What Robert Frost Reveals About Libersals

One question to you Why do you leave out the real reason for Iran deal?? Are you so one sided you leave out truth?

"Why do you leave out the real reason for Iran deal??"


Don't you agree that I strongly implied the real reason?

Hussein Obama is a crypto-Islamist and suffers from a deep and abiding hatred of America and Western Civilization.

But I'll let you have another try at answer these pertinent queries:
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?
You make the best deal you can AND still you neglect to answer what was the benefit of the pact? Are you sure you're from Brooklyn?

Still don't care to try to actually confront these issues?
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

Perhaps I should point out that a successful President....unlike Obama.....did what needed to be done in an earlier situation:
Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

You're no dope, eddie.....why do you suppose Obama insisted that Iran have nucs?
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough
If that is all you get out of that poem, well, so be it. The answer is no, of course.

So you posted this...but don't subscribe to it?
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Ohhhhh,.....see, I was starting to imagine that there was actually hope of your learning.

Oh, well.....you can remain under the Leftists' thumb.

Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines.

You posted this:

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

And this:
"Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines"

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I can definitely say that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that The Grabber in Chief displays in his pubic statements. Especially over the Wall.

"....that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that...."
No one asked what convoluted indoctrination you could provide....

The question was:
Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Bet ya' can't.

And, sure enough....you couldn't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

No way do those line represent President GrabAss.

It would have to be more like

"Mexicans Bad. Lets build a fence to keep them out"
The best way to deal with Liberals is to simply tell them you don't give a damn what they think.

Hurts their wittle feelings....................Facts don't matter to them.

When they call you one of the assortment of names...........like they always do............tell them thanks.

If that's true, why are you here. You'll
Lie but fact is, you care very much.

OP - still crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".


Those honored gentlemen had nothing in common with the current crop of twisted, moronic totalitarians who have requisitioned the name.

Who gets more bitter AFTER they win an election?

hint: you people.

And who does less when they're in power?


What's with that? They've had the majority for 2 1/2 years and - zip.

For the last 8 years, they've been telling us they've got a health insurance alternative . They lied and they've got zip.

Trump said he'd have new health insurance in place his first day. Zip.

And on and on and on.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
"Why do you leave out the real reason for Iran deal??"


Don't you agree that I strongly implied the real reason?

Hussein Obama is a crypto-Islamist and suffers from a deep and abiding hatred of America and Western Civilization.

But I'll let you have another try at answer these pertinent queries:
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?
You make the best deal you can AND still you neglect to answer what was the benefit of the pact? Are you sure you're from Brooklyn?

Still don't care to try to actually confront these issues?
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

Perhaps I should point out that a successful President....unlike Obama.....did what needed to be done in an earlier situation:
Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

You're no dope, eddie.....why do you suppose Obama insisted that Iran have nucs?
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
So you posted this...but don't subscribe to it?
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Ohhhhh,.....see, I was starting to imagine that there was actually hope of your learning.

Oh, well.....you can remain under the Leftists' thumb.

Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines.

You posted this:

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

And this:
"Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines"

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I can definitely say that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that The Grabber in Chief displays in his pubic statements. Especially over the Wall.

"....that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that...."
No one asked what convoluted indoctrination you could provide....

The question was:
Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Bet ya' can't.

And, sure enough....you couldn't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

No way do those line represent President GrabAss.

It would have to be more like

"Mexicans Bad. Lets build a fence to keep them out"

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Is Mexico a national neighbor?
Are there millions of illegal entries into this country?
Stop dodging.

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.
You make the best deal you can AND still you neglect to answer what was the benefit of the pact? Are you sure you're from Brooklyn?

Still don't care to try to actually confront these issues?
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

Perhaps I should point out that a successful President....unlike Obama.....did what needed to be done in an earlier situation:
Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

You're no dope, eddie.....why do you suppose Obama insisted that Iran have nucs?
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook
Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines.

You posted this:

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

And this:
"Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines"

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I can definitely say that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that The Grabber in Chief displays in his pubic statements. Especially over the Wall.

