What will be the best post Impeachment Strategy for Trump?

You voted for a guy who said the elections were rigged.

Which election?


Anyways, you guys are being petty and intellectually dishonest. Trump may have made america great again for millionaires and billionaires but not middle class people. Republican policies will not help the middle class overall. Oh sure, if we are doing things their way, and by their way I mean trickle down, I guess Trump's tax break was nice because it gave everyone a 30 cent raise. But we all know that's not going to change anything for the middle class.

I disagree with Trump's fiscal policies but ok, so he gave the rich a tax break and added to the debt. So what's going to happen? Eventually that debt is going to bankrupt America. And it will all happen on purpose. This is capitalism's flaw. Our money is not backed by anything. So it's all made up. Eventually the stock market will go bust and you better hope it's not right before you are ready to retire otherwise you are fucked.

Obama had a slow steady well regulated economy. He wasn't willing to give away the farm just to get a temporary bump.

Long story short, most Americans are struggling and they deserve it because they either don't vote or they vote GOP.

I make over $100K and I have no debt, no kids, no mortgage. If America re elects Trump I'll survive it. Hell I'll even be ok if they cut my social security by 25%. How many of you will be?


“Middle-class life is now 30 percent more expensive than it was 20 years ago,” Quart writes, citing the costs of housing, education, health care and child care in particular. “In some cases the cost of daily life over the last 20 years has doubled.”

“Before the 2008 crash, only one-quarter of Americans viewed themselves as lower class or lower-middle class. No longer. After the recession of 2008 . . . a full 40 percent of Americans viewed themselves as being at the bottom of the pyramid.”

One of the book’s main messages, therefore, is that people finding it impossible to make ends meet shouldn’t blame themselves. It’s the system, she says, that’s broken.

“The main problem is a basic lack of a 21st century safety net for families,” Quart tells The Post, offering the cost of day care as just one example.

“In Montreal,” where day care is government subsidized, it costs “$7 to $20 a day. That makes a huge difference for families.” Figured annually for 50 weeks a year, five days a week, people in Montreal pay $1,750 to $5,000 per year on child care.

By comparison, Quart says that here, “many of the families I spoke to, who were ostensibly middle class, were spending around 20 to 30 percent of their income on day care.” Annual averages in the US range from “$10,468 for a center-based child-care program to $28,905 for a nanny.”

Try to have a single point or at most two, and try to put them across in a condensed manner.

I don't have time for the rolling ranting of a TDS suffering mouth breather such as yourself.


From the campaign trail to today, President Donald Trump has promised he would bring back coal and manufacturing jobs to the United States — and he’s been specifically referencing Pennsylvania.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed
Weakness in manufacturing in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan could doom the president’s re-election chances.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed

When shockingly poor data on U.S. manufacturing was released Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump was ready with his usual response to any bad economic news: He blamed Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell. Increasingly, however, it is getting harder for the president to avoid responsibility for regional weaknesses in the economy — and the effects on his chances for re-election could be devastating.

The current economy is tracking dangerously close to the one that derailed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in 2016. Regardless of whether the U.S. is headed for a full-scale recession, according to this latest data it has almost certainly entered a sectoral or mini-recession similar to 2015’s. The latest readings of the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturers survey are actually below those of early 2016, and the trajectory is far steeper.

The Trade War Has Hit Manufacturing
And based on new orders for exports, there is more pain ahead

I told you guys. But you guys don't believe the facts. Fake news you'll say.

So Trump is the first President ever not to be able to follow through on a campaign promise?


At least Trump is working to get and keep good jobs here instead of saying "those jobs are not coming back"

Economy And Jobs | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
President Trump is unleashing economic growth and jobs. Since his election, the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies have generated 6 million new jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point in 50 years, and wages have grown at more than 3% for 10 months in a row.

  • The manufacturing industry created nearly half a million new jobs.

  • 625,000 new construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office.

  • Hispanic, Asian and African American unemployment rates have all reached record lows under President Trump.

  • There are more than a million more job openings than unemployed persons in the U.S.
Trump can just sit back and watch the Dems self-destruct while he cruises towards reelection.
All sorts of generalizing, no actual accusations of anything substantial.

