What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable?

What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?
This kind of statement is why the majority of Trump supporters are called deplorable and racist. You folks just don't get it. According to you blacks are uneducated: racist statement. According to you democrats support terrorism, feminists are Nazis, democrats are pro-Islam rather than just fair minded and reasonable about religion, and of course, anyone who supports Obama is a degenerate. You think in terms of stereotypes and have a warped, racist, bigoted and completely partisan vision of reality: if you think at all.
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I have determined that 50% of Hillary Supporters are COP hating, White hating Racists who want to undermine America by allowing a flood of undocumented Muslims. This is a party John F Kennedy would not recognize.

You people cannot even respond with reason. Democrats don't hate the police; that's a self-serving myth created and advanced by white conservatives. Democrats are mostly white; therefore, the accusation they are white hating is ludicrous. There will be no 'flood' of Muslims or any other group of immigrants. Currently, the population of Muslims in this country equals 0.8 percent. Canada has 2-3 percent and they have no problems. We will not have a 'flood' of Muslim immigrants, period. Everything you claim is made up, nothing to do with reality or truth, including what you imagine JFK would think.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.
you're a racist, and you support hillary.

so what do you care?

the kkk is behind hillary
the commie party supports her

just checked and nazi support trump

What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?

Almost certainly a far larger portion,by at least an order of magnitude, than that portion of Republicans and/or Trump supporters who are genuinely racist. The Democrats have become rather openly the party of criminals, perverts, terrorists, tyrants, foreign invaders, and degenerates of all stripes.

Dems are also closet racist and openly race baiters.

I aint the one fighting to deport 11 million people and build the great wall of America to keep brown people out.

It's racist to follow settled law and secure the border? You're a special kind of stupid.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

None more racist than you.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

I guess it depends on how you define Trump's base.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

About the same as the hilary supporters, like you, who shows your bigot stripes at every opportunity.
No Westwall he is entitled to his opinion as you are............SLAGGING Matthew Off,merely demeans your own argument honestly.........steve

matthew has repeatedly denigrated blacks. He's almost as bad as the other white supremacist assholes here. Yes, people are entitled to their opinions. They are NOT entitled to their uninformed, ignorant, and racist opinions. Those they merely inflict on us.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?
This kind of statement is why the majority of Trump supporters are called deplorable and racist. You folks just don't get it. According to you blacks are uneducated: racist statement. According to you democrats support terrorism, feminists are Nazis, democrats are pro-Islam rather than just fair minded and reasonable about religion, and of course, anyone who supports Obama is a degenerate. You think in terms of stereotypes and have a warped, racist, bigoted and completely partisan vision of reality: if you think at all.

So it's ok for the left to say white Trump supporters are uneducated, but I can't ask how many of her supporters are uneducated blacks? I wasn't saying that all blacks are uneducated. But it is no secret that blacks and Latinos have the lowest education rates in the country, and liberals love to brag about having the vast majority of their votes. So why is it not okay to point out that Dems carry the uneducated vote? Funny how progressives don't like it when the same arguement is turned against them.

Democrats do support BLM, which is a group that openly calls for shooting cops, especially white ones. That makes them racist and terrorists. They also have the support of LaRaza, a racist Latino group.

I didn't say feminists are Nazis, I used the term feminazi which means a radical feminist. Progressives love to brag about having the women's vote, safe to say that includes all feminazis.

Democrats are pro-Muslim because they keep lying about them being "peaceful" and that terror attacks that happen all around the world by groups such as "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" have no connection to Islam. And no, Dems are not "fair" about religion because they hate Christians more than anything else on the planet. Progressives are all in with Islam and will stand by them as they try to destroy America.

I also never said anyone who follows Obama is a degenerate. But I will say degenerates usually vote Dem.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?

Almost certainly a far larger portion,by at least an order of magnitude, than that portion of Republicans and/or Trump supporters who are genuinely racist. The Democrats have become rather openly the party of criminals, perverts, terrorists, tyrants, foreign invaders, and degenerates of all stripes.

Dems are also closet racist and openly race baiters.

I aint the one fighting to deport 11 million people and build the great wall of America to keep brown people out.

Wouldn't building a wall count as "infrastructure"?
Probably the same as Clintons supporters. There's racist and deplorable people of all colors. Important fact to remember is that racists come in all colors.
True, but what is different is how the candidates interact with the bigots in their campaigns.
Trump supporters racist?

No, we just think that invaders should have hell toupee.
Trump supporters racist?

No, we just think that invaders should have hell toupee.
BTW, personally I don't think Trump is really a racist. He's a narcissist who sees personal insults like normal people see leaves, but that's another issue. Illegal immigration and trade are real issues and aren't racist. So is immigration from areas with terrorism, although Trump played the fear factor there. Basically after San Bernadino Trump caught some fire, and he went with it.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

What percentage of Clintonistas are uneducated blacks, BLM terror supporters, femi-nazis, pro-Islamic, pro-NAMBLA degenerates?
This kind of statement is why the majority of Trump supporters are called deplorable and racist. You folks just don't get it. According to you blacks are uneducated: racist statement. According to you democrats support terrorism, feminists are Nazis, democrats are pro-Islam rather than just fair minded and reasonable about religion, and of course, anyone who supports Obama is a degenerate. You think in terms of stereotypes and have a warped, racist, bigoted and completely partisan vision of reality: if you think at all.

