What would happen to the economy if minimum wages are raised?

Nixon tried price controls. They didn't work. When price cannot adjust to meet market reality, shortages ensue. We're not talking about any war on drugs, we're talking about the horrors of socialism.
a minimum wage is a price control. so is the cost of money. socialism can be wonderful, if Only we could be moral enough for free, to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth. But, that takes a moral of Goodness and not a moral of Badness.

a minimum wage is a price control.

And it doesn't work.
yes, it does; we have one of the highest standards of living in the world.

A wage that impacts 2% of workers is the reason for our high standards? LOL!
You're hilarious!
yes; we have those Standards, third world economies do not. Only the right, never gets it.

yes; we have those Standards

That cover 2% of workers. Big deal.

third world economies do not.

Venezuela didn't have minimum wage standards? Are you sure?
What good is a sucky socialist economy without a minimum wage?

Venezuela hikes minimum wage 40% -- to $67 a month

Damn, Daniel proves his idiocy, yet again.....LOL!
Then be honest and admit you want a guaranteed income, provided by welfare. Stop trying to call it something else.
Ok. It is providing for the general welfare; through equal protection of the law.
Completely unsustainable. It's been tried and millions died.
only in right wing fantasy. we resort to Yankee forms of ingenuity. we have the Best form of Socialism in the Entire World (and some on the left are proud of it); not Only can the rich keep their mulitmillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, but even the least wealthy can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.
That can only be done when a nation is tremendously wealthy, and the greater the degree of socialism, the greater the drain on the economy, and the less wealth a nation can generate. Socialism, as always, fails.
We Only have our first world economy due to Socialism, not Capitalism. 1929 proved it.
You mean the socialistic policies that prolonged the depression and made it worse?
You're wandering off the reservation now, and making even less sense than before. Why is it that when I pin you down on an issue, you wander off onto another subject? Run out of platitudes and talking points?
It takes wartime tax rates to have a necessary and proper warfare-State. Only the fantastical right wing, never gets it.
So, since you advocate such high tax rates, you are advocating constant warfare to justify them?
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
employment at will is the law. the only error is your ignorance of the law.

Ca Labor Code 2922 is declared the law in California regarding employment relationships. EDD has to prove for-Cause employment to deny benefits.

employment at will is the law.

And the employment at will law doesn't cover unemployment benefits.
So your silly claim is wrong.

EDD has to prove for-Cause employment

Ohhh.....you've invented a new term "For-Cause Employment".

Show me where it is defined in California law.
dude read the law for yourself and stop appealing to ignorance.

there is a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

dude read the law for yourself

Post it. I'll be happy to show you your error.

stop appealing to ignorance.

You made a claim, of course I appeal to you for proof.
Your inability to provide it speaks volumes.
It really is as simple as employment, at the will of either party; your appeal to ignorance speaks volumes.

An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.  Employment for a specified term means an employment for a period greater than one month.

It really is as simple as.....

Your failure to post the law that supposedly is not protecting equally.

may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

That's weird, no mention there of unemployment benefits.
lousy reading comprehension is not worth much.
just lousy management; socialism works fine in the US.

Lousy socialists, lousy managers. In Venezuela, in the US, everywhere.......
even Hostess had that problem.

They're doing better now that they eliminated their socialists.
lousy management, you mean.

Lousy economics, lousy management....that's socialism.
yes, even democracy is a form of socialism not capitalism.
a minimum wage is a price control. so is the cost of money. socialism can be wonderful, if Only we could be moral enough for free, to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth. But, that takes a moral of Goodness and not a moral of Badness.

a minimum wage is a price control.

And it doesn't work.
yes, it does; we have one of the highest standards of living in the world.

A wage that impacts 2% of workers is the reason for our high standards? LOL!
You're hilarious!
yes; we have those Standards, third world economies do not. Only the right, never gets it.

yes; we have those Standards

That cover 2% of workers. Big deal.

third world economies do not.

Venezuela didn't have minimum wage standards? Are you sure?
What good is a sucky socialist economy without a minimum wage?

Venezuela hikes minimum wage 40% -- to $67 a month

Damn, Daniel proves his idiocy, yet again.....LOL!
How many of our health and safety and environmental standards do they also have; a first world economy costs first world bucks.

good management also helps.
Ok. It is providing for the general welfare; through equal protection of the law.
Completely unsustainable. It's been tried and millions died.
only in right wing fantasy. we resort to Yankee forms of ingenuity. we have the Best form of Socialism in the Entire World (and some on the left are proud of it); not Only can the rich keep their mulitmillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, but even the least wealthy can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.
That can only be done when a nation is tremendously wealthy, and the greater the degree of socialism, the greater the drain on the economy, and the less wealth a nation can generate. Socialism, as always, fails.
We Only have our first world economy due to Socialism, not Capitalism. 1929 proved it.
You mean the socialistic policies that prolonged the depression and made it worse?
no; i mean the socialism that prevented a "second wave" in the future.
It takes wartime tax rates to have a necessary and proper warfare-State. Only the fantastical right wing, never gets it.
So, since you advocate such high tax rates, you are advocating constant warfare to justify them?
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
employment at will is the law.

And the employment at will law doesn't cover unemployment benefits.
So your silly claim is wrong.

EDD has to prove for-Cause employment

Ohhh.....you've invented a new term "For-Cause Employment".

