nope, you have not, you just piss in the wind. I’m thinking you are simply a dork who actually thinks you’re winning.

Clue: you aren’t.
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Mass murder account for about 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders

99% of all murders do not occur in mass shootings

Even if you could stop mass shootings by banning a rifle ( you can't but let's pretend) there would be no significant drop in the murder rate.

You don't give a shit about gun deaths or the murder rate because you are fixated on something that is statistically meaningless.
Statistically meaningless, tell that to the parent at a school massacre and if it was your child, you wouldn't say such garbage unless your a heartless piece of crap. Kill kill kill , the motto of all gun bubbas.
The assault weapon is the weapon of choice by all mass murderers. These guns are bought because of masculinity problems. Their wife told them they didn't have much to offer. So to gain on unit size their solution is assault weapons. Pitiful but it does explain why it is used so much in mass murders. You need owners of them, to make it the choice of all mass murderers. I bet you own one.
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Less than when a truck is used....

Vegas shooting, 2 rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a crowd of over 22,000 people in a tightly packed arena, firing over 1,000 rounds...... 58 murdered.

Rental van driven by muslim terrorist in Nice, France... 86 murdered.


Waffle house in tennessee, 1 ar-15 rifle... 4 dead 4 wounded.

Rental truck, muslim terrorist in Toronto.... 10 dead, 15 injured.

Lawn mowers also kill more people every single year than mass shooters with AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mowers...on average 75 killed a year

mass shooters with ar-15 rifles, less than 58, and that was the worst attack......and it was an outlier....

It’s really this simple:

Remove the man from the equation and there can be no body count

Remove the tool from the equation and there can still be a body count as man controls tool(s)

Tool is not a prerequisite to body count. Man is.

And there are many more tools than an AR style rifle that can inflict far greater body counts.

Game over.
I love this lame approach to what this group perceives as reason, always 1st grade level and always self serving. My favorite is it's not the gun it.s the person who pulls the trigger, no trigger, then no death by trigger.

Yup, and no Constitution, no rights. Problem solved. :cuckoo:
Nonsense , can't argue so lie. in no way do I want to change the constitution. if there is needed change , I would look at state rights and the second.
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Mass murder account for about 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders

99% of all murders do not occur in mass shootings

Even if you could stop mass shootings by banning a rifle ( you can't but let's pretend) there would be no significant drop in the murder rate.

You don't give a shit about gun deaths or the murder rate because you are fixated on something that is statistically meaningless.
Statistically meaningless, tell that to the parent at a school massacre and if it was your child, you wouldn't say such garbage unless your a heartless piece of crap. Kill kill kill , the motto of all gun bubbas.
The assault weapon is the weapon of choice by all mass murderers. These guns are bought because of masculinity problems. Their wife told them they didn't have much to offer. So to gain on unit size their solution is assault weapons. Pitiful but it does explain why it is used so much in mass murders. You need owners of them, to make it the choice of all mass murderers. I bet you own one.

^^^^ and the motto of rape bubbas? Disarm my victims.

Nuff said
Seriously folks, you're gonna die from anything but an AR. The Communists/Democrats are just exploiting dead folks again. Nothing new there. It's just more shameful fear mongering to get an agenda through. I'm gonna go ahead and err on the side of the Constitution. I'll keep my firearms.
how many casualties per incident, whenever an AR type weapon is involved?

Less than when a truck is used....

Vegas shooting, 2 rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a crowd of over 22,000 people in a tightly packed arena, firing over 1,000 rounds...... 58 murdered.

Rental van driven by muslim terrorist in Nice, France... 86 murdered.


Waffle house in tennessee, 1 ar-15 rifle... 4 dead 4 wounded.

Rental truck, muslim terrorist in Toronto.... 10 dead, 15 injured.

Lawn mowers also kill more people every single year than mass shooters with AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mowers...on average 75 killed a year

mass shooters with ar-15 rifles, less than 58, and that was the worst attack......and it was an outlier....

It’s really this simple:

Remove the man from the equation and there can be no body count

Remove the tool from the equation and there can still be a body count as man controls tool(s)

Tool is not a prerequisite to body count. Man is.

And there are many more tools than an AR style rifle that can inflict far greater body counts.

Game over.
I love this lame approach to what this group perceives as reason, always 1st grade level and always self serving. My favorite is it's not the gun it.s the person who pulls the trigger, no trigger, then no death by trigger.

Then obviously you can point to the gun that shoots itself?

No, I didn’t think so because your head is shoved up speculations ass.

I tend to deal with reality
It's obvious that if there is no gun , it can't shoot itself. Simply brain dead. This checks your silliness every time. no logic because yours is buried by mine.
Let's make this simple, for these weak minded gun bubbas, the weapons of choice for mass murderers is the Assault weapon, no comparison to any other weapon. Of all the mass murders were 10 or more people are killed by a mass murderer, 275 of the 368 were killed by assault weapons.
I'm tired of their stupidity, talking about slipping on ice or being pushed off of a mountain as a comparable way as assault weapons to cause mass death.
You always have to just laugh when their lame logic is used , it's not the gun it's the guy that pulls the trigger. Tell me how stupid logic like that is balanced against, no guns then no death by guns. Then as stupid as it is , they then can't admit that without guns there is no death by guns and still move to some insane rational of more guns the less death by guns. I don't think they even know what logic is,
Mass murder account for about 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders

99% of all murders do not occur in mass shootings

Even if you could stop mass shootings by banning a rifle ( you can't but let's pretend) there would be no significant drop in the murder rate.

You don't give a shit about gun deaths or the murder rate because you are fixated on something that is statistically meaningless.

Honestly, no one will stop all mass killings, but we know how to stop most and that takes nothing more than banning the use of SSRI antidepressants.
and a medical expert also. What a laugh, The assault weapon is the weapons of choice by all mass murderers.
If we just get rid of the Constitution, folks won't have rights anymore. Without Constitutionally-protected rights, they won't be a problem anymore. I mean, it is just a piece of paper. No more paper, no more folks expecting rights. I think that's the solution to our problems.

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