What will the left do when President Trump is re-elected?

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In 2016 I knew something was wrong with the polls because Trump was filling up 20000 seat arenas and Hillary couldn't even fill up a high school gymnasium.

That makes one wonder how Hillary could have won the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes....
California. Probably votes by illegals.

The Founders created the electoral college, so one or two highly populated states couldn't force their will on all the others.

Right. 3 to 4 million illegals voted for Hillary. Jesus, you will believe anything he says, won't you?

the point is that the entire PV delta was in one state. Do you really want LA county, NYC, Miami, and Houston choosing the president?
In 2016 I knew something was wrong with the polls because Trump was filling up 20000 seat arenas and Hillary couldn't even fill up a high school gymnasium.

That makes one wonder how Hillary could have won the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes....
California. Probably votes by illegals.

The Founders created the electoral college, so one or two highly populated states couldn't force their will on all the others.

Right. 3 to 4 million illegals voted for Hillary. Jesus, you will believe anything he says, won't you?

the point is that the entire PV delta was in one state. Do you really want LA county, NYC, Miami, and Houston choosing the president?

No, it is so much better that 10 or 12 Midwest farmers, and every state that used to have the confederate battle flag on their state flag choose the president.
No. Just like we didn't wish for Bush's Great Recession.
The One had eight years to fix it and couldn't. It only took Trump 2 years and the economy is roaring.

So are you finally saving enough for retirement now that Trump MAGA or were you already saving enough before he was elected?
I have been saving for retirement since I started working. Because I'm responsible for myself and don't rely on .gov to take care of me.

No, it is so much better that 10 or 12 Midwest farmers, and every state that used to have the confederate battle flag on their state flag choose the president.
Yes. Much better than turning the entire country into California.
A problem for Trump in 2020 is Hillary is not running

In 2016 a percentage of voters voted on an I hate Hillary basis

Those 21 Democrat idiots running will be the problem for the Democrats in 2020.

None of them are worth a shit. Not the creepy clown, or the queer, or the Indian Princess, or the dumbass neggras or the whore or the Communists or Spartacus.
No. Just like we didn't wish for Bush's Great Recession.
The One had eight years to fix it and couldn't. It only took Trump 2 years and the economy is roaring.

So are you finally saving enough for retirement now that Trump MAGA or were you already saving enough before he was elected?
I have been saving for retirement since I started working. Because I'm responsible for myself and don't rely on .gov to take care of me.

No, it is so much better that 10 or 12 Midwest farmers, and every state that used to have the confederate battle flag on their state flag choose the president.
Yes. Much better than turning the entire country into California.

The economy was already great dummy. Trump gave HUGE tax breaks and it only caused a little bump. Pathetic stimulus. It was a huge win for the rich and corporations though.

But you are right Trump hasn't had to deal with a crisis yet. God help us if he ever had to. We can't have another 4 years of Trump.

You are too new. I need to know more about you before I can figure out if you are greedy or stupid. What do you do for a living? You sound well traveled and like you have money. What do you do, or does your husband work for you?
A problem for Trump in 2020 is Hillary is not running

In 2016 a percentage of voters voted on an I hate Hillary basis

Those 21 Democrat idiots running will be the problem for the Democrats in 2020.

None of them are worth a shit. Not the creepy clown, or the queer, or the Indian Princess, or the dumbass neggras or the whore or the Communists or Spartacus.
Well I think it's safe to say even if we ran this guy you wouldn't vote for him
Because it will happen. And they are already very close to the edge.
They will blather rinse repeat, have several more calls for useless investigations, the media will ask 23,456 times why he won't release his tax returns, rinos will call for his impeachment, and I will buy more ammo.
A problem for Trump in 2020 is Hillary is not running

In 2016 a percentage of voters voted on an I hate Hillary basis

Those 21 Democrat idiots running will be the problem for the Democrats in 2020.

None of them are worth a shit. Not the creepy clown, or the queer, or the Indian Princess, or the dumbass neggras or the whore or the Communists or Spartacus.
Well I think it's safe to say even if we ran this guy you wouldn't vote for him
View attachment 264845

I would vote for Him because He believes that charity should come from the heart, family and church not imposed by a bloated high taxation debt ridden oppressive government.
No. Just like we didn't wish for Bush's Great Recession.
The One had eight years to fix it and couldn't. It only took Trump 2 years and the economy is roaring.

So are you finally saving enough for retirement now that Trump MAGA or were you already saving enough before he was elected?
I have been saving for retirement since I started working. Because I'm responsible for myself and don't rely on .gov to take care of me.

No, it is so much better that 10 or 12 Midwest farmers, and every state that used to have the confederate battle flag on their state flag choose the president.
Yes. Much better than turning the entire country into California.

When did you start working? And what do you do for a living?

I am in sales and make $90K. I have no kids. My home is paid off and I'm 48. I save 25% of my pay. Are you married? Are you paying off college?

We really don't know enough about you to figure out what your real problem is. Do you not get that far too many American's aren't making enough to retire?

“Most American workers aren’t saving at levels that will allow them to retire fully at age 65 at their current standard of living,”

And that wasn't the case before Reagan and Bush and Trump. The gap between the rich and poor has widened because of them. So the rich are richer than ever and the middle class is disappearing and not saving enough to be able to retire. You say they aren't saving enough, I say they aren't making enough to save enough.

Oh well. Fuck the masses. While most families of 4 are making The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2017 that real median household income was $59,039

Good luck saving for retirement making that when you have 2 kids. It's just not possible.

If the American people are happy with how things are they should vote for Trump and Republicans. No skin off my teeth. I'm actually doing much better than the average American so I get to look at you idiots and shake my head.

For one, I want my social security and I absolutely believe Republicans are going to make huge cuts to social security if given the chance. Don't deny it. You guys also denied you were going to try to overturn roe and look at you liars now.
A problem for Trump in 2020 is Hillary is not running

In 2016 a percentage of voters voted on an I hate Hillary basis

Those 21 Democrat idiots running will be the problem for the Democrats in 2020.

None of them are worth a shit. Not the creepy clown, or the queer, or the Indian Princess, or the dumbass neggras or the whore or the Communists or Spartacus.
Well I think it's safe to say even if we ran this guy you wouldn't vote for him
View attachment 264845

I would vote for Him because He believes that charity should come from the heart, family and church not imposed by a bloated high taxation debt ridden oppressive government.
Jesus said he didn't want Rome to be charitable and do anything about it's poorest citizens? Wow I didn't know that.

You know a country is judged by how well the masses are doing, not just how good the rich are doing. Otherwise people would say Saudi Arabia and Russia are great places to live. Just look at how well the rich are doing. But what about the masses? How are they doing? That's how I judge a society on if it's a good society or not.
"“Why did the Democrats run if they didn’t want to do things?”" - Eloquent Rick Scott as quoted by Wordsmith Donald Trump
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