Zone1 What the Church used to look like before the liberals got hold of it

Is it as much blood as Planned Parenthood has on their hands?

How about Mao?



they were great Christians, weren't they?
The Catholic church has killed or caused the death of more humans than any other institution in human history. 1500 years of tyrants, wars, inquisitions, repression and superstition can never be forgotten. Every other established religion became established by using holy terror. Just because most of them have settled down it does not mean that the urge to punish the unbeliever, the infidel and the heretic has totally gone away.
funny how the anti-Church people are always criticizing everyone but themselves...

I mean, don't they have anything better to do? you know... like look in a mirror once in awhile.. Apparently not...

Hmmmm... let's go find out what others have in their dark closets... FUN!
Anyone that falsely hold themselves up to be paragons of virtue and look down on others deserve to be taken down a few notches.
The Catholic church has killed or caused the death of more humans than any other institution in human history.
what a liar

and a dumbass one at that. You don't know a thing about the Catholic Church. You just parrot what some idiot pastor told you or someone else who knows nothing.

Grab a brain. Think for yourself. Gather information not lies and slander and propaganda.
Anyone that falsely hold themselves up to be paragons of virtue and look down on others deserve to be taken down a few notches.
who are you to say what people deserve? who died and made you God?

esp when Jesus said Judge not, lest you be judged for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you

Prepare to be meted .. you could die any time. As a friend of mine used to say Tomorrow is not promised to anyone
what a liar

and a dumbass one at that. You don't know a thing about the Catholic Church. You just parrot what some idiot pastor told you or someone else who knows nothing.

Grab a brain. Think for yourself. Gather information not lies and slander and propaganda.
As the oldest surviving political entity on the face of the earth they have had a very long time to build up a body count that puts anyone else to shame. It's a function of sustained regressive power over vast periods of time.
who are you to say what people deserve? who died and made you God?

esp when Jesus said Judge not, lest you be judged for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you

Prepare to be meted .. you could die any time. As a friend of mine used to say Tomorrow is not promised to anyone
Don't preach at me. Had enough of that for several lifetimes. Damned right I judge people just like everyone but my standards don't come out a moldy old book full of ambiguous rules and moral escape hatches.
Maybe but DC is our money held hostage by a cartel of establishment crooks.... so its on loan so to speak....
doesn't matter. It is not ours. Taxpayers earn it but the gummit spends it and on the dumbest of things..

At least the Church does some charitable work still... and some day the Traditional Church which is the true Church Christ founded will prevail over the fake Church

Don't preach at me. Had enough of that for several lifetimes. Damned right I judge people just like everyone but my standards don't come out a moldy old book full of ambiguous rules and moral escape hatches.
wherever they come from, the result is not good

You will know them by their fruits

and btw it wasn't me preaching at you, it was Jesus. I quoted HIS words.. so argue with Him

good luck with that one..

yeh, right. All clergy are perverts..

what a dumbass
I did not see where the other poster wrote "all clergy".

Defending a position with a straw man argument (exaggerating the position of an antagonist) is an informal logical fallacy. Committing a second fallacy, the above argument punctuates with an ad hominem.
BC you didn't WANT to see

what a clueless (redundancy alert) lib
The post to which you responded asked a question: "How many pedophile priests did he protect?" Your post claimed that they had written "all clergy". They did not. It's all here in black and white. You are not impressing anyone that doesn't slobber when they talk.

As for the name-calling and generalizing about liberals, you're boring me.
You all have to answer why the Crusades and the Inquisition was cool and promoted by GOD.

When you can answer that, let's talk.
that's a bunch of lying baloney

and/or you haven't met any real Christians.. but I get the feeling you wouldn't appreciate any real ones either...

The Scofield heresy has found it's way into some Catholic groups. So sad.
You all have to answer why the Crusades and the Inquisition was cool and promoted by GOD.

When you can answer that, let's talk.

The power and influence of the church was waning.. looting was a major attraction in joining the crusades.
You all have to answer why the Crusades and the Inquisition was cool and promoted by GOD.
When and how did God promote either? What was the purpose of them? Take a closer look. Was there a Godly purpose behind them, or was it human nature?
The post to which you responded asked a question: "How many pedophile priests did he protect?" Your post claimed that they had written "all clergy". They did not. It's all here in black and white. You are not impressing anyone that doesn't slobber when they talk.
you are dense if you didn't catch the implication of: Since there were other pedophile priests, this one is a pedophile also (therefore it is just a matter of how many victims he had)

as per usual, liberals fail Logic 101

no big shock there

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