What really happened on 9/11 ?

It's good to see that you can laugh at yourself, God knows the rest of us do... :thup:
I was laughing at you and will continue to .

I always figured you were a candidate for the Cuckoo's Nest. Thanks for the confirmation!

You and Joe Biden... lol!!
no thank you for once again proving without a doubt you were born in the shallow end of the gene pool.

my guess is you've never read one flew over the Cuckoo's Nest or any book without pictures.
I was laughing at you and will continue to .

I always figured you were a candidate for the Cuckoo's Nest. Thanks for the confirmation!

You and Joe Biden... lol!!
no thank you for once again proving without a doubt you were born in the shallow end of the gene pool.

my guess is you've never read one flew over the Cuckoo's Nest or any book without pictures.

There you go making uneducated guesses again...

Not unusual really, those are the ONLY kind of guesses you're qualified to make.
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Now Daws, it's on youtube it's got to be true.............:eusa_whistle:

this guy said so... so its got to be true ...LOL...Fuckin Clown

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9AoaU7LlTk]Bush Questioned about 9/11 Commission - YouTube[/ame]

I love the logic of trolls Dawgshit and Gomer Ollie.Just like all agent trolls they always redicule youtube no matter if it has very credible high ranking military officers on it.:lol: that kind of information isnt credible only what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media that have a LONGGGGGGGG history of lying to the american people for DECADES now has credibility.what fucking dumbass trolls.:lol::lol::lmao:
Now Daws, it's on youtube it's got to be true.............:eusa_whistle:

this guy said so... so its got to be true ...LOL...Fuckin Clown

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9AoaU7LlTk]Bush Questioned about 9/11 Commission - YouTube[/ame]

I love the logic of trolls Dawgshit and Gomer Ollie.Just like all agent trolls they always redicule youtube no matter if it has very credible high ranking military officers on it.:lol: that kind of information isnt credible only what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media that have a LONGGGGGGGG history of lying to the american people for DECADES now has credibility.what fucking dumbass trolls.:lol::lol::lmao:
Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.

You are totally right 9/11 Inside Job.

Dumb-shits like the one's you have named do nothing but attack anyone who speaks out against the so-called "official version of 9/11" or should I say the OFFICIAL LIE. They do it because as you pointed out they are paid to do it, hence they are "puppets".

Everything that Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass has posted belongs in the crapper. After all, they are all FULL OF SHIT ON ANYTHING REGARDING 9/11!!!



I see your finding that out that they are incapable of posting without shitting all over the floor so that toilet is so appropriate for them.thats where they belong.:lol::lol::D

this five minute video below is really enough evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.


Thats how you can always tell if someone is open minded and objective about it is only someone on crack would still believe the official version of it after watching thas video.:lol: These trolls never can give a rational explanation for the pathetic explanations of the 9/11 coverup commission in that video.they dont even try.all they ever do is insult you and call you a conspiracy nut and change the subject when they are cornered or make up a bunch of lies to try and save face in their posts when they know they are cornered.Its the same old pattern with these trolls.

Like i said,those trolls are not worth bothering with.They are just paid to come here and go to other message boards as well and post garbage all the time. You wont get anywhere with Predfan either.Him you can tell is not a paid disinfo agent.He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid and in denial so HIM I say by all means try to have a discussion with.

You'll find out he is just a troll as well and also cant debate either.When he gets cornered and cant refute facts and evidence,he just throws insults and runs off.Thats how you can tell the difference between him and those paid trolls is he doesnt post a bunch of garbage to try and save face when he is cornered and cant counter facts.He just throws temper tantrems and runs off.:D

He has had me on ignore for quite sometime now because I had him cornered once and he could not refute the facts or evidence and I gave him and I proved to him how he is clueless and brainwashed and did not know what he was talking about soo rather than being mature and admit he had been proven wrong,he didnt even try.He just threw a temper tantrem and ran off and put me on ignore after that.:lol::D

You'll find out he'll do the same thing with you.challenge him to debunk your information you posted here throughout this thread.He wont.He'll just make a pathetic comment like his last post and run off and then put you on ignore.:D:lol:

Hey 911 Inside Job,

You are so very right about Predfan.

Predfan is a shit stain that spews the lies about 9/11 and than runs off because he can't back-up any of the bullshit claims, because he's been brainwashed to believe the lies from the U.S. Government and media. :cuckoo:
You are totally right 9/11 Inside Job.

Dumb-shits like the one's you have named do nothing but attack anyone who speaks out against the so-called "official version of 9/11" or should I say the OFFICIAL LIE. They do it because as you pointed out they are paid to do it, hence they are "puppets".