"Hur Dur Dur Derp Hur Dur" is all we here when mouth breathing prog morons like you spew this crap.
Uh, colluding with the russians, appointing a crony lapdog who is going along with his criminal behavior,

What Trump did was very wrong and illegal and I can't believe you are ok with it just because he's your boy.

You seem to be ok with rigged elections as long as it's your side rigging them. Not me.

More opinion masquerading as fact.

So now the election was "rigged" instead of just "influenced"?

Go back and up your meds.
You voted for a guy who said the elections were rigged.

Which election?

actually Pelosi and the Ds have rigged the elections in solid blue states so they will get the blame politically and legally for the CA, IL, NY and financial crises. If Trump signs an Anti-Fa domestic terrorist ruling the Ds are in deep trouble.

Not true. In fact Trump waged war against the blue states. He raised taxes on blue states. Then he got out of NY. He's a scumbag. But he's your scumbag white? I mean right?
You voted for a guy who said the elections were rigged.

Which election?


Anyways, you guys are being petty and intellectually dishonest. Trump may have made america great again for millionaires and billionaires but not middle class people. Republican policies will not help the middle class overall. Oh sure, if we are doing things their way, and by their way I mean trickle down, I guess Trump's tax break was nice because it gave everyone a 30 cent raise. But we all know that's not going to change anything for the middle class.

I disagree with Trump's fiscal policies but ok, so he gave the rich a tax break and added to the debt. So what's going to happen? Eventually that debt is going to bankrupt America. And it will all happen on purpose. This is capitalism's flaw. Our money is not backed by anything. So it's all made up. Eventually the stock market will go bust and you better hope it's not right before you are ready to retire otherwise you are fucked.

Obama had a slow steady well regulated economy. He wasn't willing to give away the farm just to get a temporary bump.

Long story short, most Americans are struggling and they deserve it because they either don't vote or they vote GOP.

I make over $100K and I have no debt, no kids, no mortgage. If America re elects Trump I'll survive it. Hell I'll even be ok if they cut my social security by 25%. How many of you will be?


“Middle-class life is now 30 percent more expensive than it was 20 years ago,” Quart writes, citing the costs of housing, education, health care and child care in particular. “In some cases the cost of daily life over the last 20 years has doubled.”

“Before the 2008 crash, only one-quarter of Americans viewed themselves as lower class or lower-middle class. No longer. After the recession of 2008 . . . a full 40 percent of Americans viewed themselves as being at the bottom of the pyramid.”

One of the book’s main messages, therefore, is that people finding it impossible to make ends meet shouldn’t blame themselves. It’s the system, she says, that’s broken.

“The main problem is a basic lack of a 21st century safety net for families,” Quart tells The Post, offering the cost of day care as just one example.

“In Montreal,” where day care is government subsidized, it costs “$7 to $20 a day. That makes a huge difference for families.” Figured annually for 50 weeks a year, five days a week, people in Montreal pay $1,750 to $5,000 per year on child care.

By comparison, Quart says that here, “many of the families I spoke to, who were ostensibly middle class, were spending around 20 to 30 percent of their income on day care.” Annual averages in the US range from “$10,468 for a center-based child-care program to $28,905 for a nanny.”

Try to have a single point or at most two, and try to put them across in a condensed manner.

I don't have time for the rolling ranting of a TDS suffering mouth breather such as yourself.


From the campaign trail to today, President Donald Trump has promised he would bring back coal and manufacturing jobs to the United States — and he’s been specifically referencing Pennsylvania.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed
Weakness in manufacturing in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan could doom the president’s re-election chances.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed

When shockingly poor data on U.S. manufacturing was released Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump was ready with his usual response to any bad economic news: He blamed Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell. Increasingly, however, it is getting harder for the president to avoid responsibility for regional weaknesses in the economy — and the effects on his chances for re-election could be devastating.

The current economy is tracking dangerously close to the one that derailed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in 2016. Regardless of whether the U.S. is headed for a full-scale recession, according to this latest data it has almost certainly entered a sectoral or mini-recession similar to 2015’s. The latest readings of the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturers survey are actually below those of early 2016, and the trajectory is far steeper.

