What the Biden administration will do-


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
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Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
You are correct. Those priorities along with his complicity with whatever China wants will destroy our economy and put China on the fast track to the world's number one super power. Of course it won't be Biden as he will be a drooling vegetable within a year. It will be Pelosi and 'The Squad' running our country into the ground with lots of help from BLM.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

Mexico is already paying for the wall.

We need no repair with NATO. We simply need to leave it.

Five was a hoot.

There are no little children locked in cages, since Trump did way with the Obama era cages.

Seven is another hoot.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
He's too stupid to find his way out of his own basement..............and that sounds like a rehash of most of the BS lies from Media matters like normal.

The DNC are fucking evil at this point...........now DEFUND THE POLICE CRAP.......Get off the dang drugs.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
Yawn.............they quarantined the sick not those not sick Moron........

In 1957 and 1968 the country didn't shut down..............a bunch died..........and the cure wasn't worse than the dang virus................which we have done this time.........PURE STUPIDITY.........
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

Mexico is already paying for the wall.

We need no repair with NATO. We simply need to leave it.

Five was a hoot.

There are no little children locked in cages, since Trump did way with the Obama era cages.

Seven is another hoot.
Tramp divided families, Obama didn't. He merely divided the kids from the adults who did crimes.
Yes the Obama admin built the cages to house families.

This is what the tramp admin did and is continuing to do: child trafficking its called.

Family separation accelerated with the announcement of the “zero tolerance” policy on April 7, 2018. Under this policy, everyone crossing the border – even those seeking asylum – was treated like a criminal. The government took away their children, claiming that they were subject to prosecution. Even families lawfully presenting themselves at ports of entry continued to be separated.

Under the family separation policy and even in 2017, asylum seekers were imprisoned, and accompanying children under 18 were handed over to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which scattered them among more than 100 Office of Refugee Resettlement shelters and other care arrangement centers across the country. Making matters worse, the government failed to create a reunification system, leaving parents unable to reunite with – or even track – their children.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

Mexico is already paying for the wall.

We need no repair with NATO. We simply need to leave it.

Five was a hoot.

There are no little children locked in cages, since Trump did way with the Obama era cages.

Seven is another hoot.

As opposed to the guy sitting in the White House right now who's already torn it up? And who seems to think he's above the law?...willfully protected by his own personal Roy Cohn AG? Yeah, no legs to stand on that one.
First thing to do is get the virus outbreak under control (if it still is) with a national strategy. At the same time, it's time to start putting together proposals to submit to Congress on taxation, healthcare, the environment, and a few
other items. And oh yes, we will need to repair our relationship with our allies..including NATO. Mostly, I just want to see a return to a normal news cycle and have competent politicians running the country. Not a bunch of hacks.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Open borders to help the Drug Cartels, Gangs and Human Traffickers

2. Use the Corona Virus to impose Orwellian oppression

3. Allow NATO to loot the American Taxpayers

4. Bloat the Federal government even more

5. Give featherbed jobs Democrat family and friends

6. Allow illegal aliens to use their children as passports

7. Racially discriminate in employment
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
DNC heads exploding burning the place down..........longest temper tantrum in history .....

Cool huh......need a repeat and maybe your side will show us what you are really like after.......

Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
Lol. Trump wins in a landslide. O'Biden is a fool, and so are you.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
So you're saying that people illegally entering the USA need to be quarantined?
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Open borders to help the Drug Cartels, Gangs and Human Traffickers

2. Use the Corona Virus to impose Orwellian oppression

3. Allow NATO to loot the American Taxpayers

4. Bloat the Federal government even more

5. Give featherbed jobs Democrat family and friends

6. Allow illegal aliens to use their children as passports

7. Racially discriminate in employment
Lockdown the middle class while flooding TX and FL with illegal alien democrat voters

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