What should happen to Pfc. Bradley Manning?

•The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. (Exodus 15:3)

•For there fell down many slain, because the war was of God. And they dwelt in their steads until the captivity. (1 Chronicles 5:22)

•There is… a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8)
Vengence is HIS, not yours!

You confuse vengence with justice. No surprise as you seem to be confused about a lot of things.
While the US Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, the constitutionality of USC Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 37 Section 798 has been upheld as constitutional numerous times.

Bzzzzzzzzt. Try again.
I didn't say the law wasn't Constitutional.

How many of those 798 involved the US committing "crimes against humanity"?

You asked why Manning is in jail. I told you.

Those798 what?

And, I can't believe I'm asking that. *cringe*
Hey dumbass, try actually reading the bible before making comments on it. You wouldn't look like such an ignorant dumbass if you did this.
Ecc 3:
vs1To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
vs3 A time to kill, And a time to heal;
vs8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

As for cold blooded murder, here's some FYI for you boy. Capital punishment for treason is not murder, it's justice, and the bible is quite clear on the use of Capital Punishment.

Now as for what Jesus would do? You've proven once again that you've never read the bible. Try reading Rev 14 starting at about vs 14. Then get back to me ok.
What part of "thou shall not kill" don't you understand, fuckhead!

It's not what I don't understand dumbass, it's your lack of any biblical knowledge that is the problem. I keep telling you don't quote the bible, you're too freaking ignorant on the book to offer any type of intelligent opinion on it. I understand that the Commandment is correctly translated as Thou Shalt not MURDER. The Hebrew word used in Ex 20 is רָצַח ratsach and it means to murder, slay, assassinate.
1) premeditated

You believe God thinks its okay for you to kill, what HE's created?
Yup, the list God gave for capital crimes is a long one, much, much, much longer than the one we use today. You'd know that if you had ever actually read the bible papist. We won't even get into the times God says it's ok to make war on other nations.

That the Creator of life, thinks it's okay for you to create death?
Create death? What are you a moron?

You're a lot closer to satan, than you are to God. You don't know God boy.
And OJ had nothing to do with his wife's murder.


The man that actually outed her admitted he did so and was not charged, further he stated Cheney had nothing to do with it. You can believe what ever you want, the facts won't change.

It's a fact that he said that. It's not a fact that it's the truth.
"Truth" =/= "something you really really really really really want to be true".

Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Welcome to reality. I know it's scary for progressives.
Why are you claiming that Cheney had nothing to do with it?

Someone said that he did it and Cheney had nothing to do with it. The guy was never charged. How stupid do you have to be to accept this?
Poor progs. They didn't get what they wanted for Fitzmas -- and they're STILL having a temper tantrum.

Hey dumbass, try actually reading the bible before making comments on it. You wouldn't look like such an ignorant dumbass if you did this.
Ecc 3:
vs1To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
vs3 A time to kill, And a time to heal;
vs8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

As for cold blooded murder, here's some FYI for you boy. Capital punishment for treason is not murder, it's justice, and the bible is quite clear on the use of Capital Punishment.

Now as for what Jesus would do? You've proven once again that you've never read the bible. Try reading Rev 14 starting at about vs 14. Then get back to me ok.
What part of "thou shall not kill" don't you understand, fuckhead!

You believe God thinks its okay for you to kill, what HE's created?

That the Creator of life, thinks it's okay for you to create death?

You're a lot closer to satan, than you are to God.
...says the guy who condones Palestinian terrorism.

You don't think God objects to Jews being killed?
It's not what I don't understand dumbass, it's your lack of any biblical knowledge that is the problem. I keep telling you don't quote the bible, you're too freaking ignorant on the book to offer any type of intelligent opinion on it. I understand that the Commandment is correctly translated as Thou Shalt not MURDER. The Hebrew word used in Ex 20 is רָצַח ratsach and it means to murder, slay, assassinate. 1) premeditated
Kind of like the one in the collateral murder video, which you support.

Yup, the list God gave for capital crimes is a long one, much, much, much longer than the one we use today. You'd know that if you had ever actually read the bible papist.
You might of read the bible, but your comprehension sucks!

"vengence is MINE, sayeth the Lord"

In this case, MINE means, NOT YOU!

Your absolutely delusional if you think God approves you killing one of HIS creations.

We won't even get into the times God says it's ok to make war on other nations.
I'm sorry, I can't let that go. You're gonna show me where it say's that.

Create death? What are you a moron?
Creating reasons to kill people. Like this mythical Islamic threat. Or this bullshit war on terror.

You don't know God boy.
I do know this "holier than thou" attitude of yours, is what got satan thrown out of Heaven.
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You asked why Manning is in jail. I told you.

Those798 what?

And, I can't believe I'm asking that. *cringe*
Alright, section 798, my bad on that one.

I'll ask the question again, "How many of the cases that were constitutionally upheld, involved covering up US war crimes?"
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.
You sound much more like an Obama democrat than the Eisenhower republican you claim to be. I don't recall reading about incessant whining of Republicans in the 50s.However, I have read about the Rosenbergs who were executed for executed for treason.
Hey dumbass, try actually reading the bible before making comments on it. You wouldn't look like such an ignorant dumbass if you did this.
Ecc 3:
vs1To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
vs3 A time to kill, And a time to heal;
vs8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

As for cold blooded murder, here's some FYI for you boy. Capital punishment for treason is not murder, it's justice, and the bible is quite clear on the use of Capital Punishment.

Now as for what Jesus would do? You've proven once again that you've never read the bible. Try reading Rev 14 starting at about vs 14. Then get back to me ok.
What part of "thou shall not kill" don't you understand, fuckhead!

You believe God thinks its okay for you to kill, what HE's created?

That the Creator of life, thinks it's okay for you to create death?

You're a lot closer to satan, than you are to God.
...says the guy who condones Palestinian terrorism.

You don't think God objects to Jews being killed?
Jihad for 72 virgin crabs makes it all right.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.
You sound much more like an Obama democrat than the Eisenhower republican you claim to be. I don't recall reading about incessant whining of Republicans in the 50s.However, I have read about the Rosenbergs who were executed for executed for treason.

Too bad they can't execute the plutocrats who are giving the Chinese all our industry. That seems a lot worse than anything the Rosenbergs probably didn't even do.

But your ignorance of what Eisenhower actually stood for is duly noted. Here's a quote that might clarify it for you..

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Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.
You sound much more like an Obama democrat than the Eisenhower republican you claim to be. I don't recall reading about incessant whining of Republicans in the 50s.However, I have read about the Rosenbergs who were executed for executed for treason.

Too bad they can't execute the plutocrats who are giving the Chinese all our industry. That seems a lot worse than anything the Rosenbergs probably didn't even do.

But your ignorance of what Eisenhower actually stood for is duly noted. Here's a quote that might clarify it for you..

Too bad they can't execute the plutocrats who are giving the Chinese all our industry.

Starting with the jobs czar Obama gave us whose last act in industry was CEO of GE and Jobs Czar Jeff Imelt sending $2 billion in jobs to China for G. E.?

Is that harsh enough?

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