The Trade War Has Hit Manufacturing
And based on new orders for exports, there is more pain ahead

I told you guys. But you guys don't believe the facts. Fake news you'll say.

So Trump is the first President ever not to be able to follow through on a campaign promise?


You held Obama to his.
You voted for a guy who said the elections were rigged.

Which election?


Anyways, you guys are being petty and intellectually dishonest. Trump may have made america great again for millionaires and billionaires but not middle class people. Republican policies will not help the middle class overall. Oh sure, if we are doing things their way, and by their way I mean trickle down, I guess Trump's tax break was nice because it gave everyone a 30 cent raise. But we all know that's not going to change anything for the middle class.

I disagree with Trump's fiscal policies but ok, so he gave the rich a tax break and added to the debt. So what's going to happen? Eventually that debt is going to bankrupt America. And it will all happen on purpose. This is capitalism's flaw. Our money is not backed by anything. So it's all made up. Eventually the stock market will go bust and you better hope it's not right before you are ready to retire otherwise you are fucked.

Obama had a slow steady well regulated economy. He wasn't willing to give away the farm just to get a temporary bump.

Long story short, most Americans are struggling and they deserve it because they either don't vote or they vote GOP.

I make over $100K and I have no debt, no kids, no mortgage. If America re elects Trump I'll survive it. Hell I'll even be ok if they cut my social security by 25%. How many of you will be?


“Middle-class life is now 30 percent more expensive than it was 20 years ago,” Quart writes, citing the costs of housing, education, health care and child care in particular. “In some cases the cost of daily life over the last 20 years has doubled.”

“Before the 2008 crash, only one-quarter of Americans viewed themselves as lower class or lower-middle class. No longer. After the recession of 2008 . . . a full 40 percent of Americans viewed themselves as being at the bottom of the pyramid.”

One of the book’s main messages, therefore, is that people finding it impossible to make ends meet shouldn’t blame themselves. It’s the system, she says, that’s broken.

“The main problem is a basic lack of a 21st century safety net for families,” Quart tells The Post, offering the cost of day care as just one example.

“In Montreal,” where day care is government subsidized, it costs “$7 to $20 a day. That makes a huge difference for families.” Figured annually for 50 weeks a year, five days a week, people in Montreal pay $1,750 to $5,000 per year on child care.

By comparison, Quart says that here, “many of the families I spoke to, who were ostensibly middle class, were spending around 20 to 30 percent of their income on day care.” Annual averages in the US range from “$10,468 for a center-based child-care program to $28,905 for a nanny.”

Try to have a single point or at most two, and try to put them across in a condensed manner.

I don't have time for the rolling ranting of a TDS suffering mouth breather such as yourself.


From the campaign trail to today, President Donald Trump has promised he would bring back coal and manufacturing jobs to the United States — and he’s been specifically referencing Pennsylvania.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed
Weakness in manufacturing in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan could doom the president’s re-election chances.

Trump’s Economy Is Failing Exactly Where He Needs It to Succeed

When shockingly poor data on U.S. manufacturing was released Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump was ready with his usual response to any bad economic news: He blamed Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell. Increasingly, however, it is getting harder for the president to avoid responsibility for regional weaknesses in the economy — and the effects on his chances for re-election could be devastating.

The current economy is tracking dangerously close to the one that derailed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in 2016. Regardless of whether the U.S. is headed for a full-scale recession, according to this latest data it has almost certainly entered a sectoral or mini-recession similar to 2015’s. The latest readings of the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturers survey are actually below those of early 2016, and the trajectory is far steeper.

The Trade War Has Hit Manufacturing
And based on new orders for exports, there is more pain ahead

I told you guys. But you guys don't believe the facts. Fake news you'll say.

Obama said "those jobs are not coming back" and Trump is working his ass off to bring good jobs back....which party do you vote for?

Those jobs are not coming back. Those jobs that left were very high paying union jobs with high pay, great benefits, pensions, jobs security, union protections, 401K match,

The jobs that came back pay $15.

The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

Maybe you haven't seen Trump's rallies? The lynch mobs will be after the creeps who impeached Trump, especially the Never-Trumpers...... in the primaries.
tRumpkins are.outnumbered, plus they will abandon him as soon as he's convicted.

