What will become of the Republican Party?

If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.


How is a person supposed to respond to that? How can that be construed as an opening to debate?
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.

You need to prove it's the intent of the conservatives to "take over" the Republican party.

Last I knew, "far right conservatives" actually belong to the conservative party..not the republican party.
Never let leftists define what is the GOP.

The GOP mainstream is currently in the process of eliminating the far right portion of the Party.

Romney's victories in the primaries were the first steps.

Romney's inevitable victory over Obama is the next step.

The effective elimination of the influence of the TPM and far rightists will be the final steps.
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So are we going to get any support for the statement that "far right conservatives" are trying to "take over" the republican party?

Great debate!
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.


How is a person supposed to respond to that? How can that be construed as an opening to debate?

I think it's easy to respond to.

This isn't 100% related, but I think its of the same thoughts: If the Republican party continues to polarize, how will that affect their connection to mainstream, American values?
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.
Your question is quite silly considering Goldwater's era was decades ago and this is exactly the sort of thing he supported.

The GOP is here to stay.

The one-party state you want is on par with communism. One party states fail. Great patriotism comes from dissent.
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.

Question: If the Republican party does fade off into the sunset, do Democrats intend to go back to treating blacks in the same way that led to the Republican party's creation?
Just wondering...
Why does the left have to answer the games of the left? They frame it in this matter and question should be why can't liberals ever answer direct question of conservatism w/o going through long filabuster..to the point of wasted time but more importantly never answering direct and why is there postion and answer the reason why taxpayers foot the bill or to counter arguments to liberalism. Taxpayers are always held hostage to be tax more to support teachers, police, firefighters, etc. when taxpayers should be given competiion or other choices. Unions pigeon hole taxpayers every time and it's impossible for taxpayers to support more functions of gov't when in fact the gov't has a difficult time to balance their chech books ...there's always the shrinking private sector and the drum beats of unions go on ..on how they have a right an entitlement to ask for these retirements when most private sector WHO SUPPORTS PUBLIC SECTOR BASED ON TAXATION.

That's a different thread. Feel free to start it.

actually he did answer your OP, on a conceptual basis, I just don't think you have the where with all to properly frame and craft an answer to it.

please prove me wrong.

No. It was barely English, and it most certainly was not an answer to my question.
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.

Question: If the Republican party does fade off into the sunset, do Democrats intend to go back to treating blacks in the same way that led to the Republican party's creation?
Just wondering...

You are referring to slavery, of course.

hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools.

so that is going to hurt the Republican party somehow?

Hopefully the people can stop the infiltration of the Progressives-Commies from the Republican party as they have already taken over the Democrat party.
The reason the OP qualifies that as "far right" is because it will interfere with the state's production of Useful Idiots. How radical to want good education, eh?
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Question: If the Republican party does fade off into the sunset, do Democrats intend to go back to treating blacks in the same way that led to the Republican party's creation?
Just wondering...

You are referring to slavery, of course.

Slavery was a given at that time. I'm talking more about how Democrats preferred beatings and murders to granting freedom to blacks. Resulting of course in the likes of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass taking an offshoot of the Whigs into an entirely new direction.
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.

As much as some folks will disagree, the Democratic Party. In my opinion, the Democrats have moved right as well. Theres no way the Hertiage Foundation can propose something, the Democrats champion it and they can still be considered far left.
Mitt is going to win the General Election and the Republicans are going to not only retain the House Majority but possibly even claim the Senate majority.

So, what ever WILL "become" of the GOP?

I know, I'm devastated. :D

If that happens who will they blame their failures on?
If it is the intent of far-right conservatives to take over the party completely, then where will moderate Republicans fit into today's political landscape?

Conservatives Turn Against GOP Moderates In Effort To Achieve Policy Goals

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservative leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity. Primary elections and runoffs are continuing in key states through August. The results so far have been mixed, with the overall effect this year likely to be incremental.
Your question is quite silly considering Goldwater's era was decades ago and this is exactly the sort of thing he supported.

The GOP is here to stay.

The one-party state you want is on par with communism. One party states fail. Great patriotism comes from dissent.

They won't disappear, sure, but I wonder if they'll be able to muster enough votes to acheive majorties in either house in the future?
Did Boop ever validate her assertion that the far right conservatives were seeking to take over the Republican Party?

If not, the rest is moot.
Why does the left have to answer the games of the left? They frame it in this matter and question should be why can't liberals ever answer direct question of conservatism w/o going through long filabuster..to the point of wasted time but more importantly never answering direct and why is there postion and answer the reason why taxpayers foot the bill or to counter arguments to liberalism. Taxpayers are always held hostage to be tax more to support teachers, police, firefighters, etc. when taxpayers should be given competiion or other choices. Unions pigeon hole taxpayers every time and it's impossible for taxpayers to support more functions of gov't when in fact the gov't has a difficult time to balance their check books ...there's always the shrinking private sector and the drum beats of unions go on ..on how they have a right an entitlement to ask for these retirements when most private sector WHO SUPPORTS PUBLIC SECTOR BASED ON TAXATION.


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