"....that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that...."
No one asked what convoluted indoctrination you could provide....

The question was:
Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Bet ya' can't.

And, sure enough....you couldn't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

No way do those line represent President GrabAss.

It would have to be more like

"Mexicans Bad. Lets build a fence to keep them out"

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Is Mexico a national neighbor?
Are there millions of illegal entries into this country?
Stop dodging.

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

I'm not surprised that you would take the last two line and try to ascribe it to the Grabby One's desire to build a wall The second to last line, sure in a superficial way that does describe his demeanor. The last line betray's Two Faced Trump. He has no intentions of being a good neighbor. It's his way or the highway. Until they get out of the public eye.

A look at Trump's most outrageous comments about Mexicans

"....and some of them, I assume are good people."
Still don't care to try to actually confront these issues?
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

Perhaps I should point out that a successful President....unlike Obama.....did what needed to be done in an earlier situation:
Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

You're no dope, eddie.....why do you suppose Obama insisted that Iran have nucs?
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
You posted this:

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

And this:
"Well what do I expect but for a con to try and narrow down (reads dumbed down) a complex poem by Frost into two
pitiful lines"

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I can definitely say that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that The Grabber in Chief displays in his pubic statements. Especially over the Wall.

"....that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that...."
No one asked what convoluted indoctrination you could provide....

The question was:
Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Bet ya' can't.

And, sure enough....you couldn't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

No way do those line represent President GrabAss.

It would have to be more like

"Mexicans Bad. Lets build a fence to keep them out"

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Is Mexico a national neighbor?
Are there millions of illegal entries into this country?
Stop dodging.

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

I'm not surprised that you would take the last two line and try to ascribe it to the Grabby One's desire to build a wall The second to last line, sure in a superficial way that does describe his demeanor. The last line betray's Two Faced Trump. He has no intentions of being a good neighbor. It's his way or the highway. Until they get out of the public eye.

A look at Trump's most outrageous comments about Mexicans

"....and some of them, I assume are good people."

Wow....I must have wounded you deeply!

You're doing quite the tap-dance to avoid the simple truth:

If you posted and support Frost's lines, the is endorsing a wall....as is Trump.

And, for the same reasons.

Clearly you see the error of your perspective, and are doing everything you can to cloud the issue.

You can leave now.....dismissed.
Still don't care to try to actually confront these issues?
a. Why did he abandon the sanctions that were working to cripple the Mullahs?

b. Why didn't the deal address the fact that Iran has, for years, providing 20-30% of North Korea's bomb and missile testing/building for Iran?

Perhaps I should point out that a successful President....unlike Obama.....did what needed to be done in an earlier situation:
Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he been in favor of ending Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

You're no dope, eddie.....why do you suppose Obama insisted that Iran have nucs?
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

"I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years"

Stop lying.

Reagan defeated a far more powerful enemy without firing a shot.
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,
"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,

Are you attempting to change the subject, and bring up President Trump, because you recognize that Hussein Obama was a total and unmitigated failure?

It ain't workin.'
My knowledge on the subject is limited BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way ,,besides Israel bombing them, to stop their nuke production Now we have inspectors there

"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

"I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years"

Stop lying.

Reagan defeated a far more powerful enemy without firing a shot.
LOL by outspending them ?? lol
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,

Are you attempting to change the subject, and bring up President Trump, because you recognize that Hussein Obama was a total and unmitigated failure?

It ain't workin.'

I think Obama did a great job even with the republican party pulling against him and America all the way Now we have a complete ass in our WH {when on the few days he visits there}
"...BUT the little I do know is the pact was the only way..."

So, what happens to your claim when I show that sanctions were killing the Mullahs?

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to· do business with Iran or the United States. When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting· Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world. Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would· mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,· it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began"
https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/04_HFAC - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

Know who said that?
Obama's advisers....the ones he ignored:
"Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal"
Former Obama advisers warn against emerging Iran deal

"When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ...