Wow, you actually think he's going to be convicted? Not the sharpest tool in the shed...are you, Crepitus!

The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.

In case you need a reminder about "polls" and what happened in 2016:


The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.

In case you need a reminder about "polls" and what happened in 2016:

And worse, Trump's Jabba the Hut runs the DoJ now.

The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.

In case you need a reminder about "polls" and what happened in 2016:

And worse, Trump's Jabba the Hut runs the DOJ now.

AG Barr is the real deal. I'm hoping that he and Durham can put a big dent in the deep state's coup plots.

The democrat's AG's were terrible. Lynch, Holder, even Janet Reno. All of them were jokes.
If Guiliani's OANN video tape dispositions of the Ukrainian Prosecutors are released for download by Trump to demonstrate corruption and solicitation of perjury by the Ds in the impeachment much of the Ds in the house will go to trial.

The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.

In case you need a reminder about "polls" and what happened in 2016:

Yea, so don't be so sure Trump is going to win this year. A lot of people who voted for him won't this time because of all the shit going on. And a lot of people who didn't vote for Hillary will show up for whoever we nominate this time. You don't have Hillary as an opponent this time.

And a lot of kids want the free shit our side is offering. Free college and healthcare. They won't actually get these things but they'll show up for them.

Don't forget the people who want common sense gun legislation.

I'm surprised more blacks, arabs, women and mexicans didn't show up and vote for Hillary. They will this time.

Trump fooled a lot of people. A lot of them will stay home.

If he didn't act like an asshole these past 3 years he would have easily won re election. I'm not so sure.

But I also won't be too surprised if he wins again. I just seriously doubt it.

We know you Trumpsters will show up but you showed up and voted for Bush McCain and Romney too. You need independents and Trump has turned them off. I hear my moderate dad talk about how much he can't stand Trump. He says he's an asshole. My dad isn't a liberal like I am.

Trump has turned a lot of people off. Even if the economy is good.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.
The Progs know they are putting a show on. Watching the procession yesterday carrying the impeachment papers even pushed it to even more ludicrous. Sadly they think of the citizen as nothing.
If Guiliani's OANN video tape dispositions of the Ukrainian Prosecutors are released for download by Trump to demonstrate corruption and solicitation of perjury by the Ds in the impeachment much of the Ds in the house will go to trial.

What ever happened to the DOJ's investigation into Hillary and Obama and spying on Trump and the Steele Dossier? Nothing. That case had no legs.

Hillary Clinton has a unique distinction: She has been exonerated twice after extensive federal investigations, the latest entirely unjustified and the result of a politicized Justice Department. President Trump of course was NOT exonerated in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, which found 10 or so categories of conduct that but for the present policy of Justice Department guidelines would serve as the basis for obstruction-of-justice charges. If Trump is defeated in November he can still be criminally charged the moment he leaves office.

But back to Clinton. It may be hard to remember given then-FBI Director James B. Comey’s voluminous investigative report in the midst of the 2016 election, his testimony before Congress and his intrusion into the campaign 11 days before Election Day, but he found no basis she committed a crime. His subjective comments about poor judgment and negligence were entirely irrelevant (and frankly inappropriate for the FBI, which is charged with finding or not finding criminal conduct). The bottom line: Clinton committed no crimes.

That was not enough for Trump. Based on no new evidence but rather on an undisguised personal vendetta, Trump opened up another investigation.

And nothing came of it.

The coverage of her exoneration has been minimal. The number of stories such as Clinton cleared in witch-hunt probe or Right-wing accusations debunked has been underwhelming. The legitimate media does not seem interested in asking Trump or other Republicans to acknowledge that their accusations were baseless. You would think legitimate media outlets at the very least would self-reflect on their coverage that often treated long-ago disproved accusations as still unsettled.


So go ahead and investigate. Like Trump wanted to investigate Biden. It doesn't really matter if the story is true. Trump will come up with his own witch hunts and fake news about his opponents.
And worse, Trump's Jabba the Hut runs the DoJ now.
Barr is the best thing to happen to the DOJ in a long time. Hopefully Barr can send some Deep Staters and Democrats to prison.
LOL. Remember you wanted to lock Hillary up? Even with Trump's lap dog Barr guess what they found on Hillary?