Show me where it is defined in California law.
dude read the law for yourself and stop appealing to ignorance.

there is a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

dude read the law for yourself

Post it. I'll be happy to show you your error.

stop appealing to ignorance.

You made a claim, of course I appeal to you for proof.
Your inability to provide it speaks volumes.
It really is as simple as employment, at the will of either party; your appeal to ignorance speaks volumes.

An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.  Employment for a specified term means an employment for a period greater than one month.

It really is as simple as.....

Your failure to post the law that supposedly is not protecting equally.

may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

That's weird, no mention there of unemployment benefits.
lousy reading comprehension is not worth much.

Is that why you can't find a job?
Lousy socialists, lousy managers. In Venezuela, in the US, everywhere.......
even Hostess had that problem.

They're doing better now that they eliminated their socialists.
lousy management, you mean.

Lousy economics, lousy management....that's socialism.
yes, even democracy is a form of socialism not capitalism.

Yes, socialism is lousy....all around.
dude read the law for yourself and stop appealing to ignorance.

there is a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

dude read the law for yourself

Post it. I'll be happy to show you your error.

stop appealing to ignorance.

You made a claim, of course I appeal to you for proof.
Your inability to provide it speaks volumes.
It really is as simple as employment, at the will of either party; your appeal to ignorance speaks volumes.

An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.  Employment for a specified term means an employment for a period greater than one month.

It really is as simple as.....

Your failure to post the law that supposedly is not protecting equally.

may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

That's weird, no mention there of unemployment benefits.
lousy reading comprehension is not worth much.

Is that why you can't find a job?
I am making progress on the Constitutional law, front.
even Hostess had that problem.

They're doing better now that they eliminated their socialists.
lousy management, you mean.

Lousy economics, lousy management....that's socialism.
yes, even democracy is a form of socialism not capitalism.

Yes, socialism is lousy....all around.
too bad capital-ism isn't as easy to find as social-ism.
So, since you advocate such high tax rates, you are advocating constant warfare to justify them?
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
A bull elk is a large animal, a tick is a small animal. The elk does not even notice when a tick fastens on and drinks his blood. When, however, untold thousands of ticks fasten on and drink his blood, he is weakened and becomes a target for a wolf pack. Likewise, a society may be wealthy enough to sustain itself if a small number of individuals who otherwise cannot contribute instead are given what they need to sustain themselves. But, should that number of takers become large enough, society will become weakened and eventually collapse. Far better for society to expect the able bodied to work and take care of only those who cannot take care of themselves and have no one to help.
So, since you advocate such high tax rates, you are advocating constant warfare to justify them?
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
IOW, you need capitalism to thrive in order for socialism to survive. We knew that.
They're doing better now that they eliminated their socialists.
lousy management, you mean.

Lousy economics, lousy management....that's socialism.
yes, even democracy is a form of socialism not capitalism.

Yes, socialism is lousy....all around.
too bad capital-ism isn't as easy to find as social-ism.

It is too bad, because socialism is so awful.
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
A bull elk is a large animal, a tick is a small animal. The elk does not even notice when a tick fastens on and drinks his blood. When, however, untold thousands of ticks fasten on and drink his blood, he is weakened and becomes a target for a wolf pack. Likewise, a society may be wealthy enough to sustain itself if a small number of individuals who otherwise cannot contribute instead are given what they need to sustain themselves. But, should that number of takers become large enough, society will become weakened and eventually collapse. Far better for society to expect the able bodied to work and take care of only those who cannot take care of themselves and have no one to help.
It is why a minimum wage for a work ethic should compete favorably with the cost of social services.
i am advocating ending our drug war; you only talk about it.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
IOW, you need capitalism to thrive in order for socialism to survive. We knew that.
Socialism requires social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Capitalism only needs capital morals for a price.
lousy management, you mean.

Lousy economics, lousy management....that's socialism.
yes, even democracy is a form of socialism not capitalism.

Yes, socialism is lousy....all around.
too bad capital-ism isn't as easy to find as social-ism.

It is too bad, because socialism is so awful.
why is that? not enough moral of "goodwill toward men" to around.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
A bull elk is a large animal, a tick is a small animal. The elk does not even notice when a tick fastens on and drinks his blood. When, however, untold thousands of ticks fasten on and drink his blood, he is weakened and becomes a target for a wolf pack. Likewise, a society may be wealthy enough to sustain itself if a small number of individuals who otherwise cannot contribute instead are given what they need to sustain themselves. But, should that number of takers become large enough, society will become weakened and eventually collapse. Far better for society to expect the able bodied to work and take care of only those who cannot take care of themselves and have no one to help.
It is why a minimum wage for a work ethic should compete favorably with the cost of social services.
Not without means testing. Too many takers to too few producers is unsustainable. That's the bottom line.
I've not been talking about the drug war. That's something you're trying to inject into the discussion.
it is about lowering Taxes; only right, never gets it.
You need high taxes to fund your socialist utopia. In fact, you need them so high you kill the economy.
only bad management needs high taxes.

some on the left are learning to merely use Capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.

We merely need more public sector means of production like Hoover Dam and the Fed; there are capital opportunities all around; only the right, prefers socialism to capitalism.
IOW, you need capitalism to thrive in order for socialism to survive. We knew that.
Socialism requires social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Capitalism only needs capital morals for a price.
And therein lies the rub. Man is inherently immoral and selfish. That's why socialism always fails. Capitalism leverages man's selfishness for the greater good.

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