What the CDC hotspot map reveals

Why? Florida is a giant peninsula.

You absolute cuckoo clock morons....

That chart is all fraud ....

It is no different that a fudged global warming color chart.

In your area, there may be hospitals claiming they are filled with sick kids. NYC said they were overflowing. We set them a navy hospital ship. 3 weeks later, the hospital ship had ZERO patients. Why? Because NYC lied.

Wake up
Stop parroting

If you want to do something, sneak into those "overcrowded hospitals" with a hidden camera and film all the EMPTY BEDS

The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!
You DO understand that DeSantis hasn't done ANYTHING to restrict citizens from wearing masks 24/7, right? This may be difficult for you to grasp but adults usually have sense enough that taking recommended precautions is a no-brainer and they do not need to be told by government that they MUST or else. In fact, that approach will nearly guarantee fewer people complying.

I'm watching the reports carefully and I'll take note when we begin to see local reporting on significant increases in dead from this surge. I live about 30 minutes from Pensacola, in the Florida Panhandle. Folks around here are beginning to wear masks more often, especially the elderly, and no one is mocking them or telling them they shouldn't be doing so. This isn't about medical advice, it's about respecting the rights of people who are rightly suspicious of the nonsense coming out of DC.

If they actually attempt to shut down interstate travel for the unvaxxed, America is going to begin to unravel. I actually believe someone in DC is pushing us toward answering their tyranny with violence. I just hope that our military is still more loyal to the Constitution than to their commanders and the filthy traitorous politicians they answer to.
Why? Florida is a giant peninsula.

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That isn't keeping Joe from stopping most Cubans from getting in, is it? You people are literally cheering for the collapse of America and I really hope that when it comes, you pay more than those who fought against it. No one deserves those consequences more than your crowd. Your communities should be filled with violence, economic collapse, and health issues galore. When all that arrives, tell us how helpful your Trump hate is in keeping you safe and fed.
Meh, BFD. Florida is peaking, as was inevitable. Time to cook up some other crap to attack DeSantis, which is all the left is concerned with, really.

He's going to make the left look stupid, again, which is exactly why they revile him. Florida is the control group that debunks all of the left's suggested terror measures; and in a week, maybe 2 or 3, the discussion will quickly shift to the baseless, if only this or that would have been done, this or that would have been different.

We've seen this movie before.

The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!

What your CDC hotspot map reveals is where the Biden Crime Family administration is shipping their new voters after they make sure they have COVID.​

What your lying here reveals is that you are a liberal parrot.

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