What war on Christmas? Jesus does not care, people.

NONE of that is the fault of Jesus. If anything, you've pointed to a couple of instances where people have misinterpreted the Bible, however, and we could explain what was happening.

The more people turn from God, the greater their troubles. The Bible promises that.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
humans make a huge deal about christ---mas
we sing how the baby jesus will ''bring us goodness and light''...PEACE ...he will change the world!!
christmas is the time of peace and loving
we had the biggest destruction, murder, rape, robbery, death, etc 2000 years AFTER jesus!! -- WW2
one of the biggest battles with the most casualties in WW2 occurred during christmas
neighbors in Germany, France, the Balkans, Russia--all over--turned against their neighbor and murdered them
in 1994 we had one the greatest genocides, by rate of time, ever ...some murderers using medieval weapons !!
Pol Pot and genocide in 1975-1979
genocide in the Balkans
the world and people haven't changed since jesus supposedly came
in the least, the enormous praise and singing of christmas is way overblown

NONE of that is the fault of Jesus. If anything, you've pointed to a couple of instances where people have misinterpreted the Bible, however, and we could explain what was happening.

The more people turn from God, the greater their troubles. The Bible promises that.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
like you can't disprove the tooth fairy, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, etc
I guess you believe in these things?
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
we're shaking...please explain --in detail!--what will happen to us...this will be good

you have no idea about god, heaven, hell, death, etc ...you do not .......
NONE of that is the fault of Jesus. If anything, you've pointed to a couple of instances where people have misinterpreted the Bible, however, and we could explain what was happening.

The more people turn from God, the greater their troubles. The Bible promises that.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
like you can't disprove the tooth fairy, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, etc
I guess you believe in these things?
Tough to be you. You may believe as you wish. Don't interfere with others is good advice for you.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
we are not anti-god--for one, there is no god
2. we are pro-realists
I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
we're shaking...please explain --in detail!--what will happen to us...this will be good you have no idea about god, heaven, hell, death, etc ...you do not .......
The derision is a good sign that you know exactly where are your limits. Stay well within them is the best advice you will get.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
like you can't disprove the tooth fairy, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, etc
I guess you believe in these things?
Tough to be you. You may believe as you wish. Don't interfere with others is good advice for you.
Ill do what I please
^^^ Little four year old in the corner stamping his feet
I see posters here get pissed/hateful/etc when they don't have answers to my questions
the one got very hateful....
I agree, Windparadox. The far right evangelicals and the antiGodists are just angry pips is all. :)
I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven

The Bible, like many aspects of science, can be proven to the satisfaction of the person willing to believe. We know there is gravity, but can you prove it to the satisfaction of someone who chooses NOT to believe?
we know there is gravity
unless you have no brain--you know there is gravity--it's a scientific fact
bad analogy...we can see it work
you can't see god
you CAN"T have a child without a male involved --fact
a human cannot rise from the dead

You can't see gravity. You rely on the explanations of mortal men for its existence. Has nothing to do with celebrating Christmas, however.
hahah--we see the affects of gravity
we can see what happens in weightless environment

please people--you have no idea about what will happen after we die
god is beyond ''our'' realization/knowledge/etc
and the bible is not scientific/mathematical facts/etc --as it has numerous falsehoods
these are all made up---man made it up--please prove otherwise

we can't see god...can't see a baby conceived by a spirit/etc

You just admitted that you can't see gravity, only the effects.
NONE of that is the fault of Jesus. If anything, you've pointed to a couple of instances where people have misinterpreted the Bible, however, and we could explain what was happening.

The more people turn from God, the greater their troubles. The Bible promises that.
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
like you can't disprove the tooth fairy, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, etc
I guess you believe in these things?

Actually all of those were disproven.
I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
we are not anti-god--for one, there is no god
2. we are pro-realists

If you were not anti-God, you would not be intimidated nor care that are those who do not share your views NOR will they ever share them.

And what has that to do with the war on Christmas? You guys felt so intimidated you had to hijack THIS thread because one is not enough for your side to get spanked on????
I think Yeshua would be utterly disgusted by this nonsensical December money grab on credit. The dude was the original hippy. Peace. Love. Share and no consumerism.
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
you know it's impossible for a baby to be born without male involvement..you know this
I can make up stuff all day that can't be ''disproven''...a ridiculous argument
See, you don't have the language, symbols, or logic to discuss a supernatural world. That is the issue here.

Now you can certainly faith believe all you want that God does not exist, that's just fine.

But if you radical antiGodists try to interfere with the right to believe in God, you will get smashed.
we are not anti-god--for one, there is no god
2. we are pro-realists

If you were not anti-God, you would not be intimidated nor care that are those who do not share your views NOR will they ever share them.

And what has that to do with the war on Christmas? You guys felt so intimidated you had to hijack THIS thread because one is not enough for your side to get spanked on????
intimidated?? right there your post is totally wrong
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven

The Bible, like many aspects of science, can be proven to the satisfaction of the person willing to believe. We know there is gravity, but can you prove it to the satisfaction of someone who chooses NOT to believe?
we know there is gravity
unless you have no brain--you know there is gravity--it's a scientific fact
bad analogy...we can see it work
you can't see god
you CAN"T have a child without a male involved --fact
a human cannot rise from the dead

You can't see gravity. You rely on the explanations of mortal men for its existence. Has nothing to do with celebrating Christmas, however.
hahah--we see the affects of gravity
we can see what happens in weightless environment

please people--you have no idea about what will happen after we die
god is beyond ''our'' realization/knowledge/etc
and the bible is not scientific/mathematical facts/etc --as it has numerous falsehoods
these are all made up---man made it up--please prove otherwise

we can't see god...can't see a baby conceived by a spirit/etc

You just admitted that you can't see gravity, only the effects.
you can't see the physical affects of god, mary, jesus
I didn't say it was his fault
I'm saying this ENORMOUS praise for the peace and good things jesus will bring is obviously wrong
and we are discussing how the bible is fake in the other thread

I usually don't participate in threads where people try to prove the Bible is fake. After a few years of doing that and watching the heathen rage when they couldn't come up with anything whereby to discredit the Bible other than misinterpretations of other deluded human writers, i decided to view it as Benjamin Franklin did:

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:
'that God governs in the affairs of men.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
so god was a man?
mary gave child without sex
jesus--a man/god??!!?? rose from the dead?? but no one actually saw it?
all obviously cannot be proven
or disproven
like you can't disprove the tooth fairy, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, etc
I guess you believe in these things?

Actually all of those were disproven.
if I believe in the tooth fairy--it's just like believing in god

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