Everything that Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass has posted belongs in the crapper. After all, they are all FULL OF SHIT ON ANYTHING REGARDING 9/11!!!



I see your finding that out that they are incapable of posting without shitting all over the floor so that toilet is so appropriate for them.thats where they belong.:lol::lol::D

this five minute video below is really enough evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.


Thats how you can always tell if someone is open minded and objective about it is only someone on crack would still believe the official version of it after watching thas video.:lol: These trolls never can give a rational explanation for the pathetic explanations of the 9/11 coverup commission in that video.they dont even try.all they ever do is insult you and call you a conspiracy nut and change the subject when they are cornered or make up a bunch of lies to try and save face in their posts when they know they are cornered.Its the same old pattern with these trolls.

Like i said,those trolls are not worth bothering with.They are just paid to come here and go to other message boards as well and post garbage all the time. You wont get anywhere with Predfan either.Him you can tell is not a paid disinfo agent.He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid and in denial so HIM I say by all means try to have a discussion with.

You'll find out he is just a troll as well and also cant debate either.When he gets cornered and cant refute facts and evidence,he just throws insults and runs off.Thats how you can tell the difference between him and those paid trolls is he doesnt post a bunch of garbage to try and save face when he is cornered and cant counter facts.He just throws temper tantrems and runs off.:D

He has had me on ignore for quite sometime now because I had him cornered once and he could not refute the facts or evidence and I gave him and I proved to him how he is clueless and brainwashed and did not know what he was talking about soo rather than being mature and admit he had been proven wrong,he didnt even try.He just threw a temper tantrem and ran off and put me on ignore after that.:lol::D

You'll find out he'll do the same thing with you.challenge him to debunk your information you posted here throughout this thread.He wont.He'll just make a pathetic comment like his last post and run off and then put you on ignore.:D:lol:

Hey 911 Inside Job,

You are so very right about Predfan.

Predfan is a shit stain that spews the lies about 9/11 and than runs off because he can't back-up any of the bullshit claims, because he's been brainwashed to believe the lies from the U.S. Government and media. :cuckoo:

You can tell Predfan is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid about government conspiracys. I proved to him once how his logic holds no water defending the fairy tales of 9/11 and he went off and threw a temper tantrem and didnt even try and counter the facts I gave.He is a hypocrite.

He whines about people making insults to him and yet thats what he does when he cant counter facts.All I did was shoot down his laughable ramblings and show how they hold no water and he went off on a temper tantrem on me and has had me on ignore ever since.:lol:

Looks like he has added you to his ignore list as well since you have proven it to him dummies style that the 9/11 coverup commission holds no water throughout this entire thread and all he has done is come on here saying its all true and not adressing ONE thing of any of the facts you have posted that proves it is a fairy tale.so looks like you have made his ignore list as well.:lol::lol: He cant stand to be proven wrong.Looks like the truth hurts.:lol:
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well what do you know,agent Slackass's handlers sent him here as well.they see that the other agent trolls Moron In The Hat,Candyass,Gomer Ollie and Dawgshit have all failed miserably in their posts so his handlers sent him in here as well to troll.:lol::lol::D
well what do you know,agent Slackass's handlers sent him here.they see that the other agents Moron In The Hat,candyass,Gomer Ollie and dawgshit have failed miserably in their posts so his handlers sent him in here as well to troll.:lol::lol::D

Hey Rimjob, if you care so much about me that you have to keep mentioning me, make a fart/poop post right now.
Wow the trolls are really out in full force tonight.their handlers are OBVIOUSLY getting worried the way they have sent them here so quickly to troll.two of them already within the span of five minutes so far.wow.:lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Here is what I have to say to you two agent trolls slackass and moron in the hat.:finger3:

pass that on to your handlers as well thats what i have to say to them also.:lol:
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well what do you know,agent Slackass's handlers sent him here as well.they see that the other agent trolls Moron In The Hat,Candyass,Gomer Ollie and Dawgshit have all failed miserably in their posts so his handlers sent him in here as well to troll.:lol::lol::D

Commander s.j. Rothschild here, good to see you here little guy, yeah I figured you'd be in charge of a FEMA detention camp somewhere by now.
Wow the trolls are really out in full force tonight.their handlers are OBVIOUSLY getting worried the way they have sent them here so quickly to troll.two of them already within the span of five minutes so far.wow.:lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Here is what I have to say to you two agent trolls slackass and moron in the hat.:finger3:

pass that on to your handlers as well thats what i have to say to them also.:lol:

here it is for you two agent trolls again in case you missed it.


oh and again.tell your handlers i said that to them as well.:D

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