What will the left do?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?

Their people are already into screeching, "terrorist", "nazi" overdrive, so I don't think they're anything they can do. They have nothing beyond reptilian brain with these people and that's on purpose
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
They'll start yelling russia russia russia, impeach impeach inpeach.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?

They'll just go on to the next feigned outrage, as they always have done. You can set your clocks by it.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Obama was able to do it....remember him telling that poor lady that her elderly mother may have to take a pill instead of get treatment under Obamacare?....boy you libs have short memories...must be all that pot you suck into your lings....
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
What don’t you people understand about this? Herd immunity is the only inevitable conclusion here. A vaccine is a pipe dream. Even if it is developed in a timely manner, remember if it can be created isn’t a guarantee, it’ll come far too late. If this vaccine comes out, we’ll have forgotten covid-19 and we’ll be worried about covid-20/21. This virus has already mutated 30 times. The only moral and logical choice is to go with the Swedish model. We should be trying to get the not a risk folk infected as quickly as possible, get herd immunity in that population, and then after a FEW months of herd immunity re-introduce the at risk folks to the rest of the population. How long do you think you can lock down the elderly? 12 months is psycho talk. Be realistic.
Dood actually starts a thread called "what will THE LEFT do" :rofl:

Can't make this place up.

Maybe we should send a reporter to let us know what "THE LEFT" decided on at their afternoon meeting in a coffee shop in Dubuque.

SMH I dunno, maybe it's something in the water in Kansas City......
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?

Why do you insist it's the left "promoting draconian measures" when there are Republican Governors promoting them as well?

What will the right do when their lies are exposed because it's really a bipartisan position?
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Those most at risk are also the age most likely to be retired, myself for example. Staying at home during this has been no problem at all. I think they should start getting folks back to work ASAP, still practicing proper safety techniques as much as possible, and the most at risk can stay at home for a bit longer, unless they want to take a chance. I also think, since Trump passed “The Right to Try Bill” granting freer access to experimental drugs, that those with some initial success should be made widely available under emergency powers, even prophylactically to health and emergency workers.

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