Justice Dept. winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump. It found nothing of consequence.


A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

John Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton’s time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.

Current and former officials said that Huber has largely finished and found nothing worth pursuing — though the assignment has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or to lawmakers, these people said.

The effective conclusion of his investigation, with no criminal charges or other known impacts, is likely to roil some in the GOP who had hoped the prosecutor would vindicate their long-held suspicions about a political rival. Trump, though, has largely shifted his focus to a different federal prosecutor tapped to do a separate, special investigation: U.S. attorney in Connecticut John Durham, who Attorney General William P. Barr assigned last year to explore the origins of the FBI’s 2016 probe into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Clinton and her family have been subjected to significant law enforcement and other scrutiny over the years — though the various probes have mostly delivered reputational blows, rather than legal ones. When she ran against Trump in 2016, the FBI investigated her use of a private email server to determine whether she had mishandled classified information when she was secretary of state. Officials ultimately determined the case should be closed without charges. The State Department more recently concluded a multiyear probe of its own into the matter, but concluded there was no systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by employees.

The Clinton family foundation has separately faced investigation over the years on vague corruption allegations, though so far those probes have not produced any charges.

But the Trump foundation has. And Trump may actually be charged after he leaves office. Hillary on the other hand, completely innocent.

The Florida poll, conducted by Florida Atlantic University, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden both had smaller leads of 51 percent against Trump's 49 percent. Sanders was the only Democratic candidate with a lead greater than the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error. Pete Buttigieg tied with Trump at 50 percent. The poll sampled 1,285 voters between January 9 and 12.

The Michigan poll, taken over the same time period by EPIC-MRA, indicated that the president was trailing every potential Democratic challenger offered by the poll. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg had the largest lead, 49 percent to Trump's 42 percent. Biden registered with 50 percent support in the poll against 44 percent for Trump. Sanders also had 50 percent support, with Trump supported by 45 percent.

Donald Trump falls behind Democratic frontrunners in key swing states of Florida and Michigan: Polls

Don't act like you won't be nervous as we are on election night. Watching tv waiting for each state to turn blue. All the red state ones called early. All the blues called early. YOu think hes going to flip some blues but in reality he's going to lose some states he needs to win. People are mad. He's horrible.

In case you need a reminder about "polls" and what happened in 2016:

Yea, so don't be so sure Trump is going to win this year. A lot of people who voted for him won't this time because of all the shit going on. And a lot of people who didn't vote for Hillary will show up for whoever we nominate this time. You don't have Hillary as an opponent this time.

And a lot of kids want the free shit our side is offering. Free college and healthcare. They won't actually get these things but they'll show up for them.

Don't forget the people who want common sense gun legislation.

I'm surprised more blacks, arabs, women and mexicans didn't show up and vote for Hillary. They will this time.

Trump fooled a lot of people. A lot of them will stay home.

If he didn't act like an asshole these past 3 years he would have easily won re election. I'm not so sure.

But I also won't be too surprised if he wins again. I just seriously doubt it.

We know you Trumpsters will show up but you showed up and voted for Bush McCain and Romney too. You need independents and Trump has turned them off. I hear my moderate dad talk about how much he can't stand Trump. He says he's an asshole. My dad isn't a liberal like I am.

Trump has turned a lot of people off. Even if the economy is good.

You may be right about Trump losing, my wife is not a fan. Then again, the democrats need to put up a candidate and policies that can win, and they don't have either. Trump has history on his side. As long as the economy stays strong incumbents are tough to beat.
Just so you know, anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again, plus the disenchanted Bernie, Warren, or Biden voters. Whoever the DNC screws-over this time. The democrat in 2020 will not have a 95% probability of winning like Hillary had in 2016. Here are the Vegas betting odds for president in 2020, where people are putting real money down. Trump looks to be a prohibitive favorite at about 6:1 over Sanders & Biden

Donald Trump -145
Bernie Sanders +500
Joe Biden +550
Michael Bloomberg +1200
Elizabeth Warren +1800

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