What will be the next Circus act put on by the left before the midterms?

There is already an active investigation into fraud at the Trump Organization. That one began in July and Micheal Cohen has been subpoenaed by the state of New York as part of that investigation.

The Trump Organization Is Under Federal Investigation for Campaign Finance Law Violations


Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
01/04/2013 03:48 PM EST

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

The fine — laid out in detail in FEC documents that have yet to be made public — arose from an audit of the campaign, which was published in April. POLITICO obtained a copy of the conciliation agreement detailing the fine, which was sent to Sean Cairncross, the chief lawyer for the Republican National Committee, one of the groups that filed complaints about the campaign’s FEC reporting from 2008.
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
The only circus acts are the white trashy trumpscum

Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
By the left?



The left aren't creative enough to make this stuff up. No one is.

I love Lil Kim
Sexual assault
Supporting pedophiles
Kidnapping babies
Paper towels
Sh!thole countries
Some Mexicans don't rape
I like people who weren't captured
Saying to disaster victims who have lost everything "Have a good time".

Never in a thousand years. Trump and the GOP dreamed all this up without any help from the left.
Supporting pedophiles

Why do you always post this kind of asinine shit?

Hilarious I put an entire list:

I love Lil Kim
Sexual assault
Supporting pedophiles
Kidnapping babies
Paper towels
Sh!thole countries
Some Mexicans don't rape
I like people who weren't captured
Saying to disaster victims who have lost everything "Have a good time".

And you only pick out one.
I'll go with:

Trump is not actually a human being. His body has been taken over by a larvae of our new wannabe insect overlords. We should kill him before it completely develops.
Trump is going to bring back New Coke.

Burn him!
Mike Pence turned me into a newt!

But I got better.

Burn him any way! Burn him!
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
. I think Judge Kavanaugh will remember how the Left treated him and will urge cases accordingly. The Left screwed e pooch!
Want to talk about what will be remembered lowlife? Let’s talk about Justice Garland you pathetic excuse for a human

Quote from Juilian:
"Want to talk about what will be remembered lowlife? Let’s talk about Justice Garland you pathetic excuse for a human"

Sure, let's talk about the Joe Biden rule that judicial nominees should be postponed until after the impending Presidential election.
If you don't think Trump's taxes have been thoroughly gone-thru by the IRS already you've got your head stuck further up your ass than I thought.
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol

Actual riots over Kavanaugh.....the last effort to stop him by rioting at the Senate building or the Supreme Court building...
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
I'm not sure what the left is going to do about their unfortunate judgment against Juris Dr. Brett Kavanaugh, by framing him for a rape of which he did not participate and his accuser not only brought no proof, the witnesses she thought were in her pocket refused to back up her story, because they had no memory of such an event as she described, and they didn't even remember being at the same event nor the others she included on her list of attendees. Kavanaugh's devotion to learning and practicing law took all his time, and he never hurt any woman according to his closest friends.

I hope those who have done nothing but brought grief to this nation with misanthropic allegations against political opponents would admit it's a bad thing to do, quit doing wrongs against innocent persons, and having enough introspection to see the light. I read somewhere that 40% of the voting Democrats do not like what the party leadership did by trumping up charges based on no evidentiary probity, since no time, no place, no neighborhood, and all the four persons she said were there did not remember being at any party she attended, including the two who were friendly towards her. One of her closest associates, an ex-boyfriend stepped forward to say on record that she was not to be believed and that her claim to be afraid of airplanes was not true. Other things have come up about her radicalism with hatred for conservatives as her real reason behind contacting a compliant Democrat dedicated to character assassinations against Republicans.

The worst thing I've seen gong on is politicians schooling interns into becoming hired political assassins. The Americans aren't liking it, and we're also getting fed up with bringing other branches of government to a screeching halt employing such devices as have been employed by whoever has an axe to grind. Ignore the American people's beliefs and goals, and offenders are going to lose seats in Congress. Good night, everyone.
"the left" has plenty of ammo considering the massive corruption from "the right".
Well, if any further axe-grinding gets exposed as any more fake news, the mop will not flop right for Democrats, who so far have proven they don't have it made in the shade, either.

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