".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran, the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far! Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’s own nation off the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
So all other things put aside , is your solution bomb bomb bomb Iran?.......and then NK? Just remember the idea imo is not to be tougher but smarter...............we have plenty of time for tough

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

"I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years"

Stop lying.

Reagan defeated a far more powerful enemy without firing a shot.
LOL by outspending them ?? lol

Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Plus.....support for dissidents.

Just what Reagan did.

a. Did Obama do any of those things when Iranian protesters cried out for American support????
"Iranian Green Movement..... numerous other people who have ostensibly been either killed or arrested since the election.[122] The government has issued very little official information on who has been killed or arrested (except Neda Agha-Soltan, whose video circulated quickly on the Internet). Hospitals were prohibited from registering the dead bodies or injured people, as a medical student at Rasoul-Akram hospital witnessed on the night of 15 June: "Nine people died at our hospital and another 28 had gunshot wounds... [the government] removed the dead bodies on back of trucks,.."
2009 Iranian presidential election protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama sat on his 'wrong side of history.'

Do you agree that Hussein Obama was a crypto-Islamist and hater of Western Civilization?

Admit it.
Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.

Now....since there were other ways of dealing with the evil that Iran represents....why did you blindly follow Hussein Obama's plan to give them nuclear weapons?

Admit the truth, eddie.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,

Are you attempting to change the subject, and bring up President Trump, because you recognize that Hussein Obama was a total and unmitigated failure?

It ain't workin.'

I think Obama did a great job even with the republican party pulling against him and America all the way Now we have a complete ass in our WH {when on the few days he visits there}

I can provide a list of 60 or 70 failed economic policies by the snake....just ask.
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,

Are you attempting to change the subject, and bring up President Trump, because you recognize that Hussein Obama was a total and unmitigated failure?

It ain't workin.'

I think Obama did a great job even with the republican party pulling against him and America all the way Now we have a complete ass in our WH {when on the few days he visits there}

I can provide a list of 60 or 70 failed economic policies by the snake....just ask.

75 months of 6 figure job gains among them or reducing unemployment from gwb's the 9's to the 4's by Obama Oh yeah and anyone not doing well to great in obamas stock markets was probably a republican
J'accuse!. {Clemenceau} I follow no one blindly and it was nukes now or MAYBE in 10 years I do follow Cook

Emile Zola.
Biggest laugh of the week,,,,,,

Are you attempting to change the subject, and bring up President Trump, because you recognize that Hussein Obama was a total and unmitigated failure?

It ain't workin.'

I think Obama did a great job even with the republican party pulling against him and America all the way Now we have a complete ass in our WH {when on the few days he visits there}

I can provide a list of 60 or 70 failed economic policies by the snake....just ask.

False facts?
I can definitely say that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that The Grabber in Chief displays in his pubic statements. Especially over the Wall.

"....that poem does not invoke in me the thoughtlessness that...."
No one asked what convoluted indoctrination you could provide....

The question was:
Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Bet ya' can't.

And, sure enough....you couldn't.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

No way do those line represent President GrabAss.

It would have to be more like

"Mexicans Bad. Lets build a fence to keep them out"

"And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."

Is Mexico a national neighbor?
Are there millions of illegal entries into this country?
Stop dodging.

Let's see ya' come up with any explanation for those lines that doesn't support Trump's wall.
Bet ya' can't.

I'm not surprised that you would take the last two line and try to ascribe it to the Grabby One's desire to build a wall The second to last line, sure in a superficial way that does describe his demeanor. The last line betray's Two Faced Trump. He has no intentions of being a good neighbor. It's his way or the highway. Until they get out of the public eye.

A look at Trump's most outrageous comments about Mexicans

"....and some of them, I assume are good people."

Wow....I must have wounded you deeply!

You're doing quite the tap-dance to avoid the simple truth:

If you posted and support Frost's lines, the is endorsing a wall....as is Trump.

And, for the same reasons.

Clearly you see the error of your perspective, and are doing everything you can to cloud the issue.

You can leave now.....dismissed.

Your interpretation of that poem certainly reveals a lot.

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