So it's ok for the left to say white Trump supporters are uneducated, but I can't ask how many of her supporters are uneducated blacks? I wasn't saying that all blacks are uneducated. But it is no secret that blacks and Latinos have the lowest education rates in the country, and liberals love to brag about having the vast majority of their votes. So why is it not okay to point out that Dems carry the uneducated vote? Funny how progressives don't like it when the same arguement is turned against them.

Democrats do support BLM, which is a group that openly calls for shooting cops, especially white ones. That makes them racist and terrorists. They also have the support of LaRaza, a racist Latino group.

I didn't say feminists are Nazis, I used the term feminazi which means a radical feminist. Progressives love to brag about having the women's vote, safe to say that includes all feminazis.

Democrats are pro-Muslim because they keep lying about them being "peaceful" and that terror attacks that happen all around the world by groups such as "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" have no connection to Islam. And no, Dems are not "fair" about religion because they hate Christians more than anything else on the planet. Progressives are all in with Islam and will stand by them as they try to destroy America.

I also never said anyone who follows Obama is a degenerate. But I will say degenerates usually vote Dem.
What percentage of Trumps base is racist and deplorable? Your opinion.

Why isn't it true Trumpers??? Explain to me why the reasons for the wall, deportation force and the general hostile behavior towards non-whites isn't caused by racism.

About the same as the hilary supporters, like you, who shows your bigot stripes at every opportunity.
No Westwall he is entitled to his opinion as you are............SLAGGING Matthew Off,merely demeans your own argument honestly.........steve

hut up,with the criteara

matthew has repeatedly denigrated blacks. He's almost as bad as the other white supremacist assholes here. Yes, people are entitled to their opinions. They are NOT entitled to tharaeir uninformed, ignorant, and racist opinions. Those they merely inflict on us.
I know but still,there is much ignorance on here,everyone nearly would be shut up on here under your critera.........steve
Dana Milbank explains it:

Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist

BALTIMORE — Hillary Clinton may have been unwise to say half of Donald Trump’s supporters are racists and other “deplorables.” But she wasn’t wrong.

If anything, when it comes to Trump’s racist support, she might have low-balled the number....

The American National Election Studies, the long-running, extensive poll of American voters, asked voters in 2012 a basic test of prejudice: to rank black and white people on a scale from hardworking to lazy and from intelligent to unintelligent. The researchers found that 62 percent of white people gave black people a lower score in at least one of the attributes. This was a jump in prejudicial attitudes from 2008, when 45 percent of white people expressed negative stereotypes....

read on...

Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist

I have determined that 50% of Hillary Supporters are COP hating, White hating Racists who want to undermine America by allowing a flood of undocumented Muslims. This is a party John F Kennedy would not recognize.

You people cannot even respond with reason. Democrats don't hate the police; that's a self-serving myth created and advanced by white conservatives. Democrats are mostly white; therefore, the accusation they are white hating is ludicrous. There will be no 'flood' of Muslims or any other group of immigrants. Currently, the population of Muslims in this country equals 0.8 percent. Canada has 2-3 percent and they have no problems. We will not have a 'flood' of Muslim immigrants, period. Everything you claim is made up, nothing to do with reality or truth, including what you imagine JFK would think.

Don't they just love cops?

And white people?

I am certain this tool talks like her.
I have determined that 50% of Hillary Supporters are COP hating, White hating Racists who want to undermine America by allowing a flood of undocumented Muslims. This is a party John F Kennedy would not recognize.

You people cannot even respond with reason. Democrats don't hate the police; that's a self-serving myth created and advanced by white conservatives. Democrats are mostly white; therefore, the accusation they are white hating is ludicrous. There will be no 'flood' of Muslims or any other group of immigrants. Currently, the population of Muslims in this country equals 0.8 percent. Canada has 2-3 percent and they have no problems. We will not have a 'flood' of Muslim immigrants, period. Everything you claim is made up, nothing to do with reality or truth, including what you imagine JFK would think.

Don't they just love cops?

And white people?

I am certain this tool talks like her.

This is not an example of Hillary supporters. It is not an example of people you see at her rallies. It is not evidence to support the idea her people are not good people. This is an example of an extreme position that has no connection to Clinton.

You are the victim of low-level thinking and are being manipulated by propaganda --- I know it's true this is what you want to believe, but fact and reality are not what we choose to believe bur what is real. Anyone who is intelligent, informed, and capable of thinking logically knows very well that the people you depict in your post are not supports of Clinton, are not the people we see at her rallies, etc. This is just propaganda that haters of Democrats choose to believe. You're pathetic.

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