What Trump promises will be kept.....and soon forgotten?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL

Of course there are so very many areas to attack Trump. Get him now before he is sworn into office and before he has the power to do anything at all. How dare he wait until he is officially sworn in. You don't have to wait so why should he have to wait?
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
The wall went to a fence went to the honor system.
Tell ya what...

make up a list of his promises, and in 4, or 8, years, count up the ones he didn't keep.

and, while you have nothing else to do during those 4-8 years, Make up a list of the promises Obama didn't keep, then one of the promises Bush didn't keep.

Hell, why you're at it, check Clintons promises.

then take a nice long look at them..

and wonder why you bothered with your OP
I think all his supporters care about are the wall, some kind of action on Muslims, and the economy.

Everything else is just campaign noise.
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.
He is going to stop TPP deal, of which Pence advocated for along with all other trade deals.

Clinton being free is really going to irk them. Now we can yell , lock him up!!!
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

He is the only one who did something about healthcare, and that was a big thing, and now the Pubs are going to destroy it.
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

He is the only one who did something about healthcare, and that was a big thing, and now the Pubs are going to destroy it.

It's already destroying itself.

Guess they should have read it before they passed it
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

He is the only one who did something about healthcare, and that was a big thing, and now the Pubs are going to destroy it.
Which turned out to be a big lie and failure. Try again.
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?
I think all his supporters care about are the wall, some kind of action on Muslims, and the economy.

Everything else is just campaign noise.

Trump will make some token tweaks to our existing border and then declare victory
He will pass some laws that harass Mexicans and Muslims and declare mission accomplished
He will pass a big tax cut on the wealthy that will be blocked by the Dems and claim that he tried
He will ignore Hillary
He will repeal Obamacare but keep most of it
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Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?
Most transparent administration in history.
The Obama Care debate would be on cspan.
Just two off the top of my head, and very easy ones to keep.
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL

1. He will use whatever executive power he has to increase border patrols, step up quick turn around deportations, and generally tighten up the border. He will then have to get Congress involved to fund a wall/fence/barrier.

2. Deportation of Criminals (even petty ones) will start immediately, as he has all the tools he needs for it. I think some people will self-deport, seeing the writing on the wall. For the rest, the first battle will be the funding fight with sanctuary cities.

3. This one has been so maligned that most people don't even know what he was talking about. There will be legal immigration limits on countries that have a RADICAL Islamic issue. As for the others, not gonna happen, and probably really wasn't part of the plan.

4. We will see with this one, depending on his proposed make work programs

5. This one is easier done on the executive level than the legislative level. Reform for the legislatures has to come from the legislatures.

6. He only said NATO has to pull its own weight more, not that he would just pull out of it willy nilly

7. Coal may have to wait for Oil to go back up in price to become viable again. What he could do is cajole some NE States to open up their fracking fields, which would provide jobs near, but not in, the Appalachian area. At least he won't be openly hostile to them, Like Obama was, and Hillary would be.

8. That's already started. TPP, gone. China Trade, to be discussed, NAFTA? Back to negotiations.
The funny thing is, the haters hate that Trump is modifying some stances, yet they hated the stances in the first place. Guess it wasn't really the stances that bothered them.
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?
Most transparent administration in history.
The Obama Care debate would be on cspan.
Just two off the top of my head, and very easy ones to keep.

That's it?
I think all his supporters care about are the wall, some kind of action on Muslims, and the economy.

Everything else is just campaign noise.

I fully agree.....

However, the "wall" is a fallacy and bans on Muslims and deportation of Hispanics is a myth that could be tied up in courts for years,

On the economy, I'd agree with Trump on re-negotiating on trade deals, but he will have a corrupt congress to deal with since lobbyists own most of congressional members.

Infrastructure improvements may come about, if Trump is given the go-ahead to borrow a trillion or two.
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

You CANNOT have it both ways......

You and your ilk bitch about Obama getting everything he wanted, and then bitch that he didn't fulfill his promises.....So, search that half-brain of yours and come up with ONE bitching "strategy."
He is the only one who did something about healthcare, and that was a big thing, and now the Pubs are going to destroy it.

Actually........Trump and company will tweak the ACA, but keep most of it.....The final challenge will be if they still choose to call it Obamacare giving Obama his due.

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