What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

yeah, 7 or 8 years and counting now, way too much winning, it's getting old!

You're gonna leave us hangin? You're not gonna finish the joke?

btw, mornin chills! tell flour puss Frankie says hey

General Custer drove his army all the way across Nebraska . . .​

At one point he came to a big hill.

He sent a scout up there to look around and tell him what he could see.

The scout came back and said, "Well sir, I have some good news and some bad news."

Custer said, Well tell me the bad news!"

"Sir, we are about to be slaughtered by 6000 Indians."

Custer blurted, "Well what can the good news be?!!!"

The scout replied, "Hey! At least we don't have to go back through Nebraska!"
Trump allowed US troops to KILL pootins personal troops you twit.

Trump sent missiles to Ukraine, obummer sent blankets.

That's not sanctions, you dumbass! It's getting harder and harder for you MAGA mother-fuckers to find things to praise your great Orange Man Bad over.
That's not sanctions, you dumbass! It's getting harder and harder for you MAGA mother-fuckers to find things to praise your great Orange Man Bad over.

You ignorant clod. The sanctions DID NOTHING. Trump allowed US troops to KILL pootins private army.

That is the ULTIMATE SANCTION you fucking jackass.
Damn, nothing gets past you!

Everything gets past you.

Go back to smokin your dope, or taking your heroin, or whatever it was you were doing while you were gone. I was hoping you had improved intellectually, but no, you are every bit as dumb as before.

Maybe dumber.
Everything gets past you.

Go back to smokin your dope, or taking your heroin, or whatever it was you were doing while you were gone. I was hoping you had improved intellectually, but no, you are every bit as dumb as before.

Maybe dumber.
If I had improved, how the fuck would you know?
If I had improved, how the fuck would you know?

ummmmm, errrrrr, you wouldn't still be so fucking stupid?

That would be my guess, but no, you are still nothing more than a parrot.

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