Zone1 What the Church used to look like before the liberals got hold of it

You have no right to name hypocrites anymore than you do to mock or deride churches, you are literally speaking, dead already! I might add you don't even know my religious belief's, if any! :poke:
If you are on here angrily defending organized religion without acknowledging that it has hurt a lot of people it's pretty safe to say you are only religious for the holier than thou judgements you feel entitled to pass on us lesser mortals.
Jesus promised His Church would not fail

so you are not a prophet and you are just with the demonic ones.. wanting to destroy what is good and keep all that is perverse.

Militant Creationists and fundamentalists who have bought into the rapture are the biggest threat to all traditional, mainstream churches..
Humanity no longer needs God's thousand competing fan clubs. Religions have blood on their hands they can never wash away.
you mean like the irreligious?

planned barrenhood

63 million aborted children

u mean like that?
If you are on here angrily defending organized religion without acknowledging that it has hurt a lot of people it's pretty safe to say you are only religious for the holier than thou judgements you feel entitled to pass on us lesser mortals.
liberals couldn't care less about "hurting people"

they just hate the Church
hate Jesus
hate giving up their vile sins

and want the rest of society to do same...

liberals couldn't care less about "hurting people"

they just hate the Church
hate Jesus
hate giving up their vile sins

and want the rest of society to do same...

People have rejected religion for various reasons most of which have nothing to do with politics. If you cannot separate the two then you are part of the problem.

If you are on here angrily defending organized religion without acknowledging that it has hurt a lot of people it's pretty safe to say you are only religious for the holier than thou judgements you feel entitled to pass on us lesser mortals.
maybe people ought to change their focus

from human beings in churches or so called churches


That just might work

people on the outside of theCatholic (or any Christian) religion are also hypocrites. But they never seem to see their own hypocrisy, only that of others. They are hypocrites bc they themselves do not love others..

you can't throw stones at people for not doing what you yourselves do not do (whether you "have religion" or not is irrelevant)
maybe people ought to change their focus

from human beings in churches or so called churches


That just might work

people on the outside of theCatholic (or any Christian) religion are also hypocrites. But they never seem to see their own hypocrisy, only that of others. They are hypocrites bc they themselves do not love others..

you can't throw stones at people for not doing what you yourselves do not do (whether you "have religion" or not is irrelevant)
I may not be religious but that does not mean I have no morals. That's where the zealots screw up. If you found out for a fact that there was no God would you instantly turn evil? Is the threat of Hell the only thing keeping you from being a monster? Without religion clouding every moral issue it is a much more straightforward matter to see the good and bad in others. It's also more satisfing to be a good person knowing you are doing it simply for the sake of being good.
I may not be religious but that does not mean I have no morals. That's where the zealots screw up. If you found out for a fact that there was no God would you instantly turn evil? Is the threat of Hell the only thing keeping you from being a monster? Without religion clouding every moral issue it is a much more straightforward matter to see the good and bad in others. It's also more satisfing to be a good person knowing you are doing it simply for the sake of being good.
oh please

There is nothing good in man. Wel, there is this one thing: he is created in God's image.. problem is, he doesn't like staying in that condition.. as we can see by such things as

school shootings
63 million babies murdered because 7 morons wanted (likely IMO) "free, no-responsibility sex" (or whatever other nefarious motives they may have had)

as bad as some Christians can be, they are better people than non-Christians... WAY
oh please

There is nothing good in man. Wel, there is this one thing: he is created in God's image.. problem is, he doesn't like staying in that condition.. as we can see by such things as

school shootings
63 million babies murdered because 7 morons wanted (likely IMO) "free, no-responsibility sex" (or whatever other nefarious motives they may have had)

as bad as some Christians can be, they are better people than non-Christians... WAY
Nope. Religious people are no better than anyone else. They lie more and are worried far more about keeping up appearances. You can find more honesty in a bar room than a church house any day of the week.
Nope. Religious people are no better than anyone else. They lie more and are worried far more about keeping up appearances. You can find more honesty in a bar room than a church house any day of the week.
The only way people of faith differ is in their attempt to live life by following the Way of God. No, you can't find more honesty in a bar room, as that would put bars above churches and you said no one is any better than anyone else. I take that to mean both places are equally honest.
Nope. Religious people are no better than anyone else. They lie more and are worried far more about keeping up appearances. You can find more honesty in a bar room than a church house any day of the week.
that's a bunch of lying baloney

and/or you haven't met any real Christians.. but I get the feeling you wouldn't appreciate any real ones either...
2019??? I think THIS is the Pope's concern:

The only way people of faith differ is in their attempt to live life by following the Way of God. No, you can't find more honesty in a bar room, as that would put bars above churches and you said no one is any better than anyone else. I take that to mean both places are equally honest.
No one cares how the church people lie to each other to hide deviant behavior. It's sort of a mutual understanding that everyone take each other's facade of piety as the truth. The reality of Christiandom is that everyone has guilty little secrets that they feel deliciously naughty about.

The person next to you at the bar will tell you all their secrets if they drink enough and you listen long enough.

This applies only to the narrow quality of "honesty". In all other things malicious or selfish or just plain ignorant church people are no different than any other random sampling of humanity.
Lebfebvre is what the Church SHOULD look like

Read The Horn of the Unicorn

(well, i can't recommend it for non-Christians. they wouldn't get it, I am sure...)

Humanity no longer needs God's thousand competing fan clubs. Religions have blood on their hands they can never wash away.
Is it as much blood as Planned Parenthood has on their hands?

How about Mao?



they were great Christians, weren't they?
No one cares how the church people lie to each other to hide deviant behavior. It's sort of a mutual understanding that everyone take each other's facade of piety as the truth. The reality of Christiandom is that everyone has guilty little secrets that they feel deliciously naughty about.

The person next to you at the bar will tell you all their secrets if they drink enough and you listen long enough.

This applies only to the narrow quality of "honesty". In all other things malicious or selfish or just plain ignorant church people are no different than any other random sampling of humanity.
funny how the anti-Church people are always criticizing everyone but themselves...

I mean, don't they have anything better to do? you know... like look in a mirror once in awhile.. Apparently not...

Hmmmm... let's go find out what others have in their dark closets... FUN!

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