What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable?

AND making false accusations Matthew

It is getting old. You assume you know things, so you post it, when in fact it would be virtually impossible to know these things.
He is entitled to his Opinion,and good he is compared to some of the CRAP/SHIT posted on here...........I think Kat that America still has free speech???????steve
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?

Almost certainly a far larger portion,by at least an order of magnitude, than that portion of Republicans and/or Trump supporters who are genuinely racist. The Democrats have become rather openly the party of criminals, perverts, terrorists, tyrants, foreign invaders, and degenerates of all stripes.

Dems are also closet racist and openly race baiters.

I aint the one fighting to deport 11 million people and build the great wall of America to keep brown people out.

Wrong, who said brown people arn't welcome here? stop repeating the lie. The only ones saying Brown people are not allowed here are you folks on the Left. They are allowed into this country EVERY YEAR and will continue to . As LEGAL immigrants. Now that the definitions and conversation has been twisted around so many times, I could see the confusion though.
AND making false accusations Matthew

It is getting old. You assume you know things, so you post it, when in fact it would be virtually impossible to know these things.
He is entitled to his Opinion,and good he is compared to some of the CRAP/SHIT posted on here...........I think Kat that America still has free speech???????steve

I totally agree, which is why I expressed mine.
Superiority could never leave anyone in a Bad-Mood

See how easily I drew you out of your complacency Kat......................I thought you might respond thus,I normally only do this to people I love......steve

You don't make sense only to those you love?? mmmmmmkay! LOL

And sorry, if you only knew. There may always be things going on in the background you have no clue of. Suffice it to say you drew me out of nothing. ;)
Superiority could never leave anyone in a Bad-Mood

See how easily I drew you out of your complacency Kat......................I thought you might respond thus,I normally only do this to people I love......steve

You don't make sense only to those you love?? mmmmmmkay! LOL

And sorry, if you only knew. There may always be things going on in the background you have no clue of. Suffice it to say you drew me out of nothing. ;)
So I'm left with ZERO then
Superiority could never leave anyone in a Bad-Mood

See how easily I drew you out of your complacency Kat......................I thought you might respond thus,I normally only do this to people I love......steve

You don't make sense only to those you love?? mmmmmmkay! LOL

And sorry, if you only knew. There may always be things going on in the background you have no clue of. Suffice it to say you drew me out of nothing. ;)
So I'm left with ZERO then

No way. You're my friend whether we agree or disagree on some things. You already know that, now doncha?
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What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

About the same as the hilary supporters, like you, who shows your bigot stripes at every opportunity.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

Hi Mattie. You're a dick. And the fallacy you're committing is begging the question.

Maybe you can go first. Why do Democrats think that anyone not straight, not male or not white are your bitches who should be destroyed if they try to leave the Democrat plantation?
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

About the same as the hilary supporters, like you, who shows your bigot stripes at every opportunity.
No Westwall he is entitled to his opinion as you are............SLAGGING Matthew Off,merely demeans your own argument honestly.........steve
I don't know..... Has quite a ring to it. :eusa_think:


Roger Stone– ‏@RogerJStoneJr
I am so proud to be one of the Deplorables #Trump2016
Dems are also closet racist and openly race baiters.

I aint the one fighting to deport 11 million people and build the great wall of America to keep brown people out.

You're one of those who treasonously wants to allow Mexico's rejects and criminals to have free run of our country,.
I know full well that most Americans are Not Small minded and Bigoted like you...........You seem like a Candidate as a Reject.......anyhow what makes you think you are something special.......apart from a Canyon Size Mouth and a Pea Brain
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What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.
From his supporters on these boards, I would say a huge amount are racist and deplorable.

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