What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

I voted for Obama twice.
That just says it all about you what a stupid fuck you really are. :rofl: i knew you were stupid but I never thought you were THIS big of an idiot up until now.you always go on about the atrocity’s the government of Israel commits yet Obama gave more aide to them than any president ever and yet you voted for the guy that gives aide to the country you are always condemning all the time.what kind of stupid fuck does THAT.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

Heck I myself voted for Obama the first time but when evidence emerged how he isnt even a us citizen and is a Kenyon all which got supressed from me,i wised up especially when he lied to the people saying he would reverse all of warmonger bush’s dreconian policys but not only continued them but expanded them.

Even long time democrat posters on this board who have been Dems going back to the days of kennedy,even THEY unlike you,had brains enough NOT to vote fir the ex liar in chief conman Obama.they even posted that because I’d Obama expanding bush’s policys,they abondoned the democrats party when trump proved he was not part of the corrupt two party system dumbass.:rofl:

This troll is beyond stupid folks worse than I ever imagined the fact he voted for Obama TWICE.this troll is obviously black that would be the only thing that makes sense why he would vote for bush’s buddy warmonger obama twice,the mass murderer who expanded bush’s policys and war on America.
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We have seen today they dont want facts made public with page after page of 100% black out. It’s slap in the face to America.
Monday will be 3 weeks since the home invasion and since they want to hide the facts supporting the break in then the next step is to charge him and watch the folly of FBI Nazis trying to remove him from the Secret Service
That just says it all about you what a stupid fuck you really are. :rofl: i know you were stupid but I never thought you were THIS big of an idiot up until now.you always go on about the atrocity’s the government of Israel commits yet Obama gave more aide to them than any president ever and yet you voted for the guy that gives aide to the country you are always condemning all the time.what kind of stupid fuck does THAT.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

Heck I myself voted for Obama the first time but when evidence emerged how he isnt even a us citizen and is a Kenyon all which got supressed from me,i wised up especially when he lied to the people saying he would reverse all of warmonger bush’s dreconian policys but not only continued them but expanded them.

Even long time democrat posters on this board who have been Dems going back to the days of kennedy,even THEY unlike you,had brains enough NOT to vote fir the ex liar in chief conman Obama.they even posted that because I’d Obama expanding bush’s policys,they abondoned the democrats party when trump proved he was not part of the corrupt two party system dumbass.:rofl:

This troll is beyond stupid folks worse than I ever imagined the fact he voted for Obama TWICE.this troll is obviously black that would be the only thing that makes sense why he would vote for bush’s buddy warmonger obama twice,the mass murderer who expanded bush’s policys and war on America.
Oh, shut up, junior! You sound like Todd Gurley's knee!
I voted for Reagan twice and was a Republican for 20 years.
That’s no surprise the fact you were a stupid fuck who voted fir Obama TWICE,the fellow mass murderer pal of bush who LIED to the American people on reversing his policys but expanded them,as I said,other posters here like me who voted fir him once,we were not the stupid fuck you were to vote fir him twice after expanding bush’s policys,you voting fir Obama TWICE qualify you in the running fir the most stupid fuck poster of usmb especially after other long time dem posters wised up to his lies unlike you and did not vote fir him the second time.:rofl:
We have seen today they dont want facts made public with page after page of 100% black out. It’s slap in the face to America.
Monday will be 3 weeks since the home invasion and since they want to hide the facts supporting the break in then the next step is to charge him and watch the folly of FBI Nazis trying to remove him from the Secret Service
Trollboy billo loves the evil fbi and how they destroy the lives of Americans like Simone gold.
That’s no surprise the fact you were a stupid fuck who voted fir Obama TWICE,the fellow mass murderer pal of bush who LIED to the American people on reversing his policys but expanded them,as I said,other posters here like me who voted fir him once,we were not the stupid fuck you were to vote fir him twice after expanding bush’s policys,you voting fir Obama TWICE qualify you in the running fir the most stupid fuck poster of usmb especially after other long time dem posters wised up to his lies unlike you and did not vote fir him the second time.:rofl:
You talk to much.
In some countries Trump would have already been given a blindfold, a last donut and a bullet.
That just says it all about you what a stupid fuck you really are. :rofl: i knew you were stupid but I never thought you were THIS big of an idiot up until now.you always go on about the atrocity’s the government of Israel commits yet Obama gave more aide to them than any president ever and yet you voted for the guy that gives aide to the country you are always condemning all the time.what kind of stupid fuck does THAT.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

Heck I myself voted for Obama the first time but when evidence emerged how he isnt even a us citizen and is a Kenyon all which got supressed from me,i wised up especially when he lied to the people saying he would reverse all of warmonger bush’s dreconian policys but not only continued them but expanded them.

Even long time democrat posters on this board who have been Dems going back to the days of kennedy,even THEY unlike you,had brains enough NOT to vote fir the ex liar in chief conman Obama.they even posted that because I’d Obama expanding bush’s policys,they abondoned the democrats party when trump proved he was not part of the corrupt two party system dumbass.:rofl:

This troll is beyond stupid folks worse than I ever imagined the fact he voted for Obama TWICE.this troll is obviously black that would be the only thing that makes sense why he would vote for bush’s buddy warmonger obama twice,the mass murderer who expanded bush’s policys and war on America.
Everybody you all got to read this post of mine here I quoted myself on.,I reveal that Bill has now earned top honor of the most stupid fuck poster at usmb award,with not only his hypocrisy but how the gay fagboy voted fir Obama twice after lying to America on reversing warmonger bush’s policys.

You know it makes sense though WHY he voted for Obama twice,he is a gay homosexual same as him so it makes total sense WHY he voted for the homo TWICE :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:unlike smart lifelong democrat posters who saw what a liar he was and wisely did not vote fir him the second time.
Everybody you all got to read this post of mine here I quoted myself on.,I reveal that Bill has now earned top honor of the most stupid fuck poster at usmb award,with not only his hypocrisy but how the gay fagboy voted fir Obama twice after lying to America on reversing warmonger bush’s policys.

You know it makes sense though WHY he voted firobama twice,he is a gay homosexual same as him so it makes total sense why he voted for the homo TWICE :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:unlike smart lifelong democrat posters who saw what a liar he was and wisely did not vote fir him the second time.

He loves black caulk.
Trump didn't do shit against Putin! Obama, through their fuckin' diplomats out of the country.

I posted factual information. Obummer DID NOTHING when his master pootin invaded Crimea.

Obummer sent blankets to Ukraine. Trump sent MISSILES you clod.

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