What will be the next Circus act put on by the left before the midterms?

There are rumblings about Russia.


And don't think they are done with this. This will generate massive women rallies. They are afraid that their rights to murder their babies will be taken away from them.

It will be the million slut soros funded march on washington..or something like that.

I don't get why anyone cares if democrook whores murder their babies.

The way I see it, that's one less ghetto rat to feed, or one less thug terrorizing the streets until he gets thrown in jail.

Libturds having abortions is a net gain for society. I will never stand in their way. I don't want tax dollars going to Planned Unparenthood though. That puts blood on everyone's hands.

It's also why I'm glad being a queer is trendy among moonbats. If they swallow or shit all their biohazardous fluids it keeps the gene pool in better shape.

I understand the morality involved, but if you don't like that behavior, don't do it. Just don't try and stop the weakest link in humanity from falling off naturally due to decay.

John Kelly should change Trump's Twitter account password and not tell the President what it is until November 7.


Fake Trump Tweet - Make Your Own Instantly
They already launched that one in The New York Times. It's actually an old story that has been debunked several times, but the Democrat Propaganda Machine (MSM) owned by The Liberal Elite will pound on that from here until The Midterms and the day after you won't hear thing about it. They'll be on to something else.
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol

Traditionally during an important election the Democrats try to agitate their voters with fake hate crimes. Watch for it.

2016: The Year Of The Hoax Hate Crime
They already launched that one in The New York Times. It's actually an old story that has been debunked several times, but the Democrat Propaganda Machine (MSM) owned by The Liberal Elite will pound on that from here until The Midterms and the day after you won't hear thing about it. They'll be on to something else.
No, Trump's tax fraud has not been debunked several times. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

In fact, the state of New York is opening an investigation into Trump's schemes because of the NYT investigative reporting: New York opens investigation into Trump real estate tax fraud allegations | 2018-10-03 | HousingWire
Depends, will republicans find another emotional, conspiracy loving, sexual assaulting, asshat of a human being to champion?
Christ, I can't wait until the mid-terms are over.

Wait. What the hell am I saying? The day after the mid-terms, there will be a couple weeks of gloating by one side, some teeth gnashing by the loser, then back at each other's throats for the next two years.

"Your mother sucks cocks in hell!"
I AGREE with Justice Stevens

Retired Supreme Court Justice: Kavanaugh does not belong on high court


Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Thursday said that high court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, who Stevens once lauded in one of his books, does not belong on the Supreme Court.

Speaking to a crowd of retirees in Boca Raton, Stevens, 98, said Kavanaugh’s performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested that he lacks the temperament for the job.
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
I think they will circle back to Russia.
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
. I think Judge Kavanaugh will remember how the Left treated him and will judge cases accordingly. The Left screwed e pooch!
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
The only circus acts are the white trashy trumpscum
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
. I think Judge Kavanaugh will remember how the Left treated him and will urge cases accordingly. The Left screwed e pooch!
Want to talk about what will be remembered lowlife? Let’s talk about Justice Garland you pathetic excuse for a human

"Justice" Garland.

Wait, who?
My favorite of all time was in 2004 when Dan Rather used 1972 MS Word documents to prove Bush was AWOL during National a guard duty and it cost Rather his legacy at CBS. He was just like the man he despised: Nixon..., so obsessed with his enemy he cheated and it cost him.
Now that the SCOTUS is all but wrapped up what do you suppose the next clown show will be about?

Love child?

And I think it is funny how bad this backfired on the left. They turned what appeared to be a mild mannered well respected Republican into a pissed of judge of the Supreme Court. And what did yall get out of it?


In fact it may have cost you the House lol
The only circus acts are the white trashy trumpscum
Look at that punctuation! No wonder you fucktards need clerks in the legal field. Do they wipe your ass as well as correct you legal documents?

Also, how much does it cost to renew a Crackerjack law license?

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