What should happen to Pfc. Bradley Manning?

It's not what I don't understand dumbass, it's your lack of any biblical knowledge that is the problem. I keep telling you don't quote the bible, you're too freaking ignorant on the book to offer any type of intelligent opinion on it. I understand that the Commandment is correctly translated as Thou Shalt not MURDER. The Hebrew word used in Ex 20 is רָצַח ratsach and it means to murder, slay, assassinate. 1) premeditated
Kind of like the one in the collateral murder video, which you support.

Yup, the list God gave for capital crimes is a long one, much, much, much longer than the one we use today. You'd know that if you had ever actually read the bible papist.
You might of read the bible, but your comprehension sucks!

"vengence is MINE, sayeth the Lord"

In this case, MINE means, NOT YOU!

Your absolutely delusional if you think God approves you killing one of HIS creations.

I'm sorry, I can't let that go. You're gonna show me where it say's that.

Create death? What are you a moron?
Creating reasons to kill people. Like this mythical Islamic threat. Or this bullshit war on terror.

You don't know God boy.
I do know this "holier than thou" attitude of yours, is what got satan thrown out of Heaven.

Justice is not vengence, the laws God gave Moses included the death penalty for numerous offenses meaning He has no problem with it, and as for showing you where God allows killing during war, I thought you told me you knew the bible scrote? Here, look to Matt. 7:6 that's the last bit of scripture I'll be giving you here.
Justice is not vengence, the laws God gave Moses included the death penalty for numerous offenses meaning He has no problem with it, and as for showing you where God allows killing during war, I thought you told me you knew the bible scrote? Here, look to Matt. 7:6 that's the last bit of scripture I'll be giving you here.
I just Googled Matt. 7:6 and this is what I got...

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Is this what you're claiming gives you the right to kill people?

What was a PFC doing with unsupervised access to information of a sensitive nature ?
Justice is not vengence, the laws God gave Moses included the death penalty for numerous offenses meaning He has no problem with it, and as for showing you where God allows killing during war, I thought you told me you knew the bible scrote? Here, look to Matt. 7:6 that's the last bit of scripture I'll be giving you here.
I just Googled Matt. 7:6 and this is what I got...

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Is this what you're claiming gives you the right to kill people?

Nope, that's my response to your repeated inquiries into what the scriptures, you claimed to have a vast knowledge of, say. You are the one who claimed to have had years of biblical study under your belt while being indoictrinated into the papist church. I think you may have confused catechism with the bible. The two differ on more subjects than I care to go into right now. The God given right to defend yourself, your loved ones, your tribe, your community, your nation and the innocents, coupled with the God given right to exectute secular punishment, up to and including capital punishment, on anti-social and dangerous law breakers is all the right I need to justify killing someone.
Let him loose in the desert of the Middle East and then hit him with a drone strike.

Lets do it to Bush also. Parachute him in to Baghdad with a rifle and a big sign reading
"Bring it on". Let him do some fighting for the first time in his life.

Manning hasn't cost any lives or money, unlike Bush.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Sandy Berger stole classified secrets and got his law license revoked for 3 years. How's Manning any more of a traitor than republicans who sign a loyalty oath to fuzz faced Norver Growquist? Or republican politicians announcing war on Obama and the American people. You know, "our number one priority is to ensure Obama is a one term president".
How did they plan on doing it. By resisting anything the president tried to do.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Sandy Berger stole classified secrets and got his law license revoked for 3 years. How's Manning any more of a traitor than republicans who sign a loyalty oath to fuzz faced Norver Growquist? Or republican politicians announcing war on Obama and the American people. You know, "our number one priority is to ensure Obama is a one term president".
How did they plan on doing it. By resisting anything the president tried to do.

Oh, that "oath" to Norquist is legally binding? Who knew?

Too bad they can't execute the plutocrats who are giving the Chinese all our industry.

Starting with the jobs czar Obama gave us whose last act in industry was CEO of GE and Jobs Czar Jeff Imelt sending $2 billion in jobs to China for G. E.?

Is that harsh enough?

Meh... maybe.

