What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

What do you think of the military recently forcibly separated because of covid, resistance to forced homosexuality and trans activism? Those dumped because of a dreamy white rage. Are these trained warriors not in good shape? How about the entirety of the betrayed border patrol? Not in good shape either? Is ICE out of shape? Lets not forget the laboring sheriffs waiting for a reason to finally act.

All of this doesn't even come close to including the millions and millions of the fed up.

Neither party wants to stop illegals. The solution is pretty easy.
Trump banned anymore peeing Russian school girls from going to Epstein island.
The op,Billo and the rest of the paid trolls for the DNC committe will be be on the suicide hotline watch after watching this.

all these paid trolls keep ignoring the judge that signed off on the ILLEGAL FBI raid was none other than a good long time friend and pal of ,pedophile Epstein whom homo Clinton was pals with.

No wonder Billo hates Trump so much,he is not a homosexual like Obama and clinton,something he CLEARLY has a huge mancrush for. He obviously hates Trump because Trump cleaned up pedophile operations.
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Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
What will YOU do when the ghost of Marilyn Monroe fucks your brains out?

I ask because the likelihoods are similar.

The op,Billo and the rest of the paid trolls for the DNC committe will be be on the suicide hotline watch after watching this.

all these paid trolls keep ignoring the judge that signed off on the ILLEGAL FBI raid was none other than a good long time friend and pal of ,pedophile Epstein whom homo Clinton was pals with.

No wonder Billo hates Trump so much,he is not a homosexual like Obama and clinton,something he CLEARLY has a huge mancrush for. He obviously hates Trump because Trump cleaned up pedophile operations.
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He sure did. He paid off his thirteen year old rape victim to keep her mouth shut.
That just says it all about you what a stupid fuck you really are. :rofl: i knew you were stupid but I never thought you were THIS big of an idiot up until now.you always go on about the atrocity’s the government of Israel commits yet Obama gave more aide to them than any president ever and yet you voted for the guy that gives aide to the country you are always condemning all the time.what kind of stupid fuck does THAT.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

Heck I myself voted for Obama the first time but when evidence emerged how he isnt even a us citizen and is a Kenyon all which got supressed from me,i wised up especially when he lied to the people saying he would reverse all of warmonger bush’s dreconian policys but not only continued them but expanded them.

Even long time democrat posters on this board who have been Dems going back to the days of kennedy,even THEY unlike you,had brains enough NOT to vote fir the ex liar in chief conman Obama.they even posted that because I’d Obama expanding bush’s policys,they abondoned the democrats party when trump proved he was not part of the corrupt two party system dumbass.:rofl:

This troll is beyond stupid folks worse than I ever imagined the fact he voted for Obama TWICE.this troll is obviously black that would be the only thing that makes sense why he would vote for bush’s buddy warmonger obama twice,the mass murderer who expanded bush’s policys and war on America.
There is zero proof Obama is not a citizen of the U.S.
I posted factual information. Obummer DID NOTHING when his master pootin invaded Crimea.

Obummer sent blankets to Ukraine. Trump sent MISSILES you clod.
That was before he needed to get dirt on Biden with conditions right? ,
Secret service will not permit him to be taken into custody and armed personal security could make it more interesting
Figured lib loons would find a way to witch hunt up a shoot out.

The Secret Service had no problems at all with guarding the gates while the FBI searched his home
"The paid shills are getting desperate after suffering so many ass beatings on this thread."

Ah, listen to good poster RamFan.
He seemingly thinks his cohort is winning.

Which reminds us all about the old joke of GACuster seeing CrazyHorse and assorted companions bearing down on his dead-horse fort.......exclaiming: "Let's not take any prisoners. OK?"
Ah, listen to good poster RamFan.
He seemingly thinks his cohort is winning.
yeah, 7 or 8 years and counting now, way too much winning, it's getting old!
Which reminds us all about the old joke of GACuster seeing CrazyHorse and assorted companions bearing down on his dead-horse fort.......exclaiming: "Let's not take any prisoners. OK?"
You're gonna leave us hangin? You're not gonna finish the joke?

btw, mornin chills! tell flour puss Frankie says hey

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