I guess you really think dragging up Imelt and probably spelling his name wrong is an argument stopper?
It's not what I don't understand dumbass, it's your lack of any biblical knowledge that is the problem. I keep telling you don't quote the bible, you're too freaking ignorant on the book to offer any type of intelligent opinion on it. I understand that the Commandment is correctly translated as Thou Shalt not MURDER. The Hebrew word used in Ex 20 is רָצַח ratsach and it means to murder, slay, assassinate. 1) premeditated
Kind of like the one in the collateral murder video, which you support.

You might of read the bible, but your comprehension sucks!

"vengence is MINE, sayeth the Lord"

In this case, MINE means, NOT YOU!

Your absolutely delusional if you think God approves you killing one of HIS creations.

I'm sorry, I can't let that go. You're gonna show me where it say's that.

Creating reasons to kill people. Like this mythical Islamic threat. Or this bullshit war on terror.

You don't know God boy.
I do know this "holier than thou" attitude of yours, is what got satan thrown out of Heaven.

Justice is not vengence, the laws God gave Moses included the death penalty for numerous offenses meaning He has no problem with it, and as for showing you where God allows killing during war, I thought you told me you knew the bible scrote? Here, look to Matt. 7:6 that's the last bit of scripture I'll be giving you here.

God also instructed the Israelites to commit genocide. Are we now placing ourselves above God to make genocide a crime against humanity?
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah and the moon is made of green cheese....

You can BS those who haven't a clue not someone who worked in Security for nearly 22 years......
for those who don't know pfc. Bradley manning is the guy who gave wikileaks all those documents and wikileaks released them to the world.

By law, the united states can seek the death penalty for this act but choose not to.

Just wondering what you all think should happen to the guy.

he should be released immediately and given a medal.

Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Sandy Berger stole classified secrets and got his law license revoked for 3 years. How's Manning any more of a traitor than republicans who sign a loyalty oath to fuzz faced Norver Growquist? Or republican politicians announcing war on Obama and the American people. You know, "our number one priority is to ensure Obama is a one term president".
How did they plan on doing it. By resisting anything the president tried to do.

He's a fucking traitor, I don't play that ; well Billy did it and Harry got away with it BS.

The Court will convict him and I hope they do not accept his plea deal.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah and the moon is made of green cheese....

You can BS those who haven't a clue not someone who worked in Security for nearly 22 years......

Okay, Mr. Expert... but it seems what the Army is soooo upset about is he released film of the army shooting civilians and journalists...

Frankly, if they held this in front of a civilian jury, they'd acquit him.

If the Army had a case that would even pass the kangaroo court standards of the UCMJ, they wouldn't have waited three years to put him on trial.
You haven't a clue. And have you really watched that video?

I spotted the weapons, I bet you thing they were out on a picnic just a few blocks away from where our troops had just received small arms fire.

Collateral damage happens...... Always has always will.....

This does not excuse a punk idiot kid from exposing classified material.
You haven't a clue. And have you really watched that video?

I spotted the weapons, I bet you thing they were out on a picnic just a few blocks away from where our troops had just received small arms fire.

Collateral damage happens...... Always has always will.....

This does not excuse a punk idiot kid from exposing classified material.
You spotted nothing! The image is too blury. But one thing is for sure, there were two Rueters newsmen killed in this incident and last I checked, members of the media are not armed.

You see a bunch of guys standing around in front of a house. That is not a crime. Nor can you just open up on anyone you feel like shooting. Especially, since our very presence there was illegal.

What you saw was a war crime and covering this shit up is like making excuses for the Holocaust.
God also instructed the Israelites to commit genocide. Are we now placing ourselves above God to make genocide a crime against humanity?
God never instructed anyone to kill anything.

But HE did tell the Israelites they are to remain in exile until HE comes back down to earth. So, according to God, creating the state of Israel, is going against HIS will.
Manning is a traitor to his uniform, his comrades, and his country.

If found guilty he should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.......

Seems to me that he only betrayed a government that lied to its own people.

He didn't expose secrets to the enemy, he exposed the fact that our own government has been lying to us for years about Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you oppose the government! It's a bad government, it's evil, it does not deserve to survive. The good people work for it's demise, it's overthrow.

It's nice to know.

The nation is this divided, but both with the same goal. Replace the government.

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